The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1971
Berean Fellowship Spring Rally On March 25th, ninety eight wo– men plus several children in the nurser)', braved the winter snow to attend the Spring Rally of the Berean \\'omen's Missionary Fellowship at First Baptist Church, Willowick. After coffee time, we assembled for the opening song, ' 'There is Joy in Serving Jesus,,, for prayer by our president Mrs. Margene Manning and a v. arm \velcome by the pastor's wife, Mrs. Mildred Flanagan. The business session included ac– ceptance of the Minutes and Treas– urer 's Report. New business was elec– tion of officers, the nominating com– mittee presenting the present officers for another year, namely, Mrs. Mar– gene Manning, president ; Mrs. Lucille McGrew, vice president; Mrs. D oro– thy Boyes, Secretary ; Mrs. Mildred Flanagan, Treasurer. Mrs. Frances Stevens, chairman of the nominating committee then led in prayer of dedi– cation. From 11 a.m. to 12 noon, six Service Clinics were conducted as fol– Jows: Mission Society Evangelism - Ordained To . Gospel Ministry On Monday, March 29, 1971, The West Side Baptist Church of Lorain, Ohio set apart to the Gospel n1inistry, its pastor, Donald Billman . An examination council, called by the church, and comprised of 12 pas- - tors and 10 messengers from sister churches commended the candidate for his fine presentation of his con– version, his call to the gospel m1n1stry and his doctrinal statement. The coun– cil also commended the candidate for his fine attitude demonstrated during the e amination and unanimously recommended to the church that they proceed with the ordination. The moderator of tl1e council was Rev. lerne Dunham, pastor of the =uclid A ,,enue Bapti t hurch, orain, Ohio. 111e cler of tl1e council was Rev . ober1 Barrett , pa tor of the 4 aith apti t hurcl1 of Amher t, Ohio. e ,. Jo eph odvlin, former pa tor of the candidate and presentl)' pa tor of the ~ai t11 l3apti t l1urch of r en- 111 , l1io deli,,ered the sern1on at 111 ordination en 1 ic . A AILA l FOR ••• ulp1I Suppl and / o, S rmona in Song V. G O G P. 11 N out 3, "lub r oad or , lk, Ohio - 4 857 I (-41 ) 668· 072 • Mrs. Peg Andrews ; Cultural Shock - Mrs. Rene Street ; Home Missions - Mrs. Grace Hendershot and Miss Lu– cille Brouillett ; Retired Missionaries - Mrs. Esther J eunnette; Project Kits - Mrs. Mary Crotts; Missionary Children - Mrs. Mae Gilbert. These Clinics were 2 half hour periods each. We were aware of the theme for the day "Joy In Service" - Psalm 40: 8 I delight to do Thy Will" throughout the whole R ally. At luncheon time we visited with mission– aries placed at each table, while we ate our sandwiches. Salad, dessert and beverage were furnished by the host church ladies. The afternoon session opened with a song time and prayer. Mrs. McGrew conducted Mission· ary Delights period with representa– tives of Hebrew & Christian Society, Negro Ministry, Campus Bible Fel– lowship and Foreign Missions. Mis– sionaries p r e s e n t were: Norma Nulph, Mary Crotts , Carolyn Renner, Carol Mciver, Mae Gilbert, Mary Mil- ler, Grace Hendershot, Lucille Brouil let, Mary Stanton, Rene Street. Esther Jeunnette, Margo Muhr, Bernice In– man, all Baptist Mid-Missions. There was Roll Call Presentation of the Banner to First Baptist, Wickliffe, An– nouncements, Offering ( amounting to $91.00): Special Music a Vibraharp Solo by Mrs. Stevens. Our speaker was Miss Grace Trimble, daughter of veteran missionaries Rev. and Mrs. Garnet Trimble, all with Baptist Mid– Missions in Brazil S.A. She is now on her first furlough and stated there is delight in doing His will because of: I. What Christ has done for us, 2. The promise of His pre ence, 3. His purpose and His passion, 4. His power, 5. His provision ( spiritl1al, physical, material), 6. His protection, 7. His promise, (His Word will never return void). Following the closing hymn and benediction - we knew it had been a wonderful day. Submitted by: Mrs. Dottie Boyes, Secy. OHIO BIRTHPLACE AND HOME OF THE FELLOWSHIP OF BAPTISTS FOR HOME MISSIONS Reaching America at this Strategic Time P.O. BOX 455 LY IA, OHIO 40 Phon : (216) 365·7 08 DR. NN TH A. MU I 1971
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