The Ohio Independent Baptist, December 1971

(Conclud d from p g 5) TH " J U OV M NT" \\ h ,en. , c ,,re ,, itncs~,n a , n, c tl f spiaitua l int "rcst a111 ng tl1c < uth < f l,tar lan<i in ,, hat is nllcll the "J~s,1 s t , "111cnt..: 111,, n) Clt its ndll ' t cnts ap11nrt'ntly having been ucnuint"I l OJl\ C"t tcli ,,n i cager i 11 tl,c cause o f hrist : ""' \ hct l':\. tht' !C arc ne,etthctc,, crtain dnngc1~ and crr<>r, ,, it hi 1, tht" " ' '-' ct11cnt ; C(.1n,p1ct1tlu, nn1ong then1 being the el t' \ at it n \ lt "' rs nut t' r(.; r1encc abo, c the prtlpo,1tional t ruth <. f the " riptt1rc,. l1c n1plcte 1cJcct1on of the local church anti · t, 111 in1,t r) of , 1t ne~~Lng. and a tende nc} to fa ll into the c, trt'111cs , f tJ,e ·har1sn1at1c e per1encc, Re 1t r~s l, ed that the n1e · ·enger · of the Ohio A ociation f Rcgt1lar Baptist hurches. n1eeting 1n annual e ion. Oc- l\.lllcr ... 1, -20. lQ7 t. al Bellefontaine. Ohio, encourage the e , \)Ung people 10 the true fai th of Je u Chri t a revealed 10 the Bible. further encouraging them to eek out Bible be– lie, 1ng hurche · \\'here they may find "faithful men who are able to teach other : · (II Timothy 2: 2) . Be it fur ther re olved that we warn the e young people f the here 1e that e i t within the movement ( uch a the " \\ 1 a) ·· and "proce ") and urge them to employ the sure \\ ord of Truth in determining all question of faith and practice ; Il e. it fu1 t l1cr 1cs<Jlvcd lt1a t our chui chcs be t11 ge<l not to ndc 1, t an in flc.x.iblc atti tu tle toward these young people and 1h ~1cl,v al iena te thcn1• • A STROLOGY Wl1crcas n1any people today arc fea rfu l a nd anxious \) C ausc of pe rsonal tension and wor ld problen1s and are ,cc:-k1ng so11e uper-natt1ral au thority l<> give them guidance and as ·istance. and Whereas astrology has been en1braced by thouc,ands of people a5 the answer to their need fo r direct ion in decision– n1aking, and Wherea a trology 1 a fal e religion which is condemned in cripture 1n variou places 5uch ac; I aiah 47, Jeremiah IO and An1os 5. and Wherea God alone can give peopl e the salvation, guid– ance and help they need, Be it resolved that we, the messengers of the Ohio Association of Regular Bapti t Churches, meeting in annual e sion, October 18-20, 1971 , in Bellefontaine, Ohio, warn the members of the churches in our Association of the in– herent spiritual dangers in Astrology and related devilish practices and encourage our people to avoid all such ; that we urge them instead, to authoritatively hold and proclaim the saving Gospel of our Lord and to seek by compassionate concern and personal testimony to win anxiou , peri shing people to Jesus Christ. (Editor's Note: There are four more vital resolutions that were passed at the conference. We will run these in next month's issue.) Seven New Churches Received Into OARBC Fellowship At our recent OARBC conference held in Bellefontai ne, Ohio, the fol– lowing churches were received into our OARBC fellowship: Chippewa Lake Bapti t Church Box 40 Chippewa Lake, Ohio 45215 Canal Fulton Baptist Church 8449 Babst Avenue Canal Ful ton, Ohio 44614 F aith Baptist Church 109 Cherys Road , Rt. 2 Commercial Point, Ohio 43146 Southgate Baptist Church 227 Bassett Drive Springfield, Ohio 45506 Berean Baptist Church 1591 Lusch Rd. Marion. Ohio 43302 Boardman Baptist Temple 1207 Shields Rd. Boardman, Ohio 44512 Millersburg Baptist Church Box 67 Millersburg, Ohio 44654 A more complete listing, showi ng the names of the pastors, their ad– dresses and phone numbers will ap– pear 1n our January issue. 14 DECEMBER, 1971 Now Pastoring At Lakeview Brother Kirchner is a graduate of Coe College, Cedar Rapids, Iowa and has had training at the Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, Illinois. He served two previous pastorates. One of these was in Washington, Iowa and the other in Chicago, Illinois. Faith Baptist of Lakeview was start– ed in 1969 under the I leadership of Rev. Kenneth Pierpont. They dedi– cated their present building in 1970. Rev. and Mrs. Kirchner make their home in Xenia , Ohio and will con- . tinue living there. Rev. Homer Kirchner The Fa ith Baptist Church of Lake– view, Ohio have recently called Rev. Homer F . Kirchner to serve as their pas tor. He began his ministry there the latter part of September. Distinctively Baptistic ...that's the character of our literature! Presenting the great fundamental doctrines of Scripture to the pupil in language that he can understand. This Bibi• centered, pupil-related literature that has the proper approach to the Scriptures can be ordered today from Regular Baptist Press. Send for free sample poc~et. Regular Baptist Press 1800 Oakton Boulevard • Des Plaines, Ill. 60018 THE OHIO'" INOEPENDENT BAPTIST