The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1972

Retaining Wall Con tructed he abo\ e ptcture ma 1 not look like n1u h. bu t 1t ho\\ u that thing are 1n \ ing ahead at cioto H ill Camp. Thi i a picture of the new retaining ,vall. \ imming dock and pier now being con tructed. One of our Camp Of life 4;:11 (a(Q4fU &t>tist Missions tru tee , Mr. Paul Gale designed and engineered these improvements. It all should be completed in time for our 1972 campers. The donated labor consisted of many, many hours by men from the ESTABLISHING BAPTIST. CHURCHES WHERE TIIERE WERE NONE United States and Canada - THE CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION P. 0. lox 18056, Cleveland, Ohio 44111 Founded 1904 FUNDAMENTAL - BAPTISTIC - EVANGELISTIC Evangelizing the "kinsmen" of our Lord in Cleveland, Ohio Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil OFFICERS:- REFERE CES:- Mr. George B. Dunn, Preside11t Re\ . Roy Clark, Jl ice President Re". Gerald V. Smelser. S1,peri11te11de11L Rev. A. Paul Tidball, Asst. St,pt. :tv1r. Earl Helfrick, Sec'}·.-Treas. Dr. J ohn G. Ba lyo, C level and, Ohio Dr. Paul Van Gorder, Atlanta, Ga. Dr. Vaughn Sprunger, South Bend, Ind. Rev. Lloyd Morris, Flint, Mich. Dr. Robert Ketcham, Chicago. Ill. Dr. Ralph Stoll , Lancaster, Pa. Dr. Melvin V. Efaw, Huntington W. Va. Dr. Fra nk C. Torrey, Boca Raton. Fla. Dr. Kenneth Ma teller , H addon Hts., N.J. Write for your FREE co-py of ' 'The Trumpeter for Israel" our qu1rterlv m.91:zin• devoted to the work of Jewish ev1ngeliam.. 14 FEBUARY, 1972 1 cn,pl c B~ pti st ht1r h in Portsmouth, J>lus otl1crs fro1n interested area churches. O r1 the job upervisor was Harold Norris . Brother Ted Stead, amp aretaker, worked alongside of Brother Norri4i. Mr . Harry Alcorn, Mr. Richard Jackson and Mr. Bill Hughes did yeoman work on this man- ized Job. Appreciation is expressed, too to Brother Marvin heek of Wheelersburg Bapti t Church, as he not only helped on the new swimming dock, but goes out to camp once each week the year round to give of his time to help make Scioto Hills a better place each year. We praise the Lord for ALL the laymen of our OARBC who love the , Lord and our young people. They willingly ( and gladly) give of their time and talents. Truly their work is an offering ' 'unto the Lord"! May their number increase! To Dedicate New Headquarters On March 14, 1972 at 8 p.m. the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism will bold a dedication ser– vice for their new international head– quarters building located at 1720 Springdale Road in Cherry Hill, N .J. The colonial style, one-story build– ing situated on 5. 6 acres provides 8,000 square feet of space to house the various offices and departments which service th~ 370 AliWE mission– aries serving in 11 countries. The one-hour service will be held in the adjacent Bethel Baptist Church which is pastored by Dr. Carl Elgena, a member of the ABWE Board. The Rev. Wendell W. Kempton, President of the world-wide missionary organi– zation, will preside over the program which will include renditions by musi– cal groups from local Baptist churches and will feature an address by the Rev. George A. Bates of Blanchester, Ohio, a long-time member of the Ad- visory Council of the ABWE. An "Open House" will be held from seven to eight and nine to ten o 'clock, the night of the dedication to provide opportunity for those in attendance to inspect the new facilities. It is an- -- ticipated that delegations from many churches in and around the Delaware Valley will be in attendance. Dear Reader: Why not suggest to your pastor that y,.~ have • "bundle lot" of THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST sent to your church each month? 25 copies wovl4 cest but $25.00. 50 copies - $50.00. H-1p us to get "bundl• lots" into A\.l of · our churchfft Th•nb ••• Yovr Etlitar . THE OHIO INDEPENDENT IAPTIST