The Ohio Independent Baptist, January 1972
44th Annual Conference Resolutions THE LOCAL CHURCH Wherea it wa Je us C hri t Himself who said "I will build my church/' and ' Wherea the promi e and prediction of Chri t wa ful– fi lled in the New Te tament in the e tabli hment of local churche in various localitie , and Wherea the strength of orthodox C hristianity depends on the trength and piriutality of local New Testament churche , Be it resolved that the me engers of the Ohio Associa– tion of Regular Baptist Churche in annual ses ion October 18-20, I971, in Bellefontaine, Ohio encourage the ' member of the c~urche . in the Association to give priority to their churches 10 service, love and loyalty, and that they give heed to their own devotion and dedication to C hri t that their churches may be strong and spiritual. COOPERATION AMONG CHURCHES Whereas we, as a fell owship of Independent Baµtist Churches, have separated ourselves from any cooperation with apostate churches and programs, And there is a dat?ger of becon:iing so independ– ent that we fail to cooperate in any meaningful way with other chu rches in our association, ' Be it resolved that the messengers of the Ohio Associa– tion of Regular Baptist Churches meeting in annual session (?ctober 18-20, 1971 at Bellefontaine, Ohio, reaffirm the pri n~ c1ple of cooperation between autonomous churches and that our local churches be encouraged to actively seek out areac; and means whereby they can cooperate in program of mutual interest and benefit. STRENGTHENING THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY Whereas, there are, in the present day society, many forces that are contributing to the breakdown of the home including the pressu re to reject God-given roles in the family GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH, TROY, OHIO relationship with the husband being rejected as rightful head of the. home a!'ld with wife and chi ldren being "' liberated" from his authority and leadership. Wherea the Bible i explicit in the establishment of the order within the home, with the place and responsibility of each member clearly delineated, and Whereas, the revision of family roles has affected our church life with men taking a more passive role in the work of the church. Be it r~solved that the messengers of the 0 .A. R.B.C., in Annual scs ion, October 18-20, 1971 , in Bellefontaine, Ohio. e!1cour~gc ou~ churches to support the home with renewed vigor, 1nslruct1ng members regarding their God-given roles. Be it further resolved that the men of our churches be .anew to take their proper place of leadership in sp1r1tual things such a the family altar. Be it further resolved that our churches examine their own programs to ascertain whether or not they are strengthening the home, and . Be it further resolved that we be acutely aware of and res1~t every trend, agency, movement that would undermine the home. APPRECIATION TO HOST CHURCH y\'hereas, Pastor J ohn R. Wood and people of Calvary Baptist Church of BelJefontaine, Ohio, have been such gracious hosts . to the 44th Annual Conference o f the O.A. R.B.C., a ll owing. us the full use o f their bea utiful building and grounds, and taking care of a great number of details in caring for the comfort and well being of the messengers assembled~ and for the opportunities for witne s on TV and in the school becau e of the te ti mony of this church: Therefore be it resolved that we the messengers of the 0.A.R.B.C. meeting in Annual session, October 18-20 1971 in Bellefontaine, Ohio, express our deep appreciation ' to ou; host church with the ho pe that our fellowship during these days has brought bles ing to this church , as it ha to us to the glory of Christ. ' FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH, GREENVILLE, OHIO Wells Construction Company Church Specialists 17219 Euclid, Allen Park, Michigan 48101 Complete Church Building Program Services Including Call or Write MASTER PLANNING PR~LIMINARY LAYOUTS PLAN5 & SPECIFICATIONS ENGINEERING TOPOC..f{APHI WOllK PARKING LOT DESIGN CHURCH SIGNS CONSTRUCTION - (Ask About Work Equity Plan) Mr. Lawrence F. Wilson Professional Engineer 3504 Worden Road Oregon, Ohio 43616 Telephone: 419-691 -5886 or, Our Main Office
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