The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1971

eart to eart mong t e omen -Mrs. Inez Milner - Women's Editor- pt•cial 11ote to ecretarie and Reporters! Please tc.' l11t'111/,e1 V<Jllr reoorts and nelvs itet11s are di,e in rt1y "' . J1,1nd bv tl1e .. 5tl1 of tl1e 111ontl1. Please J,elp ,ne to /1ave 1/1e JJ' 01~11;:1n's Page 111an1,script in the /1ands of Editor Don ,\f offat b)' tl1e last da)' of tl1e n1onth. Thank you. "R ~JOI . THE LORD IS KING: YOUR LORD AND KING ADORE! REJOI . I THA K , A D SING, AND TRIUMPH EVERMORE' ' .. M RR CHRISTMAS, HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYBODY!!! Quote fron1 the late Rev . F. B. Meyer - "Luke 2: 1-14 - The manger bed and it preciou occupant are among the most cherished memories of our child– h od~ but a ~e come there later in life the wonder ever grows. ' 'Great is the m}' ter)· of godline ~ God wa manife t in the flesh ' ' l l Tim. 4: 16) . \ hat a company we meet there! Shepherds with their naive wonder ; angels from the realm of glory; wi e men with their gifts; aged saint like Simeon and Anna. Surely the de ire of all saints is here! Let us ask that the Lord of glor}' will conde cend to be born in the mean stable of our heart, transforming it into a palace! otice how, to bring Mary to Bethlehem, the Master of all emperors sets on foot the machinery of providence and history. WHAT CAN HE NOT DO FOR US A D HIS CHURCH!" Re port On Fa ll State Meeting "Hi , ame Is Wonderful" was the theme of the fall meeting of Ohio Wo– men's Missionary Union held Tues– day, October 19, 1971, as part of the OARBC Annual meeting in session at Calvary Baptist Church Bellefontaine. Approximately 275 ladies in attend– ance. Mrs. Sam Canine of Lima led the song service with hymns about the name of Jesus and the theme chorus. Mrs. Connie Houchins, Bellefontaine and Mrs. Austin Elmore, Cedarville were at the piano and organ. Mrs. John Wood welcomed the ladies on behalf of the host church, Mrs. Peggy Bush vocal soloi t presented the pecial music. Mrs. Arthur Christmann. vice presi– dent. introduced eleven missionaries. A prayer time followed. Pastors· v.. ive , new in our state since our Spring Rally were introduced by Mrs. Rene Street, president. During the bu iness ession a con– stitutional change was brought to the floor for a vote. This matter was in– troduced at the Spring Rally and con– cerned changing the election of of– ficers from the Fall to the Spring Rally . The motion made b 1· Mrs. Gib- 12 DECEMBER, 1971 son, Willoughby; seconded by Mrs. Ray Queen, Huntsburg was passed. A recommendation was presented that the present officers serve until April 1972. The motion was made by Mrs. Ben Garlich, Huntsburg, seconded by Mrs. Frank Odor, Vienna and passed. Reports were given of the Women's Retreats held in September. Mrs. El– more gave highlights of Scioto Hills and Mrs . Odor for the Sky, 1 iew Re– treat. Special recognition was given to Mrs. Earl Umbaugh in apprecia– tion of her help to the women of Ohio, and to Mrs. Wolff for her minis– try at Skyview Ranch. Mrs. Street reported that during her term a president of the State Union, she has visited all but one of the area fellowships. A new fellowship has been organized in the Canton Area. Our speaker was Mrs. David Toro, serving with ABWE: formerly in Chile, soon leaving for Au tralia with her family. She used five verses from 11 Cor. 5 as the basis for her mess- age, ' Why I Have Been Motivated to be a Foreign Mi ionary". We are amba sadors. When called of God we have purpose and power entrusted to us to love and serve Him. She told of exper ience from her life illustrat– ing rea on for serving Him. o,,r gcal J r tl1 • year was 11,et - f~<)r an1J) I at,nos - 12 <lining roon, lahlcs, Sciot<> l'l ills - 2 water heater , '" kyvicw Ranch - Washer & J rycr, ed,\rv1J Jc ol lcgc - l'u bl ic Atldrc s systc111 for Jlcalth enter, Rev. n1- l1at1gh - Ac.ldressogrclph & Miinco 4 scope, 0.1.8. Maga11nc - $300.()0 toward defic it . What 01n1e Ba11ks will do! ! ' The meeting closed with the ..I"'hcmc 'horus and J)raycr by Mrs. Dean Henry, Brown trcet Baptist hurch , Akron. The Spring Rally will be held, Tues– day, April 18, J 972, lmn1anucl Bap– ti t hurch, 3417 Palmetto St ., Co– Jumbus . Mrs. Donald Graham, Secy. Fellowship Meetings Throughout The State West Moriah J West Moriah Women·s Mis ion– ary Fellowship met, Tuesday, Sep– tember 21, 1971 at Memorial Bap– tist Church, Columbus. The meeting opened with singing "Our Best", led by Linda Yankovich. Mrs. Spil lman presided at the organ and Mrs. Frye at the piano. Mrs. Dorothy Wolf vice president of Rebecca Circle at Memorial, ex– tended welcome to the ladies. Special music was a combination of four trios to form a choir from Calvary Baptist Coshocton; Memori– al Baptist, Columbus~ First Baptist, Lancaster and Grace Baptist Wester– ville. They sang "Give Me a Vision'' in the morning and "Fill All My . Vision'' in the afternoon. Mrs. Ar– lene Burt was accompanist . Mrs. Mil – ton Barkley gave devotions on "Prayer' ', using Matthew 6:5-8. A skit was given by ladies of Fairfield Baptist Church. Report of new churches was given: Mrs. Gary Hohman - Faith Baptist, Commercial Point: Mrs. Richard Stitzel Johnstown Independent Baptist, Johnstown· Mrs. Alden Far– ner - Carmel Baptist New Strait - ville. During the afternoon session, Mr ·. Frank Euler, Pine Hills Baptist sang ._ "This Love Is Mine' ' Mrs. Margaret Canterbury led our prayer circle. Speaker of the day wa Mrs. Earl Umbaugh, wife of our State Mission– ary. Her message was titled , "Un· changeables in a Changing World." The meeting adjourned w i t h prayer. There were 89 ladie and 13 children present. Our next meeting will be Tuesday May 9th at Calvary Bapti t Church, Co hocton. There will be election of officer . - Mr . Le ·lie Heinlen. Secy. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST