The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1971

• art to eart mong t e omen - Mrs. Inez Milner - Women's Editor- J"/,is s,,11,<?-p<Je111 ,, a ,vritten by Brotl1er El,ner Steve on Christmas Day - 194 I. Hc. 1 pre ented it to Baptist Mid-Mi sions n1issionary Miss Viola J. tt, \ t' ,,n /,er ret11rn J1 0111e f ro,,1 111issionary service in French Equa– tc>ri,1/ f rica a it l\' a 1/1en k no\vn. Her journey ho1r1e had been a danger– (>11. <) l lt'. Tlte l1ip 011 ,vl1icl1 she was traveling had been sunk. This was ,J11ri11g Ji,' vrld War JI . Mi sionary Emeritus Viola Steve wanted to share rl,i \i•it/1 fello \i'-CJ1ristians , particularly those who have been called into Hi ervice. Weary pilgrim in a foreign land, Traveling homeward to that Heavenly land, Tru t in God though darkness clouds your way, He will give you strength from day to day, Though the tempest breaks and billows roar, Safe with Christ you'll reach the golden shore. Then take courage, stand and watch and pray, Let your light so shine along life's way, Pointing souls to Christ of Calvary, He alone can set the lost ones free. Giving peace to hearts once chained by sin, And a song of love and joy within. When your feet are heavy with life's care, Let the Saviour help, your burdens share, Keep your eyes upon the Saviour dear, In temptations He is always near. Trust in Him until the victory's won, Strength He gives until the day is done. Souls, look up, the time will not be long; Ere we meet Him with a triumph song, Oh, the joys that there in Heaven we'll be!! Evermore from sin and sorrow free. Then through countless ages songs will ring, Praising Christ our everlasting King. Elmer S. Steve Hebron Women's Missionary Union dormitory. We hope to reach $2,000. Thus far, Mrs. Leland Howard, our treasurer, has received only $294.37. The following groups have given. La Grange - $16.01, Wellington - $34.40, New London - $30.00, Grace at Westlake - $24.96, Nor– walk - $5.00, North Olmsted - $25.00, Litchfield - $29.00 and Rochester - $30.00. Dear Ladies . . . pray for your officers! There is much work to be done before our Fall Rally on Tues– day, November 9. Our rally this year will be held at the First Baptist Church in Wellington, Ohio. Special speakers for the day will be Mrs. J ames Carr who is engaged in the work of the Lord at Conversion Center in Columbus, Ohio. In the afternoon, M iss G race Trimble, who is serving the Lo rd in Brazil , will be speaking. R emember Bangui !! Our goal is to give these missionary children a new 10 OCTOBER. 1971 Please pray and give as God directs each of you. Mrs. Howard's address is R.D. No. 1, Oberlin, Ohio 44074. She would like to have a check ready to give to Mrs. Robert Gilbert at our meeting on November 9th. ... Mrs. Richard Hyde North Bethel Missionary Group "C,O Y UNTO AI.-1 .. NATIONS . . .,. , the command of our 1 ..ord and truly a fitting theme for the Fall Rally of the N .B.W.M .F . to be held November 4, 1971 at First Baptist Church, Bowling Green, Ohio. The morning ession, which begins at 9: 30 a.m., will feature a Gospel Team from Shepherd's, Inc., a home and school for mentally retarded children, located in Union Grove, Wisconsin. The afternoon session which con– cludes at 3: 00 p .m., will include special music, a "Style Show" for further acquainting our ladies with missionaries and mission fields, and Mrs. David Toro, a former mission– ary to Chile, South America under the Mission Board of Ass'n. of Bap– tists for World Evangelism as speaker. Ladies, remember to bring your QUARTER BANKS for Bangui Bap– tist High School in Central African Republic. Bring your sack lunches. The Host Church will furnish the dessert and beverage. A nursery is also provided for babies and toddlers. Another highlight at the FALL RALLY will be a Book Fair with Miss Bernice Mick, Cedarville College Bookstore. The day promises to be infor111ative and inspiring to all who attend. Strawberry Pie 1 baked Pie Shell SAUCE: 3 Tbsp. Corn Starch 1 cup Sugar 1 cup Water 2 Tbsp. White Corn Syrup 3 drops red Food Coloring 2 Tbsp. Strawberry Jell-o 1 quart Strawberries - washed, hulled but left whole and placed in pie . shell. To make the sauce, mix together Corn Starch and Sugar and gradl1ally add the water and stir until blended. Add Corn Syrup and bring to a boil. Cook until clear, then add Food Coloring and remove from heat. ~tir in Jell-o. Pour this mixture over the straw– berries in the shell and chill. (This recipe comes from Mr. Bob Divine, the 6 o'clock ' 'waker-upper" over Radio Station W.C.R.F. Cleve– land. With permission we give it so you who live beyond the ministry of W.C.R.F. may have this recipe also. What a blessing this Radio station [an outreach of Moody Bible Institute] is to us. We salute the Staff! THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST