The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1971

R v. Earl illetts - a 11ia1i loved by many - Resi ns As Pastor Br<>tl1er Willett re ig1zed tl1e pastor– ate of rl1e Berea Baptist Cl1i1rch, Berea. Ollio 0 11 Marc/1 15 where /1 e erved fai tl1ft1ll} 1 for 24 years. We co111111end l1i111 and l1is dear wife on a job '· ,i·ell done''. Brother Earl speaks l>f /1aving "retired" b1,,t we still be– lieve l1e lvill be most active in the 1i'ork of tl1e Lord! Rev. Earl V. Willetts has been pastor of the Berea Baptist Church nearly 24 years. He recently resigned effective March 15, 1971 , being led of the Lord to terminate his services. The re ignation was reluctantly ac– cepted. When Pa tor Willetts was called to Berea, the pulpit committee definite– ly believed he was the Lord 's choice for the church. He was extended a unanimou call . Believing it was the Lord's will , he accepted the call effec– tive the fir t Sunday in July, 1947. The church then was small, the building wa located in an out of the way location on Grayton Road, in back of the Cleveland Hopkins Inter– national Airport , not much of an in– ducement for a pastor who served in a large city for many years, yet it did not deter him from accepting the call. He was faithful in preaching and teaching the true Word of God in all a pects, continually exposing sin and apostasy. He was extremely zealous for the lost. His message of salvation were made so clear and plain that there could be no excuse for anyone pre ent not to believe and trust the • .. Lord Je u a their Saviour. A great ho t have come to accept Jesus Christ a their Saviour and Lord during the year of his ministry. The church grew spiritually and numerically making it necessary to arrange for other facilities, looking forward to further growth. Land was obtained in a more promising ]oca– tion and the first of three building projects was started, moving to the new location in 1950. The last build- • Rev. and Mrs. Willetts ing project wa the Auditorium seat– ing approximately 500 completed and pl aced in service in 1966. Pa tor Willetts was greatly loved by young and old and highly re pect– ed in the community for hi faithful– ne to the Word of God. He was greatl y revered for his coun eling, not only by those in the church, but by an ever growing number of those out– side of the church. He wa alway most gracious and generot1 , refusing at time to accept additional remuneration for his ser– vice and it~i certain that he did not appropiate al l the vacation entitled to him each year. At the 30th anniver– sary of the church a few years ago, he was presented title to the parsonage. in which he i living, as a gift, for which he was so very grateful and thankful. Pastor Willetts has also taken part in spiritual activities outside of the regular church functions a few of which are quoted as follows: Trustee: Fellowship of Baptists For Home Missions, Elyria, Ohio Trustee: Cedarville College, Cedar– ville, Ohio Trustee: Camp Patmos, Kellys Is– ]and, Ohio Council of Ten: The Ohio Associa– tion of Regular Baptist Churches It is safe to say, he was greatly loved and honored by the Pastors of the Hebron Association and by others in the state and nation. Quite a number of times in meeting pastors of other churches he was quoted as being the Dean of Pastors. The writer of this "testimonial" has }vorked with Pastor Willletts from the rime he was called, for much of the time as the Chairman of the Deacons. It rvould be difficult to find a pastor and deacon's board who have worked together in unity and spirit as occi,rred in the Berea Baptist Church. I cott nt it an honor, a privilege and joy to have been associated with this pastor, l-vho is indeed. . . ''a man sent f rom God" . We are glad his home is here in Berea and look forward to contini,ed f ellowship and counsel. . . . Mr. Stanley Scherer -- The Berea Baptist Church as it was when Brother Willetts became their pastor in 1946. The new Be rea Baptist Church bu ilding as it is today! " Great things the lord hath done!" 4 APRIL, 1971 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST • •