The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1971

'fhc c1oto H ill amp Tru tees 11rai e 1od ot1t loud and in ,print tor the tl1ree-\·car-old 12 x 60 mo– bile h n1e gi,•en to camp. Refre hed and challenged, we hare \Vith rou the privilege of giv– ing our camp a lvorking pick-.up tr11c /... and/ or a rt1ou 1 ing 111ach1t1e for the buildi ng of a great camp. P lea e notify our secretary : Rev. Norman Bosworth 3 44 Bonit a Road Columbus, Ohio 43227 T/1ank )'Ott in our Saviour's arne f or pray ing fo r us! Xenia Fellowship Of Pastors P astors of the Xenia Fellowship meet the first Monday of every month in the Emmanuel Baptist Church, Xenia, Ohio. Rev. John Teeters is the host pastor. Donuts and coffee are served the earl y comers ( 9: 30 a.m.). Actually the meeting doesn't get un– der way until IO: 00 a .m. Lunch at noon is always enjoyed at a nearby restaurant . At the March meeting, guest speak– er was Rev. Vernon Chandler, ABWE missionary, serving the Lord in Kobe, Japan . The main thrust of his mes– sage was the anticipation and planning th at was being made in a new transla– tion of the Bibl e into the J apanese language, and the events which h ave led up to thi s with the need for it . This Pasto rs F ellowship sponsors the "YOUTH FOR TRUTH" r allies r.eld for the young peopl e of this area. 10 E M MANUEL B APTIST C HURCH of H arrisburg Rev. Wesley Bliss, Pastor M oving or Traveling through the Harrisburg P a . area? Stop and visit Emmanuel Baptist Church at 468 1 E. Trindle Road , just five minutes off the Pa. Tpk. Exit 17. A growing church , preparing to build, with a soul winning/ Bible teaching ministry for al l the family. Located in the middle of H arris– burg's West Shore, in the "Cradl e of Democr acy" . Just 20 minutes west of Hershey and 25 min. north of Gettysburg. MOVING or TRAVELING PLAN A VISIT! Phones : (71 7) 737-1131 (717) 737-6529 . MAY, 1971 Constant Flow Of Blessings Rev. David Marsteller Rev. David Marsteller began his ministry at the Calvary Baptist Church in Sandusky, Ohio last September. Since being there, the church has seen a constant fl ow of blessing. Decisions have been made for salvation and dedication. Brother Marsteller formerly served in Cortland , Ohio. He minis tered there for nine years. Both he and his wife are gradu ates of Bryan Coll ege, Day– ton , T ennessee. He engaged in further s tudies at G r and Rapids Baptis t Theo– logica l Seminary in Grand Rapids, Michigan . Mrs . Marsteller received her M .A . degree from Mich igan State U ni versity. The Marstell ers have four lovely children. They are D avid , age 10 - Kathryn, age 9 - Karen , age 5 and Stephen , age 2 . They are looking to the Lord to continue to bless in their work in Sandu ky. Auditorium Made Beautiful On Sunday afternoon, April 11, the Struthers Baptist T abernacle held a special Dedication Service. They h ave compeltely remodeled the interior of the ir church. It is beautiful! Plans are now under way to work on the exterior of the1r building. Those pa rtici pa ting in the D edi– ca ti on Service were Rev. Earl WeJ h, Rev .and Mrs. Kenneth Ma terman, Rev. Raymond H owell , Mr. Joseph Perkins, Jr. , Rev. Homer Smith , Rev. Rober t Domokos , Rev. Willard Young who brought the Dedicatory sermon and the p astor of the church, Rev. Charl es Kiloski . The Lord is richly blessing Brother Ki losk i 1 s ministry a t Struthers. There were approximately 200 in attend– ance fo r this D edicatory Service. Prayer Requested On March 27, Rev. Allan Vine of Arcanum, Ohio suffered a severe heart attack. He was rushed immedi– ately to the Good Samaritan Hospital in Dayton where he was given excel– lent care. He is now back at home convalescing. Do pray for him! Church Recognized In response to a call issued by Faith Baptist C hurch of Commercial Point, Ohio, a group of 12 pastors and 11 messengers, along with State Mission– ary, Rev. Earl Umbaugh met at the Hope Baptist Church in Columbus, as a Council for the purpose of ex– amining and recognizing the Faith Baptist Church as a regular and in– dependent Baptist church. A brief history of the church was presented. The church Covenant, Ar– ticles of Faith and Constitution were read. Several suggestions concerning these documents were made and carried out. The Council then, by a motion duly passed, recognized that these documents "subject to the stated recommendations voted by the Coun– cil " were proper documents upon which a duly constituted Baptist might be es tablished. There were certain matters necessary to be cared for before the church could be duly recognized. These mat– ters were eventualy cared for to the satisfaction of the Council. The Coun– cil does therefore recognize Faith Bap– tis t Church of Commercial Point as a duyly organized regula r independent . Bapti t church. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST