The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1972

For Cedarville College coed, April Jenkin , her college routine involve a very pecial companion, Mat, her guide dog. Becon1ing a part of April's life in January , Mat i a ttnique ad– dition to her daily respon ibilities. Molding the dog into the spectrL1m of her activities ha been a job for both dog and master. A ensitive and independent ophomore, April par– ticipates in a variety of campus func– tions. Chosen as her dormitory chap– lain, she holds a big responsibility in aiding to develop the spiritual lives of her dorm-mates. Her friends feel that perhaps due to her handicap, she is more perceptive than the average col– lege student and they feel challenged because of her optimistic testimony. An out-growth of that testimony, April is engaged in weekly trips to Wright State University on campus evangelism. Getting a taste of the vivacious Christian life was one of Mat's first experiences and first re– sponsibilities. To own a guide dog has been April's wish for the past several years. The wish turned to reality due to the con– cern of the Springfield, Ohio Lions Club and other service organizations. In January April traveled to Co– lumbus to attend the Pilot Dogs Train– ing School, a nation-wide n(?n-profit organization. April is one of its over 1100 graduates since 1950. - Training not only the dog but its master is a major undertaking. When April arrived at the school for the four week training period , she began to care for her dog. Bathing Mat, the preliminary step, taught April care for the dog and helped the dog in un– derstanding that his mas ter cares for him. Obedience is essential and "dum- Trailer Needed For Storage The f o]k at Scioto Hill s Camp are in need of a "Trac tor-Tra il er ". They need just the " tra iler" part for storage purposes. Last year they r ented a metal shed , however, a large trailer would be m uch better . It would be used to stor e such items as their mini– bikes, go-carts, r epair equipment and n1any other things. Anyone knowing of the avai JabiJity of such a Htra il er ." please no tify Rev. Joseph hap man, ait h Bap tist hurch, Box No. 452. Gall ipo]1 !,, Ohio -4563 1. Phone (614) 446-2607. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST my' ' mean business when the dog makes an error . Response to direc t orders is o important th at correc tion techniques arc significant in April 's training. Both vocal and leash cor– rections train the dog to pLiJI around sidewalk obstacles, to stop at a ll cor– ners and to ignore di traction , such as stray dogs. Bringing a gL1ide dog to any small campus is unique . For April , Ma t will not only broaden opportunities for social activities, but will provide the avenue to grow and gain experience so necessary for an abundant Christi an 1 ife. Constant Companions Learning To Work Together MARCH, 1972 11