The Ohio Independent Baptist, June/July 1971

HEIGHTS B IBLE BAPTIST CmracH, EAST LIVERPOOL - fiss Marilyn Pitzer, missionary ap– pointee to Venezuela ( BMM), spoke at our Ladies Missionary Society meet– ing. She showed slides of the Vene– zuela work. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, ELYRIA - Recent speakers hove been Rev. Willis Hull, Dr. Paul Wehman, Rev. \\'a, ne Anderson and Rev. Wm. Fus- - co. Our Mother-Daughter banquet had as its theme - "Around the World ,vi th Missionaries.,. EUCLID- OTTINGHAM BAPT. CHURCH, EUCLID - Guest speakers at our Missionary Conference were Dr. R. G. Lee, Rev . Donald Se~ell, Miss Vi Able, Rev. Walter Banks, Rev. and Mrs. Ray Reiner and Mr. and Mrs. eil Heim. Special music was presented in all of the meetings. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH. GALION - Rev. Kennard R. Moshier, Director of Christian Service at Baptist Bible ollege of Pennsylvania, spoke here recently. The Gospel Messengers Male Quartette from Findlay, Ohio present– ed an evening in song. Thi s was spon– sored b)' our Men·s Brotherhood. FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH, GALLIPOLIS - Missionary Doug Couch (BMM– Australia) spoke and showed his slides of the need for the gospel 1n Australia. The Appa]achian Bible Institute Chor- -ale ministered here in early May. Their n1u ~ic "''as a blessing to all. 1=1Rsrr BAP rIST CHURCH, Al- LI POL.IS - pccial plans are being laid for our co111ing .B. . Our Hi-School Youtl1 l1a<l Prof. J 1m Phipps and Senior tudent, Ken Evans, 1nagician. botl1 of edar, 1 ille ollege as featured speal ers for tl1eir ra<lt1ation Ban– quet. Recent peakers l1ave been Rev. \\'111. "' LI co, Re,,. li o"'ard K . Miller and J)r. I... i11col n el on. 111)\IIYl liAP1JS1 IIUR Ii , Gt{AF N - l1e I ord t1a gi, 1 en us tl10 e v.'ho Ill , e Jlened tl1eir l1earts to Hi111 for sat a11on. Recentl)', ,ve l1ad eleven IJap111..ed . \'1' 1 c are a11ticipating \\ orl·- 1ng "i1t1 l rr) "'ii on of tl1e \ 1:.1 ... l .. , I~ · I I r 1PA re- gard Ing tl1 e11larging of our facilitie . Jans a• I:> 1 ng dra 11 up for · 400 et an tu r) tJn1t . \'1\ 1 e 11 e ··111 11110 t r g 1111g to ur 111p tl1i u111n er' IJA p I J Ii I li, I A E ) )~1A dit 1t!1 U ng Ii t n 1off t v. a sp 1 I 1n ting durin TH O 10 I 'D DENT APJI early May. Attendance was very good and the Lord spoke to hearts through His Word. We praise the Lord for decisions made. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH, LONDON - Rev. and Mrs. Frank Bale were with us during April and told about their work in Natal, Brazil. FIRST B APTIST CHURCH, MEDINA - Veteran missionaries, Rev. and Mrs. Guy McLain, who have faithfully witnessed in Brazil, S.A., told of their work there. Rev. and Mrs. George Heiland, missionaries under FBHM, were with us to tell of their pro– posed work in Massachusetts. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH, MINFORD - Rev. Tom Wright, Sr. (our Pastor's father) gave us a wonderful week of meetings. Souls were saved and hearts blessed . We recently broke our attend– ance record with 230 in Sunday School. The Lord is especially blessing our bus ministry. The bank has ap– proved loaning us $10,000 to purchase additional land. FIRST B APTIST CHURCH, NILES - Our missionary conferenee included Rev. Dave Toro (ABWE-Chile), Rev. Doug Couch (BMM-Australia), Rev. Geo. Myers (FBHM-Pennsylvania), Rev. Roger Bacon ( EBM- iger), and Rev . Jim Ruck (BMM-Japan). We covet continued prayers for our former pastor's wife - Mrs. Darrell Bice. It is of the Lord that she and our other ladies were not killed in their accident. P OLA"'D Vil. LAGE BAP1' IS1 ( "HLRCH - Dr. Jo!)eph Stowell, ational Repre– ~entative of our GARBC will be gue~t speaker at our special Dedciation er\- 1ce Jul}' l 8 at 3. 0() p.111. Ever} one 1s invited. We praise the Lord for ot1r lovel)' ne"'' building! EDL~N PARK BAP 'fl T HLR(H, POK'l 1\10UTH - Mr. \Vall)' K11ocharnora , a11 Appa– lacl1ian Bible lnstitutc student fro111 ~la"'aii , along "''ith Mr. John ;ergt1- 011 (al o a tudc11t at Alli) spoke tL) OtJr J)t;Ople recentl)'. ' l"" !\!Pl l· l3AP i'IST HUit H , l~OR J MOU t.J - pecial e, 1 angeli tic 111 ting ,, itl1 ,,a r1geli t arl) 1 le tt ,, re bl ed of 1t1 Lord . l)e i i n ,vere rl1ad ! 1 } 1 e rand I a Jl id 11 a JJ ti t ll i l 1 e < l- I ege 11orale pr ved a l,le ing. n llll - d' } ' 1 a}' 30' ,, a . ' rad~ al ' tJ 11- d a ,, . 1 t ,, a al O O d r 1 111 11 ge I a) ,, . g lJ e 1 Ile k r " e t1 ad I r. J It'\le J ere11 i, 11, Pr ident f d r- ,•ill ll ge. pe ial 111l1 i l>) dar- 111 tudent , pr s 11ted CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH, SALEM - May 16-23 we had special evange– listic meetings with Rev. Albert Wil– liams, East Coast Representative of FBHM. Also, during this time we celebrated the 11th anniversary of our church. BLESSED HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH, SPRINGFIELD - The great need for the gospel in Australia was presented by missionary appointee Doug Couch. Our pastor has just begun a new series of mes– sages on "The Course of This World". In these, he deals with the philoso– phies, ambitions and tactics of the Prince of this world and how Chris– tians can recognize and combat them. Evangelist and Mrs. Clarence Hen on held special Children's Meetings in early June. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH, Su BURY - The Lord blessed hearts through the recent rninistrv of our brother. ., Evangelist Hugh Horner . We praise the Lord for His continued blessing on the ,vork here. EMMANuEL BAPTIST CHURCH, TOLEDO - Our Spring Bible Conference Vt·ith Dr. Joho Dunkin of Los Angele Bap– tist Bible College and Seminar) a guest teacher pro,,ed a rich ble ing to all. Dr. Dunkin's me age \\ ere '"Israel's De perate Predican1ent". ' 'The Greate~t Peril Vv·e Face·· and Hour Ta k and Its ln1plen1entacion... The, "'ere n1ost tin1el)' . FAITH BAPTI~T CHLRCH, A~ WERT - Our Sund,t\ chool conte t pro, eJ n1o~t succe ittl A ne,\ record ot 1 ~b for ttnda) chool anti I 5 l tor 111orn- 1no \\ or ship \\ a\ ,et. 1 here \\ as a11 0 ~ average gai11 ot 39 c~tch ,, eek 111 llll- <lav chool. 1 e,v f a111ll te, ,, ~1 e rea h– ed ~ anLI c11 e 110,, al enlling regt1larl . Se,·er,11 fl1lk ,vc.::re ~d\~ll a~ a rt: tilt )f t l1i etlort. \,\',\D'"' \\'ORTtl ( 'Oi\1 1 ~1 r"t BAP l "1' 11 R 11 - \\' e had tl1e I ri,•i leg f heari11g ~tr. ·ron1 \\'i lls ( B~li\1 ) t 11 .r .t1i~ f)TOp()~ed ,, rk i11 tl1 fi~ld . f bt11.ld1ng n trt1 ti n. JI a11d 111 ,, 1fe ,, all b er\ 11 1g th l_ r t 111 ( enrral 1\ f ri an ) (JUbli . R E 11 Pl I I ll R Ii , \\f t 11 K - p ial 1111111 ion1ng er, ice ,, a h Id f r R \. and 1r D ug ll 11. \\ pl ll a elf \\ 11 l{e ept1on f r tl1en1 n ugt1 t , heir tentat1, e clepartllI > d, le ts "'1111LI- llglJ l [Jo Jlf tor th n1. \ 1 l1a, called Re, (Continued On P ge 18) JU -JUL , 1971 1