The Ohio Independent Baptist, August 1972

A Call For Help! \ ntln~l I I lllll , \I'll ' l1t11 h , 111 the (\1ste1 n '" ltl'll t>f the l 111tctl St:,1~~ t1f Ctlti crc,,tl, dS ,\ rlstu, l I th' lt:tl'lll llll(llis \ ,,111e ,t thesl! hllf'LhL's , , ere l1IILLI ,, 1tl1 ,, ,llll ,lll I lh:· llt ,.... . I'('\\ s, ":tl' l'l'ls. l'liljllls . '-'' t1:1ns. 111all(lS , h\ 11111 l '"'". l1l r,ttll' ' \\t'le llt's tr ,,c.. l. l 11 r111ng !list ,,11l' ()I tht'sc ·hur Ill's . ,,c ll',\l'tle{I tl1:.t 111(,,t tl f thl' cc111- g1 i!,llllll ll,\\f I l t tll('II l1(,11ll'' ,,n i.1 tl1r·1r l1u,1nL·,,e,. a~ ,,t:11 as. their J1L' I Sll t1 i1l I el 11g1ngs. ht· hur ·)1 1,t11l .. lin1? ,, ,1, l1 ,1l.ll \ l.i.1111,tgl'll . 1 he l,,,,L\111en t \\.<l'- '-. til l 1111 '1.i ,, 1111 ,, ,llt'I t'\ t'll thl'll!,!h the fltL' '-ll'l',11 tn1cnt h,H..I t1cc 11 1u n1J)1ng f C) I t \.\. c) \.I ,, l lt' \\,\ttr h.1 I fl',\Clll'l.l lll tht' \l'l'lltltl ,t )l\ )f the J1c\r\0 11 t\gC I VCr\ lhing ,,, '-\'1111 ll'tel, \\tl'Ckl'1.l 1 l ht'IL' ,,,1, ,\ three inch l..1\cr t) f n1utl C<.)\Cr1ng cvCt}– th,ng. 1 hl' 1. l.'''' uclH.,11 1, t111l1c1tc, ,1l1lc' l l1t' 1),1,tL)r', J)cr,t> n al hc l(1ng1ng" \.\ Crc le c • .)~t:li. l~l.' .1111.f 111, tan1t1, l()\l tl1t•1r ll111111g f()()l11, li ving r<)() f1 1 anti kit chen ft11 n11urc . l \ l'f \ ,lJ'('l1.1ncr ,, ,1, lllltlll\ ruined. Ht , l1l1ra r ""a' a co1rlJ)lc tc IO\\ . l \t't1 their llnt'r1" ,111 I cll1th1ng \\Crc rcndcrcll "' rthlc\\ hey have tin ercd tl ~rC.\l 1._,,, .. ln (•rlll.'r tl l1l.'lf) n1cct the r1ccd\ ()f thee tiear fo lk a nd others like then1, o ur 1.)l ll~il t)f f'l1t1rtccn .1t the recent (, RB( " c nfere nce 1n a n Diego. Ca liforni a tc~J,1rcti tl1at ,1 .. I )l)li Relief Funu" be e tabli hed at the De. Pl aines off ice. \\ e t1rgc t)ttr RB t;httrchc to end gifts to a. st t thee who tand in uch gre .. 1t need. 11ft. shotild l1c ~cnt to - The RB Office, 1800 Oakton Bl vd .. ~ De~" Pl~1ine . l ll1no1~ - (1()0 I 1.. Plea.. e de igna te OL1r gift for the " Fl ood Re 1 ,cf tind ... On Our Front Cover . are picture of the Calvary Bapti t hurch. Tiffin, Ohio. A pecial Dedi- cation er\ ice wa held on undav J afternoon. June 25th to dedicate thi lo\·el) ne\.\ bu iId ing. Approx1n1atel)' 300 membe r and friend from both near and fa r were pre ent. The ervice wa led by Pa - tor John D. Teeter . Other pa r tici– pating in the ervice v. ere Mr . Da niel Thomas. Mr. Bruce Perry Mr . Larr 1· Cox, Mr. Warren Kis ell, Mr . Don– ald !vt offat. Mr. George Perr y, Mr . Thon1a Fillinger, Mr . Donald Mid– dleton and Re\. A. Donald Moffat. ~1r. Larr 1 Cox, Building Superin– tendent pre ented the chu rch ke)' to ~1r. \\'arren Kt sell, Chairman of the Board of Tru tees. Ellitor Evangeli t :\. Donald Moffat del l\'ered the Dedi– cation c;ern1on. The but Id ing \.\ a orig i na11 y bu iIt for and O\.\ ned h 1 the Park ave F ood ~larker Later. 1t \.\a lea ed b,' the Picture are a~ follows: • • Mohawk Motor Company. The Cal– vary Bap ti t hurch purchased the build ing which includes a large paved parki ng area for the sum of 95 ,000 (Total area - 3 1/2 ac re ) . Approx i– n1 a tely $ 12,0()0 wa pent in remodel– ing. It ha nine large cla roon1s a ca rpe ted auditor iun1 th a t sea ts 360 and i ai r co ndit io ned throughout . At th e rea r o f the building i a two-story add ition wh ich wi11 be 111 ade into more c la rooms. The peopl e of the church gave many hour to the work of remodel– ing. Like tho e of Nehen1iah' day , they were a peopl e who had "' a n1ind to work". l t i mo t beautiful! Rev. Teeter fo rmerl y erved a pa tor of the Emmanuel Bapti t Church in Xenia, Ohi o. He ha been at Ti ftin ince November of '7 1. The Lo rll i great ly ble ing h i mini try there. If ever you houl d get into the Tiffi n area be ure to drop by and see th is love ly church buil d ing. Upper left- Front of Chu rch a. see n fr on1 out ide. l pper right- Re\. A. Donald Moffat Editor-Evangeli t, Rev . John D . Teeter~. Pastor and Mr . George Perry, Cha irman of Board of Dedcons. LO\.\'er left-Front of auditor ium howi ng pl a tform. choir loft and baptistry. Lo\vcr right-Part of the large crowd th at a tte ndeo the Dedi ca tion Service. The Ohio Independent Baptist - Publi\h d Monthly by - THE OHIO ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPT IS'T CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xe nia , Ohio POSTMASTER · Pl ease send Form 3579 to The Ohio Ind ependen t Baptist Bo x No . 160 Xe ni a, Ohio 45385 Edi tor ia l Off ice: Box No. 160 Xen ia, Oh io 45385 Rates of Subscription : $2 .00 per year; $5 .00 for three years ; EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN , $1 .1 S per subscription ; BUNDLE LOT PLAN (mailed directly to the church ), $1 .00 per subscription . Minimum bundle order - 1 S copies; single issue 20 cents. Your Editorial Office should have all news and advertis· ing copy in hand no later than 30 days prior to printing . Advertising rates will be sent on request. STAFF Etl1tor . . . . A. Donald Moffa t Box No. 160, Xenia, Ohio 45385 Circ11/atio11 .1 /annger Stuart L. Cha ffc Box ~o. 160, Xenia, Ohio 45385 l!'on1cn's Editor M I "-.f ' I . rs. nez 1v11 ncr 2 195 Brock ,vay Roa<l Ur.i\ crsity H ts., Ohio 44 11 8 State Jli.,·.'°1011ary Earl D. Umbaugh 2 I 50 Marhoicr A ,·c. , Sto\v, Ohio -14214 State Y o 111/1 D,re, tor \V1lbur PJrri,h (;JlliJ St. ,lt \VJllcr, J>ort, 1nouth, 0. 45662 Cha1rn1an State Rt. COUNCIL OF TEN .. . . . .. . . . . . .. . .. .. 2 & N. Bo)c.Jcn L) nn E. Rogers Rd.. Northfield, Ohio 44067 I ,, c- (:/1,111111,111 John R. \ \'ood J{o-.. 596, l{l ll cfont.11nt.. Ohio 4 3, 1 r !:,c,rctary (tc.:111por,1r~) \V. l)l.'Jn Ht. nr, 541 J~ro\vn St.. ,\ l..ron. Ohio 44 ~ 1, Treasurer . . . . . \Villiam A. Brock --1 659 Trabue Rd., Colu1nbu ·, Ohio 4322-& Progra111 C hrn1. \ \'. Dean Hcnr\' - 5-1 I J3rO\\'n St., .\kron. Oh io 4431 1 !1/ issionary Cllrnz . . . . George A. Bates 53 25 Clear,·it.,v l)r., Rl.tnchc,tcr, 0. 451 0 7 Education Chrm . . Rayn1on<l F. Hamilton Gall ia St. at \ \ 'allcr, Portsmouth 4)662 ) '01111g I'cor/c'.- H'orl, Clun1., ~nr111 Ho,\\Ofth (:l d,u \ illL Colic~<., (:cd,tr\ 1llt. Ohio 45314 Kenneth H. C,ood . . . . . . . 510 3 Broacl\,·.1y Lor.un , Ohio 44051 R. Kl nncth S1nt.l,tr 113 \ \ '. Libert~ St. rvledina, Ohio 44256 Earl \'. \ \ ' 1 llctt!> 1 I r\ d.11115 St. Ht.rl.l, Ohio 44 0 17 •