The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1972

(Concluded from page 10) Mrs. Ray Black will be di cussing ..Children' Intere t in Mi ion H' Miss Geneva Fox wil l peak about "Fla h Ca rd Storie ", Miss Veroni ca Si on ,viii tell about HPre-viewing the Mis- ion Field" and Mr . Ben McG rew will hare ome "An wers To Prayer" from the p rayer cards handed out at a previous Rally. MRS. CHARLES ZIMMERMAN, Bapti t Mid-Missions mi ssionar y on furlough from Japan is the Mi ss ion– ary speaker. A rich blessing is await– ing all who attend. Bring your sand– wich! Dessert , salad or relishes, and beverage is furnished by the ladies , of the host church . PROJECT - Paper shower for Shalon1 Lake Camp. Pray for God's leading and blessi ng upon this ministry. Spring WMU Rally At Immanuel-Columbus Next month , April 18th, Imma nuel Baptist Church, 3417 Palmetto St. at Derrer Road, Columbus, wil l hos t the SPRING RALLY, of OHIO REGU– LAR BAPTIST WOMEN'S MIS– SIONARY UNION, from IO a. m. to 3: 00 p.m. The THEME will be 'HIS LAST COMMAND, OUR FIRST CON– CERN". Check with your local presi- dent and officer regarding luncheon re ervations and Nursery. BRING YOUR DIME BANKS. There wil1 be election of Officer . MISS RUTH H EGE, Bap ti st Mid– M i sion mi sionary on fur lough from Venezuel a is the peaker. You wi ll re– ceive a real blessing, as she shares her • experiences. " K ev To THE I NTitEPRETATION OF THE PROPHETIC S CRIPTURES" Don't study prophecy by pieces. Learn the Keys to Interpretation, the Background and Preparation, a nd the Prophetic Calendar . Two new Bible study lessons on 5" tape, each lesson more than 50 minutes. NOT sermons, but lessons you wi ll use over and over. Sent for offering of $5 or more for our own mi ssionary to Spain. Write for list of other tape less– ons, to Thomas H. Hubbard, Pastor BIBLE MISSION BAPTIST C HURCH Box 85, PATASKALA, OH10 43062 "The Expository Bible Teach ing Churcli of Central Ol1io" The Greatest Hoax Ever Dr . T. N. Tahmisian, a physiologist for the Atomic Energy Commission said , "Scientists who go abou t teach– ing that Evolution is a fact of life are great con men, a nd the story they are telling may be the greatest hoax ever . In explaining Evolution we do not have one iota of fact. Evolution is a tangled mishmash of guess ing games and figure juggling." Building Additions Designed by Lawrence F. Wilson, P.E. Constructed by local contractors Wells Construction Company C hur ch S pe cialists 17219 Euclid, Allen Park, Michigan 48101 Complete Church Building Program Services Including MASTER PLANNING PRELIMINARY LAYOUTS PLANS & SPEOIFICATIONS ENGINEERING TOPOGRAPHI ' WORK PARKING LOT D'ESIGN CHURCH SIGNS CONSTRUCfION - (Ask About Work Equity Plan) Call or Write Mr. Lawrence F. Wilson Professional Engineer 3504 Worden Road Oregon, Ohio 43616 Telephone: 419-691 -5886 or, Our Main Office