The Ohio Independent Baptist, June/July 1971

CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH, ASHLAND - Our Christian Life Conterenee proved a blessing. Dr. J ames N. Bed– ford of the Moody Bible Institute was the guest speaker. His clear presenta– tion of the Word of God drew each listener into a closer walk with their Lord. A VON BAPTIST CHURCH - Mr. and Mrs. Tom Wills (BMM) who are missionary appointees to Central African Republic told of their proposed building construction min– istry. Carol Reiner and Caroline Me– l ver, who work among the Jews in Cleveland, spoke at our recent Mother– Daughter Banquet. NORTON BAPTIST CHURCH, BARBERTON - Guest missionary speakers at our recent World Mission Conference were Rev. John Vanden Akker ( (BMM– Liberia), Rev. Robert Jones (BMM– Brazil) and Rev. Vernon Weber (BMM-Dominican Republic). Rev. Perry Temple and Rev. John Powell ministered on the closing Sunday. BEREA BAPTIST CHURCH - Rev. Clifton Miller of Campus Min– istry (BMM), Rev. Warren Simmons of Joy Clubs (FHBM) and Rev. Andrew Wood, Director of Shepherds, Inc. spoke at our Annual Missionary Conference. Recent pulpit supplies have been Rev. Joseph Miller and Rev. Roy Bibbs. PEOPLE'S BAPTIST CHURCH, BRUNSWICK - We recently broke our attendance goal with 317 present. Our bus min– istry now covers four routes and we average 30 per bus. We were blessed through the ministry of Evangelist Darrell Dunn who was with us dur– ing May. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH, BUCYRUS - The Grand Rapids Baptist Bible College Choir presented a sacred con- 12 JUNE-JULY, 1971 We invite all of our OARBC pastors to place us on their m a i I i n g list. Send us your Church Calen– dars each week. Our mailing ad– dress is simply - Editor Don Mo I I at, Box No. 160, Xenia, Ohio - 45385. cert in April. On May 30 we had missionary Doug Couch tell of his proposed work in Australia. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH, BYESVILLE - We thank the Lord for a new Sunday School attendance which was set on Easter. We had 271 present. The previous record was 244. Ap– proximately 325 were present for our Easter Sunday morning service. WHIPPLE A VENUE BAPTIST CHURCH, CANTON - Our church took part in a Round Robin Missionary Conference. Hearts were blessed! The early part of May we were challenged through special evangelistic meetings. Brother Bob Smith was our guest evangeli t. Rev. Andrew Wood of Shepherd' Inc. told us of their work with retarded children. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH - CEDARVILLE - Pastor Broughton held special serv– ices at the Towanda Bible Church, Towanda, 111. Rev. Mead Armstrong of Cedarville College mini tered here during his absence. During April a group of our young people made a trip to Grand Rapids to ee our GARBC approved <ichool there. BETHLEHEM BAPTIST CHURCH, CLEVELAND - May 8 and 9 we held special Six– tieth Anniversary Ob ervance ervices. These were meeting filled with "Mu– sic, Memory and Message". Pastor Glen Davis, former pa tor and his wife, shared in ch is weekend observ– ance. We are looking forward to hav– ing Evangelist and Mrs. Clarence Hen– son wih us for special children's meet– ings - June 21 through 27. CEDAR HILL BAPTIST CHURCH, CLEVELAND - A group of our young people made a trip to Clarks Summit, Penna. to visit the Baptist Bible College of Pennsylvania. We hosted the Spring Rally of our Ohio Women 's Mission- ary Union. A great time wa~ had by all! HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH, COLUMBUS - We had Rev. John Green minister to us during the time Pastor and Mrs. Bosworth were vacationing in Florida. Evangelist Tom Williams held special evangelistic meetings here in early May. Hearts were stirred and souls saved! Our Missionary Conference was indeed a time of rich blessing to all. IMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH, COLUMBUS - The ministry of Evangelist Tom Williams proved a blessing. The Spirit of the Lord moved in the hearts of His people. We praise the Lord for all of this! Missionary Bill Haag, ap– pointee to Honduras under BMM led us in a "Seminar On Soul Winning" which proved most profitable. MARA ATHA BAPTIST CHURCH, COLUMBUS - The Council of Ten of our Ohio Association of Regular Bapti t Church– es held their Spring Business Meeting here. We were privileged to have mis– sionary Vernon Weber (BMM) tell of his ,vork in the Dominican Re– public. PINE HILLS BAPTIST CHURCH, COLUMBUS - The f oundat1on has been poured for our new Sunday School building. Plan are to purcha e tv.-o additional bu e . Our church ha voted to be– gin the Pine Hill Bapti t Bible In– st1 tute thi coming Fall. Pa tor Euler ha been invited to hold evangelistic erv1ce 1n 1 apan and Korea in 1973. He covet the pra)'er of the Lord' people that he might be guided in th1 . Heart were ble ed through our Mis ionary Conference in Ma). EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH, DAYTON - Miss Jean Fisher, In tructor at Cedarville College, poke at our Mother-DaughLer banquet. Recentlx our young people pre ented a Cantata at one of our evening services. Dr. Gromacki poke while Pa tor Fi her was mini tering in California and Wa hington. WASHINGTON HTS. BAPTIST CHURCH, DAYTON - Evangelist Paul Dixon held suc– ce sful meetings here the early part of May. His preaching was most challenging and convicting. We re– cently voted to add Mr. and Mrs. Joel Kettenring (BMM-Jamaica) and Miss Polly Strong (BMM-Central African Republic ) to our missionary budget. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST ..