The Ohio Independent Baptist, June/July 1971

eart to eart mong t e omen -Mrs. Inez Milner - Women's Editor- Newly Elected Officers Officers of the Women's Missionary Union of the OARBC Churches - from left to right: Mrs. Donald Graham, Secretary, Norwalk; Mrs. Howard Street, President, Cleveland; Mrs. David Elmore, Treasurer, Coshocton; Mrs. Arthur Christmann, Vice Pres., Avon. State W.M.U. Rally A beautiful spring day combined with stirring challenges from the Word provided a time of great bless– ing for our women of Ohio, as they gathered at Cedar Hill Baptist Church, Cleveland (about 450 plus children) April 20th, for the Spring Rally. introduced by Mrs. Harriet Christ– mann. Each of these ladies told of her field and gave a prayer request concerning their work. State projects were presented by Mrs. Marcia El– more with a brochure indicating a possibility of paying off a $15,000 in– debtedness and expansion program for our camps, O.I.B. magazine, state mis– sionary and our college. If only 20 ladies from 150 of our churches would give $5 .00 a year, this could be ac– complished. Mrs. Elmore read an original poem about the Dime Banks. Rev. Lynn Rogers, our OARBC moderator, chal– lenged us to support our projects, thanking the ladies for past accom– plishments. He gave his personal testimony as to what a decision at Camp can mean in a life. He read a letter he received from a Coast Guardsman who received a witness from a Patmos Camper. The writer stated he had been saved and was planning to attend Bible School this fall. During the business session a Con– stitutional change concerning the An– nual election was proposed. The offi– cers suggest election of officers take place at the Spring Rally instead of the Fall Meeting, and will be brought to the floor for a vote at the next Rally, October 19, 1971 at Calvary Baptist Church, Bellefontaine, Ohio. Two Women's Retreats were an– nounced: Scioto Hills, for September 9-11; the other at Skyview Ranch, September 23-25, 1971. Mrs. Street extended a "Thank– You" to the ladies of Cedar Hill Bap– tist Church for their hospitality in en– tertaining us during this Rally. South Bethel Meet The South Bethel Womens Fel– lowship held their Spring Rally on Tuesday, March 16th, in the Blessed Hope Baptist Church, Springfield, Ohio, with 137 ladies and 40 child– ren present from 19 different churches. The theme for the day was taken from I Cor. 3 :9 'For We are Labor– ers together with God". The morning devotional speaker was Mi s Polly Strong, Baptist Mid– Mission missionary to Central Afri– can Republic. She gave an heart warm– ing testimony and challenged us to be submissive to one another as unto God, as this is a basic principle in becoming a missionary. A "laboring together" time was shared by Mrs. Carl Stephenson about the bu ministry, Mrs. Harry Ram– sey, starting a new church, Miss Mari– lyn Pitzer, Baptist Mid-Missions can– didate, Venezuela, and Mrs. Larry Armstrong, A.B.W.E. missionary to Australia. A surprise food shower was given to Mrs. Ramsey. (Continued On Page 17) The opening song service led by Mrs. Elaine Lamb, Rochester ; was fol– lowed by our President, Mrs. Rene Street who read Psalm 107:1-8. Special music in the morning session was presented by the area Baptist Christian Day School and a trio con– sisting of Mrs. Vivian Wilson, Mrs. Margie Tripp and Mrs. Elaine Lamb. In the afternoon Mrs. Amy Fetzer and Mrs. Gerry Stocker sang a duet. The organist was Mrs. Joyce Bruening with Mrs. Mary Leitch at the piano. The theme, 0 Moved with Compas– sion" was divided into four points. Compassion for our City was given by Rev. Roy Hendershot, Mrs. Ronald McDugle spoke for our State, for our Country Miss Patsy Barkley, and for our World Mrs. Robert Gilbert. W.M.U. STATE TREASURER'S REPORT Seventeen missionaries (new, fur– loughed and emeritus) representing several of our Mission Agencies, were 8 JUNE-JULY, 1971 Balance on Hand October 20, 1970 .............. · . · · · RECEIPTS: $ 435.41 Fall Rally O.ffering and Dime Banks . ... .. . Dime Bank since Fall Rally . .. .......... . Total Cash to April 10, 1971 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,833.08 Total disbursements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 692.85 Balance on Hand April 10, 1971 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . : .. $1,140.23 Submitted by: Mrs. Ald1ne Graham, Secy. $ 783.25 614.42 $1,397.67 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST