The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1971

Cedarville College Women's Fellowship Another chool year i about to hegin, and we a re looking forward to having approximately 1,000 tudent on our campus. Our first meeting of the Fellow hip this year is October J 5 at 10: 00 a.m. We will be hearing from students who participated in the Mi sionary Intern– ship Service this pas t summer. Dr. Don Callan will also speak concerning this new area of our college mini try. We will be choosing a new project. Don't forget to send your Betty Crocker coupons to Mrs. Milner for si lverware for the cafeteria. Luncheon will be served in the col– lege cafeteria. The cost is $1.50 per person. Please send your reserva tions for lunch to Mrs. Kenneth St. C lair, Cedarville College, Cedarville, Ohio - 45314. Ohio W.M.U. State Meeting At Bellefontaine LADIES! LADIES!! - All roads hopefully lead to Calvary Baptist Church, Bellefontaine, Ohio, where the ANNUAL MEETING, of the OHIO ASS'N. of REGULAR BAP– TIST CHURCHES will be held, OC– TOBER 18-20. Plans are evident– ly bigger and better than ever, for a wonderful time. Mrs. Howard Street, _President of our Ohio W .M.U. in– forms us that the WOMEN'S M EET– ING during these sessions will be held, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19th at one ( 1) o'clock. Missionary speakers will again thrill us with their ex– periences. NEEDED - A Good Offering also bring your DIME OF– FERING BANKS. Let's pray much for these meetings - for a conscious– ness of the workings of our God - in and through us. PRAYER CHANGES THINGS - and - PEOPLE! Soufh Bethel W.M.U. Report The South Bethel Women's Mission– ary Fellowship held their Fall Rally on Sept. 21st in the County Line Baptist C hurch of Dayton . Approximatel y 135 were prese nt . The ladies were chal– lenged and blessed through the mess– age delivered by their guest peaker, Mrs. Alice Wimer , of C had . Al o, a panel under the direction of Pastor Wm. Broughton of Cedarville, Ohio di cussed the subject - "The Mi ssion– ary Conference." Those serving on thi s panel were Rev. Richard Durham ( ABWE - Philippines), Dr. Lucille A11kenma n ( ABWE - East Paki stan) , Miss Connie Endicott (BMM-Work among the Navajos), Mrs. Sarah Jane Harris ( BMM - Central Africa Re– public) and Mr . Alice Wimer. A new slate of officers was elected for the coming year. They are Mrs. Marian Hautt, President - Mrs. Miriam N iuman, Vice-President - Mrs. E leanor Broughton, Secretary and Mrs. Gloria Nestor, Treasurer. A project for 1970-1971 was chosen. The ladies hope to raise the sum of $1,000 which will go to the Jones Ranch Bible Camp in Gallup, New Mexico. ... Mrs. E leanor Brot1ghton I :9HH:n~~~~:e: :n~!~::.ENNJ o~!~Gu; I I I I Name I I Address I I City St. Zip I L----------------- Distinctively Baptistic ...that's the character of our literaturef Presenting the great fundamental doctrines of Scripture to the pupil in language that he can understand. This Bible– centered, pupil-related literature that has the proper approach to the Scriptures can be ordered today from Regular Baptist Press. Send for free sample packet. Regular Baptist Press 1800 Oakton Boulevard • Des Plaines, Ill. 60018 THE OHIO INDE,ENDENT BA,TIST American Council Of Christian Churches Thirtieth Anniversary The American Cou ncil of Christian C hurches s tands on the eve of its 30tt1 Anniversary Convention. During its 30 years of militant history, it has been, both in principle and perform– ance, a force for righteousness exer– cising a sane and helpful influence to those \vho make up its fellowship. Tl1is Council came into being in an l1our of great theological crisis in the history of America 's Protestantism. Bible-believing Christians were con– fronted with the presence of a Church Council which became the spokesma n for modernism in theology and ecu– menical revolution in its concept of society. To meet this challenge of the Federal Council of Churches, now called the National Council of Church– es of Christ in the U.S.A., many Biblc– believing Christians in this country banded together to form a council of churches which would more honestly and accurately represent their Biblical point of view. For 30 years this Council .has carried the sword in one l1and and a trowel in the other. It has assessed our times, and it has sensed the need for in– volvement on the great issues which are facing the church. Also, this Coun– cil has s tood firmly for the great doc– trines of historic Chris tian faith and has separated from those who would thus mutilate and deny them. As this 30th Anniversa ry Conven– tion of this Council commences Oc– tober 27 through 29, 1971, in St. Louis, Missouri, it will take as it theme, "Discerning the Times". Out– standing speakers and scholars acros the nation will deal directly and force– fully with relative issues that are pres– ently confronting the church. Dr. Robert T. Ketcham, Dr. Jack Murray, Dr. Allan A. MacRae, Dr. Marion H. Reynolds, Jr., Dr. J. Philip C lark; are a few of the many who will involve themselves from the 11-denomination American Council during this three– day Conference. Seminars dealing with science, mis– sions, denominations, as well as in– formative visual aids and recent AC CC NBC-TV telecasts will be among the program items. The Convention· headquarter will be the beautiful St. Louis Gateway Hotel located in downtown St . Louis. For further information on the Con– vention and how you ca n obtain tic k– et for the luncheon whic h will be featured each day a t noon, addres e<l by leading hristian educators, please write to : The American ouncil of hristian Churche -, Valley Forge. Penn ylvania 19481 . OCTOBER, I 971 11