The Ohio Independent Baptist, February 1972
Now Pastoring Lorain Church Max E. Tucker The Euclid Avenue Baptist Church of Lorain, Ohio has called Rev. Max E. Tucker to be their new pastor. Our brother comes from Grand Rapids , Michigan, where he served as pastor of the Standale Baptist Church. He began his duties at the Lorain church on January 28th of this year. Brother Tucker is a native of the State of Ohio. He received his theo– logical training at the Practical Bible Training School in Johnson City, New York and at Cedarville College. He did graduate work at the American Divinity School in C hicago, Illinoi s. He has pastored churches in Ohio, Indiana and Michigan, as well as, having traveled extensively in evangel– istic work. Pastor Tucker and the people of the Lorain church anticipate blessing as they move ahead together in the work of the Lord. Happy Birthday! The Emmanuel Bapti t hurch in Dayton, Ohio ( Rev. Nile Fi her, Pastor ) wa 59 year old on De– cember 12 th . On that date, the Hayne Street Chapel wa.s organized. Prior to that time it was known a "Mission Station A " and conducted by the people of Linden Ave. Baptist C hurch. The Emmanuel Baptist Church be– gan its o,.rganization with 95 me.mbers. Today its membership is 769. Because modernism was fast re– placing the tenets of hi storic Baptist faith in the Northern Bapti t Conven– tion , the church voted unanimously in J 941 to withdraw from that or– ganization and seek fellowship with the Ohio A s ociation of Regular Bap– ti st Churches and the General As– sociation of Regular Baptist Churches. In 1947, the church moved to the present location and changed its name to The Emmanuel Bapti st C hurch . Two buildings have been added and the property expanded since that move. Fourteen pastors have served the church since its formation as a mis– sion. Six men , including the late Emory Bancroft. Jed the church when it was in its mission status, and eight men since it was organized as a regular Baptist church. The longest tenure was held by the late Rev . M . F. Scruby who served the church twice for a total of 17 years. Pastor Nile Fisher has served for 16 1/2 years. Dozens of young people have gone into the Lord' work and a number are in traininq a t this present time . hurches have been started in sur– rounding areas as a direct result of the ministry of Emmanuel. The fifty– nine years have been good yea rs ! Guard Your Brain! Scientists tel] us that it is wrong to compare the human brain to a computer, because the brain is so much more complex and versa tile. They e timate that there are about ten billion neutron cells in the brain, with each one connected to hundreds of other cell s. If a laboratory tried to duplicate the brain at the low cost of 5 cents a cell, it would cost over one quintillio ,1 tlollars! (Tha t's a billion billion!) This is more money than a lJ the government of the world posses~ right now. Guard your bra in! AJ cohoJ, na rcotics, and si nful abuse of the body will de troy those valuable cells. Keep your mind on things true a nd hol y. "Set yot1r a ffection on things above" ( ol . 3:2). THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST VOLUME 44, NO. S FEBRUARY, 1972 OARBC Youth Accept Challenge The camping age young people of our OARBC churches are being chal– lenged through the DEBT FREE AMPS PROGRAM to raise $40,000 in the next two years to help free our OARBC camps of their debt. An ex– cellent tart was made by them re– cently when they raised $2,248.30 through their "GOTTA DIME RAL– LY" which was held at Cedarville College, November 26th of last year. "Fair Share Holder" certificates were issued to each young person who collected dimes for this project. In addition, a "free week' ' at the OARBC camp of their chojce was given to the fol lowing persons for collecting the most money in their age group: 9 year old - Jeff Brown Portsmouth (Temple Baptist) 10 year old - Brad Spradlin Wheelersburg Baptist 11 year old - Billy Klein Cuyahoga Falls (Graham Rd. Baptist) 12 year old - J amelyn Robbins Springfield ( Blessed Hope Baptist) 13 year old - Randy Spradlin Wheelersburg Baptist 14 year old - Sue Arnold Cuyahoga Falls (Graham Rd. Baptist) 15 year old - David Szuch Northfield Baptist 16 year old - Holly Wiyant Fostoria Baptist 17 year old - Hope Harris Canton (Whipple Ave Bapt .) J 8 year old - Joyce Billington Fostoria Baptist Additional projects will be an– nounced oon by the DFC committee to challenge our youth to raise the $17, 7 50 still needed to meet their 1972 DFC Youth Fund Goal. ATT E NTION Your Bible can be repaired, re– bound and recovered . Don't di - card year of preciou not e . on– tact : Rev. John H . Green 1I Water treet Arcanum, Ohio 453()4 FEBRUARY, 1972
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