The Ohio Independent Baptist, June/July 1971

( 4) The principle as stated is in– adequate because it doesn't t e 11 people that sin has eternal conse– quences. God has given you a valu– able personality that has eternal existence. That personality is placed in God's hand for cleansing and re-creation, or it is cast into Hell as moral refuse. Human personality can be either glorious or garbage. You amount to something for eter– nity or you don·t. Sin therefore, bas eternal consequences and only God can tell you that. I hope you will not conclude from all this that Christianity is simply a matter of morality. The important thing is a personal relationship with God. When I became a Christian I did not give myself simply to a code of conduct but to Christ. I wanted Christ. I wanted a personal relationship with the greatest Person in all the universe. But to get along with Him, of course I had to be compatible with Him. To make me compatible with Him, Christ forgave me for sinning against Him, changed me on the inside, and gave me principles of righteousness to live by. But the more important thing is the personal relationship, not the rules that govern the relationship. Don't you see that? In Heaven we are not going to walk around thinking how good we are. We won't be conscious of being good, we will just be con– scious of our fellowship with God and people v.'ho are like Him. And that is what Christianity 1s all about. Christ - died on the cross that He might rec– oncile us to God: He died to get us into a personal relationship we could enjoi' forever. And I hope you have be– Jie ed in Christ and know Him per– sonall)'. 1 f not , I hope vou ' ll take ad- ,antage of the Savior's 1nv1tation and come to Him today. Take Him now a our L .. ord and aviour. He wait to e ._:vanted! HRI IA P Rl£ JP :: OJ{ ..AMII...Y 1 ...1 I ( e choice ingredient 1 stor}' fron1 the Bible J al1n 1 l1ort er1 r1zed er or a portion r 111 a of connected ,, r e n1en10- J pr )' r 11m (more a n ed d) l p r1od of tll111e to m ditat qui ti)' on it n1 1 nd 2 11 ell "j1J1 a 1 ari t}' f tin1ing nd n tl1 I nd r gul rl} 1 ing n id r ti n nul1 r n d ' t 1 llll ~r r 11 ! Dates To Remember SEPTEMBER 9-11 - OARBC Women's Retreat at Scioto Hills Camp SEPTEMBER 13-17 - Cedarville College Pastors Conference, Cedarville College, Cedarville, Ohio SEPTEMBER 23-25 - OARBC Women's Retreat at Sky View Ranch OCTOBER 18-20 - OARBC 44th State Conference, Calvary Baptist Church, Bellefontaine, Ohio OCTOBER 19 - OARBC Women's Missionary Union Fall Rally, Bellefontaine. Ohio OCTOBER 27-29 - American Council of Christian Churches Annual Convention. St . Louis, Mo. Available For Meetings We learned recently that our bro_ther, Evangelist Chel ea Stockwell has some open dates during July and Augu t. He is available for pulpit supply ""ork and 'or pecial meetings. Brother Stockwell is a fine preacher and is gifted as a gospel singer. His ministry has blessed many through the years. Pastors desiring good meet– ings would do well to contact him. His mailing address is Box 344, Cedar– ville, Ohio - 45314. ''With The Lord'' On June 10 at 8.45 p.m., Dr. Earle G. Griffith, Vice President of Pied– mont Bible College, Win ton-Salem, orth Carolina, went to be v. ith ht Lord. Brother Griffith wa active in the field of Chri tian education for man} year . He ~ a an excellent preacher and a killed \.\fiter. Hi friendl 1·, warm pirit and wise counsel \\ ill be greatly mis ed. We will have further \\ ord regard– I ng Dr. Griffith 1n our Augu t i tie ''W1TH Goo ALL TH 1N&s ARE Poss1 BLE.'' ' ' The stone is rolledhack: for it was EXC££0/Nfi 6N£Al'' ' . ~ ~~~~ ~ ~~ - ' <Ep ~iM.OJ 1·18,19J "Thatyemayhnow,the J fi RfATN U, d by p rml ton o , ......... Produ hon