The Ohio Independent Baptist, May 1971
(Concluded from page 5) 3rc tt.1 l: .. tahJ1 11 .. car-ca r~1van " to help gatl1cr our folk tor unda chool scr, ices. (1R ( E B J>l l T H RCH, l Rl R\ - - 1,l) 2 thr t1gl1 7 are the dates for tir pecial n1eeting . Evangeli t Hugh Horner \\ ill be doing the preaching. He i being u ed of the Lord greatly in the fi eld of evangeli m. We antici– pate bl c ing! E 1 1A 'UEL BAPTIST HURCH, T OLEDO - Dr. John Dunkin, President of Lo Angele Bapti t College and Seminary \Va our gue t Bible teacher for our Seventh Annual SPRING BIBLE O FERE CE. The e meetings were \veil attended. Ot1r Mother-Daughter banquet will be held May 7. Recently both Dr. Robert Gromacki and Dr. Jack Rigg of Cedarville College ministered to our people. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH, WESTLAKE - The Senior High young people from our church made a trip recently to Cedarville College. Pastor Couch con– tinues in his deputation work. They have many needs which must be sup– plied before lea, 1 ing for Australia. They covet your prayers. Guest speak– ers recently have included Rev. Fred Hussey, Rev. Joe Coughlin and Rev. Walter Spieth. vVHEELERSBURG BAPTIST CHURCH - The F aith Baptist Bible College Chorale of Ankeny, Iowa presented "Sacred Classics and Go pel Songs". At our church business meeting in March it was proposed that we estab– li sh a Chri tian Education Council. Their work along with other things would be to co-ordinate the Education– al Program of our church. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH ' WILLOWICK - On April 25, we held our Annual "Old Fashioned" Sunday. On this day we sang the old hymns of the faith, preached the old fashioned gospel and dressed in the styles of the yesteryears. Pictures of the "old days" at the church were shown. Bibles and hymn books used by our grandparents were placed on display. 14 MAY, 1971 SHOCK IT TO ME, DOCTOR! (by A. Dudley Dennison, M.D. Zondervan P u b l i s h i n g House, Grand Rapids, Michigan 1970; l 5 2 pages $ 3.9 5 ) . Shocking it is . . . though portray– ing on the part of the author a genu– ine Jove for the Lord, a concern for the Lord 's people, and a compassion for the lost. Dealing with the problems and issues of the day, Dr. Denison pre– sents a sense of values, based on the Word of God , Con tituting a pro– per prescription which, if followed, would prove a cure for the ills of our degenerate society. Though erious in hi s diagnosis and prognosis regard– ing the disease of degeneracy the author captivate and hold the reader with his many humerou in ertion used to ably and adequately illu– state and drive home the point. DOES GOD STILL GUID ? ( by J . Sid low Baxter - Zondervan Pub– lishing House, Grand Rapids, Mich– igan, 1971 : 191 page , $4.95.) A question being rai ed by both believer and unbeliever today i pelled out in the title of this volume. Many would proceed to query, "If God DOES still guide . . . how does He do so?'' J. idlow Baxter faces this question a well as many others re– lated to God' guidance in the life of the believer . This he accomp li shes by a forthright analysis of their require– ments ,vhich must be met in one's own 1 ife in order to be assured of God's wil l being manifest. This line of reasoning forms the basis of several chapter including: When Does Guid– ance Come? How Do We Know Guidance?, Living In The Will of God. Prayer and Guidance, Walking In The Light, etc. A much needed empha is ~ 1 ill be found by every reader. WHICH BIBLE? (by David Otis Fuller, D.D. - Grand Rapids In– ternational Publication , Divi ion of Kregel, Inc. Grand Rapids, Michi– gan 1 970; Paperback 231 pages, $2.95.) With so many tran lations, versions and perver ions of God's Word flood– ing the market of our day, all claiming to be "more easily understood,' ' "easier to read" "closer to the original," "more readily accepted by all faiths," etc., many questions have arisen as to which Bible we hould accept. In presenting his view of the super– ior accuracy of the King James' vers– ion, Dr. Fuller sharply focuses the reader' attention on the upport giving hi premi e by the reasonings and con– clu ion of a host of scholars whose work relative to the original auto– graphs unquestionably po itions them as recognized authorities. The vast amount of time and re– search involved on the part of the author i evident in this outstanding work \.\ 1 hich convincingly presents the King 1 ames ver ion as being closer to the original text than all others, thu giving great reassurance as to the accuracy and reliability of that which God has preserved. • THE CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION P. 0. Box 18056, Cleveland, Ohio 44118 Founded 1904 FUNDAN,ENTAL - BAPTISTIC - EVANGELISTIC Evangelizing the "kins111en" of our Lord in Cleveland, Ohio Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil - OFFICERS :- f\1r. George B. Dunn, President Dr . Ralph H. Sto11, Vice President Rev. Gerald V. Smelser, Superintendent Rev. A. Paul Tidball, Asst. Supt. Mr. Earl Helfrick, Sec'y-Treas. REFERENCES:- Dr. John G. Balyo, Cleveland, Ohio Rev. Paul Van Gorder, Atlanta, Ga. Rev. Vaughn Sprunger, South Bend, Ind. Rev. Lloyd Morris, Flint, Mich. Dr. Robert Ketcham, Chicago, Ill. Rev. Joel Kettenring, St. Paul, Minn. Rev. Melvin V. Efaw, Huntington, W . Va. Dr. Frank C. Torrey, Boca Raton, Fla. Dr. Kenneth Masteller, Haddon Hts., N.J. Write f o r your FREE copy of "The Trumpeter for Israel" our quarterly magazine devoted to the work of Jewish evangelism. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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