The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1971
eart to eart mong t e omen -Mrs. Inez Milner - Women's Editor- nt rrs Mothers who bear a child in pain, We salute you on this morn, Mothers who counted not the cost For joy that a man is born. Mothers who rear a child with care, Who bake and wash and sew, That the little limbs may be straight and strong, And the little body grows! But the mothers who gird a child with prayer, Who arm him with The Word Who set his feet on the narrow path, And turn his heart to the Lord, These are the mothers approved of God The mothers who serve Him most, For what should it profit a woman to bear A soul if th at soul were lost? Important Dates Mark your Calendar : Sep t. 16th– F all Rally of Berean Women's Mis– sionary Fellowship (Men included). Ox R oast at Camp Shalom Lake. SEPT. 9-11 - State Women's Retreat at Scioto Hills SEPT. 23-25- State Women's Retreat at Sky– view Ranch. North Bethel Women Meet "BE YE DOERS OF THE WORD" (James I : 22). This was the theme for the day as 120 ladies plus 24 children, representing 20 churches, of the North Bethel Women's Mission– ary Fellowship ga thered on April 1st in the First Baptist Church, F indl ay, for the Spring Rally. Beginning at 9:30 until 10:00 a.m. , there was Registration, Coffee-time and Get-Acquainted and Choral Rehearsal. Then the opening hymn "Living For Jesus" was announced and the meet– ing was on, under the leadership of Mrs. June Canine, who later responded to words of Welcorne by Mrs. Crown. Prayer T ime was conducted by Mrs. Ellen Snyder , then followed the busi– ness session, including lifting the offer- 12 MAY, 1971 ing of $363 .30 ( $250.00 wil] go to the Bangui Africa H igh School), elec tion of officers. Special music, beautifully done, by the North Bethel Ladies Chorale. At 11 : 00 Mrs. Dorothy Vander Kaay of G rand Rapids, Michigan, Guest Speaker , conducted a "Question and Answer" peri od and another hour peri od at 1:00 with important sug– gestions and concerns for our future as Won1en's Missionary Groups. A Bookfair was conducted by Miss Berni ce Mick of the Cedarville Col– lege Book Store before and after the Lunch period . Ladies brought their sandwiches. Cake and beverage were served by the host church. A ve ry heart searching and stirring message was presented by our State W.M.U. President, Mrs. Howard Street, who together with her hus– band went to the Congo the first time in 1938 . She shared three "D's" with us ( 1) A Definite Call ' 'Go ye _ ,,; (2) Difficulties - Loneliness, Food Shortage, Fear, the Rebellion in 1960, then 1964 when co-worker Miss Irene Ferrell was martyred, etc. (3) Delightful Experiences and Blessings. EXTRA: - Mrs. Vander Kaay stated their Michigan State W.M.U. Rally will be held April 29th at Wealthy Street Baptist Church, when their Dime Banks will be expected to total $6,000.00 ( $4,000, for the Ippy, Africa Hospital and $2,000 for print– ing of literature for Africa), also a large shower for Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Bos who are leaving their business to be house parents at the Ivory Coast under Baptist Mid-Missions. Tupperware Shower Miss Phyllis Bancroft The Ladies Missionary Circle of the First Baptist Church, Bowling Green, Ohio held a "Tupperware . Shower" recently for Miss Phyllis Bancroft, missionary appointee to Li– beria under Baptist Mid-Missions. Mi ss Bancroft will be ready for full– time deputation work after July 2. She will be available for camps, DVBS, retreats and services at church- . es. Interested persons may contact her at 88 10 Bays Road, Wayne, Ohio - 43466. Send us Your Stamps and Coupons edarville College still welcomes the Betty Crocker Coupons, S & H and Top Value (T.V.) stamps. Please bring them to the school or mail them to Mrs. George S. Milner, 2195 Brock– way Road, University Heights Ohio1--- 441 l 8. Gamma Chapter Women's Fellowship of Cedarville College will have a Dinner meeting in the Cedar Hill Baptist Church, 12601 Cedar Rd., Jeveland, Phone: 371-3870; Tues– day, May 18th, at 6: 30 p.m. Dr. Robert Gromacki, professor at the school and author of the book ' 'Are These the Last Days" - Special speaker. Friday, June 4th at 10 a.m. Women's Fellowship at the College, Luncheon at noon - by Reservation. Saturday, June 5th - Comn1ence– ment, IO :00 a.m. G.A.R.B.C. Annual Conference at Winona Lake, Indiana - June 27th through July 2nd. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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