The Ohio Independent Baptist, June/July 1971

44th Annual OARBC Conference The Program Committee of your Council of Ten has been busy setting up a schedule of speakers for our 44th Annual OARBC Conference which is to be held in the Calvary Baptist Church, Bellefontaine, Ohio - October 18-20. The tentative program includes such speakers as Dr. James T. Jere– miah, Pre 1dent of Cedarville College, Rev. Donald Sewell, Rev. Thomas Wright, Sr.. Rev. Walter Banks, Rev. Wm. Broughton, Rev. Carl Stevenson and Re,,. David Marstellar. A planned emphasis on missions with such men as Dr. Wm. Hopewell, Dr . Allan Lev.-1s, Mr. William Pierson and Dr. Raymond Buck is being arranged. As of this w r1t1ng , these plans have not been completed. 1n our August and September issues \\'e will be giving definite informa– tion concerning housing in Belie– f ontaine during the days of the con– ference. Directing the conference will be - Re,,. L}'nn Rogers, hairman of our ouncil of Ten. Rev. Bob Anthony v.,itl be in charge of the music. Reports will be given by our State Missionar)' , Rev. .. arl Umbaugh, new pastors and churches Y.~i}I be welcomed i11to our elloy.,ship, our car11ps will report on tl1eir sun1mcr activities and the editor of r H : OH 10 1 D - Pl:. DE T BAPl~IS y.,jtl report on tt1e magazine. l... et u lJe n1uch in I ord will richl)' b1e prayer that the in ever}' way. On Our Front Cover ... i tl1e Q I and A ' \'\' ...R J J- R lo ted dJacent to le e- land 01 er it) . Ile ure to read • th rt1cle 1n tl11s 1 ue co11cern111g tl11 or l11 11 i l>eing carried n 13 pt1 t 11d- ~ 1 ion thr ugl1 t}1eir an1 p u I I l> I e J 11 o " h Ip 111 i n i t 1 • A AILA L FO • ang h,uc Ill uppl Pr a Jun . O A MO D 1, 0 Ado, Ohio I o ( I ) 21 ond MP VOL. 43, NO. 9 JUNE - JULY, 1971 • It Pays to Advertise! The following » 1 as clipped fro,n the chc,rch bc,lletin of the Temple Baptist Churc/1. Portstnouth, Ol1io . Dr. R a)'– mond F. H a,11ilton, who is a n1e1nber of oc,r OARBC Council of Ten, is pastor of 1}1is churc/1. "It pa}'S to ad– vertise" ... in tl1e pages of THE OHIO INDEPE DE£ T BAPTIST. In the March issue of THE OHIO I DEPE DE T BAPTIST magazine, the trustees of Scioto Hills Baptist Youth Camp adverti ed for omeone to lend or give to the Camp a mobile home . A famil) near Columbu read about the need and were moved by the Spirit of God to give to the Camp a mobile home 12 feet wide and 60 feet long, and onl}' three years old. It ha a kitchen. a living room. one and a half bath , plus three bedrooms. Words cannot expres our appreciation to God for thi an wer to pra}fer. The home will be a great as et to the ministry of the Camp and it ha already been delivered to the camp grounds. BUT THAT IS 'T ALL! It wa neces ar)' to bulldoze a ne~· road to the homesite where the trailer was to be placed. Trees had to be bulldozed out and a considerable amount of dirt moved. 1-1r. Parr1 h had the jo) of con– tacting a farmer who had a bulldozer and -v. ho ent ht equipn1ent \\ 1th c.l n1an to operate it. He spent a day-and-a-half clearing the land and then hooled on to the trailer and moved it to the home ite The co t of all th1 expen\1\ e ,, ork. '> NOTHING! It was done as a donation for the glory of God! "The works of the Lord are great." Psa/111 111: 2. Cedarville College Receives Gift