The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1972

(Concluded from page 12) ,, ho le body - n1att1re, bro ther ly con– ce rn n1LL t con1e to the re cue, ancl ge t the inn ing per, on back on th e right road aga in. The pre ent in1- pera ti ve " re tore" i it erative , for every ca e of th i kind , and how the critical urgency of n1aking the re tor– ati on. Thi i a n1ini try whi ch n1u t be carried out by tho e who are trul y piritu al - a nd they even n1inding then1 elve , o th at they too are not tempted into a fa ll . The ta k requires a pirit of meekne s on our part, the very oppo ite of har hne , arrogance, and exce s everity. So n1e in do require stern rebuke and pl ai n- poken censure, and we n1ust not he itate to ca rry them out when it i nece ary. The tran gre ion of Ga l. 6: l how– eve r whil e fa r fro n1 be ing a mi ld offen e, need the pouring in of o il and wine upon the wound , and gentle fingers to b ind it up . A n1endi ng pro– ces needs to be initi ated , the broken limb mu t be et - and uch trea t– ment requ ire expert skill . The pro– per, sympathetic admin i tra ti on of thi restoring of a inning brother wi]l make a better Chri sti an of him whil e causing us to remember th at tempta– tion might ca tch us also, a it caught this or tha t brother . It is wrong to let a fell ow- beli ever go on do ing omething he hould not do ; to allow him to continue in a path of error into which he has been drawn; to ignore hi s in , and by so- The Word Of life BIBLE TRACTS ' do ing confirn1 him in hi ac t. He n1u t l,e arre ted in hi devia tion f ron, the truth and the natt1re of hi s mis– deed revea led and expl a ined to him. Parti cularly i thi e senti al where o n1 e a<i pcc t of the true hri ti an faith i concerned , and when the in involve the ma tter of doc trine with it related prac tica l effec t . Thi s i a parti cul arl y ensiti ve duty, and can onl y be carried out by tho c who are genuinely pir itu al, and thus know how to exe rc i e tac t, kill , and gentl ene . ritici m and cen o ri ous– ne will be laid a ide in uch ca e , but the Word of God mu t be appli ed fo r it i li ving and powerful , and penetrate the inn1ost rece ses of the hea rt. Warning will need to be give n later , when the re to rati on has been effecti ve ly accon1pl i hed. In th i pres– ent day, it i part icuIarl y crucial fo r inning aint to be re torcd to fell ow– hip and harmony, by correcti on to be brought back into the r ight way, whatever has been broken or rent made ound and fit again , and the Ii fe with its prac tice and pursuit put in order and adju ted so th at the Lord i honored and pl ea ed . The whole body of sa ints will be ble ed and benefited by thi s, and the cor– porate te tirn ony e n I a r g e d and strengthened . Let tho e who are piritual eek out sinning sai nts and re tore then1 to fell ow hip and f aith– ful ne , for the glory of God and for the good of al l. - ~~~ ESTABLISHING BAPTIST CHURCHES WHERE THERE WERE NONE United States and Canadaj WITH A NEW LOOK . . . I • • • Our tracts have had a face-lifting and we think you II like their new appearance. Senn for a free packet today and learn how you can have a part in helping us dis– tribute this gospel literature around the world. BIBLE TRACTS, Inc. Box 5 08 D ept. OIB82, Waterloo, Iowa 50 7 04 Please' send f ree pac ke t o f you r revised Bi b le t ract s t o : D Inc lude your free bookl et , A FTER MANY DAYS D Send radi o log f or BI BLE TRA C T ECHOES Paul J. Levin Would You Pass? At three o'c lock one winter morn– ing, a missionary candi date climbed the steps to the examiner's home. He was shown into the study where he wa it ed unt il eight o'clock fo r an interview. Upon a rr iv ing the old clergyman proceeded to ask questions. "Can you pell?" "Yes, sir," was the repl y. "All ri ght , spell baker ." " Baker , b-a-k-e-r ." "Fine, Now do you know anything . . about fi gures?" the examiner 1n- qu ired. "Yes, sir, something." "How much is twice two?' ' "FoL1r ," repIied the lad . "Th at's spl endid ," returned the old ,nan. "I believe you have pa sed. I 'll ee the board tomorrow." At the board meeting, the man sub– n1itted his account of the interview. ' 'He has all the qu alifica ti on of a ini ionary," he began. 'First , I te ted him on elf deni al. I told him to be at my hou e at three o'c lock in the mor ning. He left a wa rm bed and came out in the cold without a word of compl a int . Second, I tr ied him out on promptne . He appea red on . time. Tlzirc/ , l examined him on patience. I made him wait five hours to see me> af ter telli ng him to come at three. Fo1, rt/1 , I te ted him on temper . He fail ed to how any ign of it ; he didn' t even question my delay. Fi/th , I tried hi humility. I asked him que tions that a fi ve-yea r-old child cou ld an- wer , and he howed no indignati on. So you see , I believe thi lad meet the requirements. He will make the mis ionary we need. . . . COPI ED EMMANUEL B APTJ T C HURCH of We t Shore Rev. We ley Bliss, Pastor M oving or Tra veling through the Harri burg, Pa. area? Stop and vi sit Emmaunel Bap ti t Cht1rch at 468 1 . Tri ndle Road, Mechanic - burg, Pa., just fi ve minute off the Penna. Tpk. Ex it 17. Beaut if ul new buildi ng comple ted l o· ca ted in the cen ter of Harrisburgh's Wes t Shore MOVING or TRAVELING PLAN A VISIT Phones· (717) 737- 113 1 (717) 737 6529 Harrisburg Area Now Has A Christia n High Schoo l T rt County Christian High School will bcg ,n classes September 1972 Some teaching pos1t1ons st ill open You n,ay apply by writing to the above ac!d.ress or by phone. This 1s another new n11n1stry of EnH1,anuel Baptist Church .