The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1972

Sonnet Of A Twentieth Century Christian Incarnate Love arrived in infant dres , Yet instantly aroused King Herod's hate ; Its grandeur shone in very helplessness . ' While Herod's crime belied hi s title ' 'Great.,, Hate's champion died , God ' infant Son survived To win such laure] s on ly chi ldren can: In wisdom and in stature Jesus thrived ' And gained the favor of both God and man. One only time did Mother Mary speak , "My Son, why have you treated us like this?" And then , had He not been divinely meek , He might have answered "Why were you remiss?" His only fau1t was learning's burning thirst, And putting God , Hi s heavenly Father , first. . . . Ralph T. Nordlund Student Power - Relevance And The Christian Campus It would be a fooli sh undertaking to predict wh a t lies ahead on our col lege campuses in view of the n1any perplexing problems on many campuses today . I am keenly interested in the education of our C hri stian young people, and as a pastor I have had the privi lege to counse l and advi se many young people. In recent years I have been abJe to vi sit personally fou r of our six G .A.R.B.C . approved school s of higher education, and spoke first hand with members of the administration , staff and faculty. But , even beyond thi s I was able to speak with students in the classroom situation as well as informally in the coffee shop and out on the ball field . I praise God for our schools with their philosophy and purpose of existence . My wife and I are graduates of a Chri stia n Libera l Arts Institution (Cedarville College, Cedarville, Ohio) and I hope that my professors are as p leased with me as I am with them. I was more than a number to them. I was a student, called of God, placed in their charge, and I was a lways aware of the fact that . I was the student! My privileges and powers were limited, and within that frame– work I learned the basic issues of Ii fe. I realize that not all men will agree with me, but I am not one who believes that freedom is automaticaJl y increased as authority is shattered . I am the product of a facu lty academic tradition and thus sensitive to faculty values. My concern today is that the admin istration of our schools do not seek to satisfy all the whims of the students to the detriment of the sound exercise of legitimate Christian leadership. Perhaps someone will come along and ask: "Are the real needs of students met in thi s kind of s ituation?" Or, "Is your education relevant?" It appears to me that the criteria of relevance is often a thinly disguised contemptuous attack on any study of the past . Remember, we wou ld have no existence or reality without the past! If our Christian schools were as relevant as the morning newspaper they would soon cease to exist. Let the news media take care of the headlines, but let the Christian school sort out what is trivial or only temporarily useful. T he GARBC men studying a t Grace Sem ina ry in Winona Lake have organized the Grace Campus GABRC Felloivship . Its purpose is to provide C hr1stian F ellowship, a nd secure Christian service opportunities in local GARB hurches. They are meeting bi-monthly al the F ell owship Bapti c; t Church in War saw, Indi ana. Rev. Ir– win Olsen, Indi ana Sta te Represent a– ti ve, met wi th them for their first meet– ing on October 19, 1971. They were THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST . . . Pastor Robert L. Domokos Poland Village, Ohio New Fellowship Formed privileged to h ave Dr. J oseph Stowell , N ational Representa tive for the GAR– BC; Dr. Paul T assell , N a tional Youth Representative, RBP · and Dr. Fred Barlow, Sunday School Con ultant , RBP, at the ir second mee ting on J ant1- a ry 25, 1972. P astors or churches int cre tcd in e– curing the services of GARB ,race Semjnary students, should contac t Rev. Gordon L. Finl ey, C ha irman of hri - ti an Service, or Rev. Bill Slocum, President , a t Route 8, Wa r aw, Indi- Cedarville College Professor of Physics Receives Ph.D. Degree Dr. Daniel E. Wetzel Daniel E. Wetzel , Professor of Physics at edarville College received a Ph .D. in physics from The Ohio State University on December 17, 1971. Dr. Wetzel 's disser tation was titled, "Operation, Diagnostics and Spectrographic Analysis of a Disc Shaped Plasma Focus" and embodied two years of research. Prior to coming to Cedarville in 1963, Dr. Wetzel was employed by the Battelle Memorial Institute of Co– lumbus as a reactor physicist for two years and by the Gener al Electric Company, Evendale, Ohio, as a nu– clear engineer for six years. Dr. Wetzel holds a B.S. degree in physics and mathematics from More– head State University ( 1955 ) and an M.S. degree from the University of Cincinnati in Nuclear Engineering. He holds membership in the Ameri– can Physics Society, American As– sociation of Physics Teachers, Sigma Xi, National Educa tion Associa tion and the Ohio Educa tion Association . He resides on Wilberforce-Cli fton Road with his wife, Phyll is and their five children. ana 46580. T elephone: Rev. Gor don Finley, (2 19) 269-2 194. or Rev. Slo– sum, (219) 267-7765. Dear Reader: Why not 1u99e1t to your pastor thet y,.:., have • "bundl• lot" of THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST sent tQ your church each month? 25 copies wo ttltl celt but $25.00. 50 copies - $50.00. H.ip us to get "bundle lots" into All of · our churche1f Th•nlr• • • • Yevr Etlitet MARCH, 1972 13