The Ohio Independent Baptist, June/July 1971

(Concluded From Page 8) A delicious buffet of salads and desserts furnished b)' the host church " 'as enjo)·ed b)' all. 1'1iss Connie Endicott, Baptist Mid– ~1issions candidate, gave a p resenta– tion of slide pictures of Jones Ranch Bible Camp, near Gallup, N . M. This is a camp for a,·ajo Indian children under Baptist 1id-Missions and F. B. H. M. It \\ as decided that we accept as the 1971-72 project giving $1,000 tov:ard building and / or remodeling at Jones Ranch Bible Camp . After we were led in a congrega– tional song, Mrs. Clifford Lones ren– dered a beautiful vocal solo. In the afternoon session M iss Polly Strong gave a presentation of slide pictures of her work in Central Afri– can Republic. It was a real blessing as she sho\\ ed how we could be '"Laborers together with God' '. Plan to attend the Fall R all)', Sept. 21st, and don't ,niss 01At on a great da)' of spiritual blessing and uplift- • tn°. Bethany Rally Sevent)' -seven happy ladies and · children gathered in the First Baptist hurch. McDonald , Ohio for the , Bethany Women's Missionary Fellow- ship Rall)', at IO a.m., April 27th. \\'ith Mrs. Charles Friend, president. presiding; a good song period v-. as had , 1 .1ith Mrs. David Warren, song leader, and 1rs. Charles Moore the p1an1st. The heme , HTo Know Hin1 and To Make H in1 Kno'A' n" v.'as prominent in the progran1. A panel discussion about ·'The hristian Wornan,; oc– cupied tl1e forenoon period, profitable to all of u and abl)' handled b)' each 011e con isling of: Mrs. Ho\\'ard Street, 1oderator; Mr . David Warren, Mrs. Kerineth Ro111ig, Mrs . John l:.var1s, Jr., 1r . \ n1. Jil111our. h,c stJ l)jects di - cu ed b}' eacl1 \Vere: ' 'Her Pra,' er l 1fe,'' "Her Bible·', "Her l1l1rch", ··Her Recreation and 0111n1u11it)' Ac- 11, it)". t1e noon l1ot1r around tl1e table ,, as a t 1111 of e 11 o"'' h i p , "'' 11 i I e ac 11 on ate tl1e1r and\.\ 1cl1, \.\ i1l1 de ert and b , erage furn1 l1ed b, 1 ladie f tl1e h t ct1urch. t1e 11e o'clock r ace OJ} ned "'1111 Mr . Ron11g lead- • Jng tl1 111g111g. r. 1o re a 1,1an1 t, 11 B cl le} t tl1 organ "1tt1 tr . c1rr I fur111 l1ing t\.\ o olo ga u tl1e 111L1 1c 1r liec le) , Pa tor' "if , 1 11d I n1e to all pre nt . 1 r I r n r g ,, t de, - n ra r, u ang Acl Act 2. I , 41 , 42, 4 >, . 1 r nc . During the business session. there was Roll Call and recognition of churches represented, mention of the Women's Retreats in September; as well as the OX-ROAST gathering at Shalom Lake Camp, sponsored by Baptist Mid-Missions, for EVERY– ONE in our State Fellowship (men included) on September 16th, from 9: 45 a.m. through 2: 30 p.m. At the same time the Berean W onienJs Fall R ally will be held. The lunch is free. with a full, full day packed with fel– lowship and other blessings. Mrs. Street was the special speaker, giving another of her fine messages. As a miss1onary together with her hus– band Howard, in the Congo since 1938 until they had to return and remain at home for health reasons, they had the protection of our faithful Heavenly Father during countless fearful experiences. She also asked prayer for the men who were injured while constructing the School Dormitory for Baptist Mid– Missions and Evangelical Baptist Mis– sions in the Ivory Coast, that it may open for the fall term. The offering amounted to $109.47 . Missionary Proiect The Cross & Crown l\ilissionaf)r Fel– lowship of the Calvary Baptist Church of Salem. Ohio just finished making 40 curler caddies to be sent to the girls of the Regular Baptist Child– ren' Home in Valparaiso. Ind. The e were made from plastic bleach bottles and scraps of material. For the bo) s of the hon1e we are making bedroom slippers . The ladies meet once a month with an average of 6 ladies present. ... MRS. MARILYN CAMPBELL, PRES. Cedarville Women Meet Cedarville College Women's Fel– lowship with Mrs. Kenneth St. Clair presiding, n1et for the quarterly meet– ing at the School, Saturda) April 17th. from 10 a.m. to 3: 00 p .m.. with a Jovel} luncheon served at noon. The program featured the Chri tian Service Division with Rev·. Harold Green. Campus Pastor: the Swordbearer Musical group reviev..1ng the bles ing of their Ea tern tour. and the Cedar– ville College Choir under the direc– tion of Mr. David tv!at on. The Rattlesnake Story Once upon a time there was a family of wayward church members. One day Jim, John and Sam went out into the woods and a large rattle– snake bit Sam, and he became violent– ly 111. The doctor wa st1mmoned and he did what he could, but said the)' would need Divine help 1f San1 v,.,a to reco\ er. So the preacher and elders of the church were sent for and can1e rushing to Sam·s bed51de. The preacher was asked to pray and did so as f al– lows : "O wise and righteous Father, we thank Thee in Thy \\'isdon1, that thou in thv wisdom hath sent this rattle- , lhe Word Of Lefe snake to bite Sam in order to bring hin1 to his senses. He has not been 1n 1de the church hou5e for , ear5, and it 1 doubtful that 1n all the e , ear5 until nov.· he has not felt the need of pra,,er. It seems therefore. that all our con1- b1ned effort'.i could not do v. hat th1~ rattle5nak.e ha\ done O Lord, let th1~ nov-. be a valltable le on to an1. and no,\ 0 Father. \\ 111 thot1 ~end another to bite John and J 1111 and a big one to bite their father. for \\' e conclude the onl)' thing that ,vill l,e1p thi f <1n11l , t\ ·rattle..,n.1le~: } ,end u , \.\'C pra\ thee. thre~ bigger and better 'ratttt:,~nake ~. ' ,. E T \\'H JUN .JUL , I 7I 17