The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1972

I l~ ll t ! i · ,n c , 11 lll'\ll"li r 111 1ni11c t lia,v·111 . It 111,1, e \1 t d t c l cl"'' ( l'r, 11al d liul1t , t ('111c i11 i\it'nt. )r it n1a ' l " , ,ell ,1 at1 .. cla111at ic r1. l(.1 t1n– dcrl111c tl1c 111ll) 1ta11 c of 0111cthing ,r t , dr 1,v at t<.: nt1011 t it. hanging this ro t1lar l1chc int a quc tion, 'l:t u ..· aipI ' tt t t1r elve . HO\\' BOl T TH T LIFE of ~, ur ., I t pe ple een1 to ettle for n1 re nnin1al-life necc itie : enough to eat. a con1fortable place to sleep, and n1panion hip '" ith a imilar be– ing. The e three elements satisfy dog . \ "et urel}, each human being - hav– ing another dimen ion, a God-con- .... ciou" spirit - demands more than a lO\\er creature. What is your highest ambition? What purpose or objective do )·ou have? Are you really alive or JU t existing? Jesus gives a clear an- \\:er about life. "I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly' ' ( John 10: lOb). HOW ABOUT THAT BOOK ? Throughout its 66 different, yet uni– fied divisions, the Bible claims for itself divine inspiration. It is accepted as the Word of God. Inspired but un– derstandable, threatened but indestruc– tible, it offers life to the believer, hope to the hopeless, and direction to all who trust its words. "All Scripture is given by inspiration of God and is profitable for instruction in righteous– ness' ' (II Tim. 3:16). HOW ABOUT THAT LOVE? Much has been written about human love. Let us look, however, at the love of God as mentioned in that classic verse, John 3: 16: "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosover believeth in him should not perish, but have everlast– ing life." God is love. Besides this , ztt Tl,,l t! Jlc h,1, a \\' 11 icrft1l pla11 for your life' <..,od i~ not only tl1c rcator of a 11 t 111 n g , l1 ll t th r Otl g h H is on Jc u l1r1 t, He 1 the Redeemer of all who hcl1c c. " or od sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world~ ht1t that the world through him might he a c<l .. (J hn 3 : 17). HOW ABOUT THAT CROSS? It \\a a puni hment post. It was a place of execution and consequently of suff– ering. Many have died on crosses, even as they have on scaffolds, in electric chairs, or in gas chambers. Usually the convicted ones "pay" so– ciety in this way for their misdeeds. The cross of the New Testament was different. On it died One, not for His own sins - history recor ds none against H im - bu t for the sins of th e whole world, fo r my sins, and yours. It was the only execution that had been predicted for cen turies, and then followed out to the letter "ac– cording to the scr iptures." Jesus died , bu t He also rose from the gr ave "ac– cording to the scriptures." T her efore, He is not a dead reformer bu t a living Saviour! Is He your personal Saviour? HOW ABOUT THAT D EATH ? What is your reaction? Why should H e care for us? Some men would dare to die for a good cause. . . "But God com– mendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinner s, Christ died for us" If He did all that for us who ar e liabilities rather than assets, wh at should our response be? Should we not love Him since H e first loved u s? Should we not acclaim and confess His Son to be our Lord and Master , our Saviour from sin? H OW ABOUT THAT DECISION? If you have not done so before, will you here and now invite this H eavenly Guest to come into your hear t and life. Jesus says of Himself in Rev. 3: 20, 'Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him and will sup with him, and he with me." Capsules of Life The great living lessons taught by Christ in His parables used the common , everyday experiences of life. His illustrations and aptness of applicat ion came from the heart that sought on ly good for the listener and you the reader of today. The accounts of missionary bravery and true incidents in the lives of experienced Christ ians character ize the literature we publish for you. Our take-home papers are planned to cover a broad area of Christ ian exper ience. Your ' church can orily benefit from the read ing of these f ine papers: FORMOMMY AND ME, PR!MARY PA~ COURAGE, CHALLENGE, CONQUEST. Orderyourfree Regular Baptist Press sample from 1800 Oakton Boulevard • Des Plaines, Ill. 60018 The Ohio Indepe ndent Baptist - Published Monthly by - THE OH10 ASSOCIATION OF REGULAR BAPTIST CHURCHES SECOND CLASS POSTAGE paid at Xenia, Ohio. POSTMASTER: Please send Form 3579 to The Oh io Independent Bapt ist Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Editorial Office: Box No. 160 Xenia, Ohio 45385 Rates of Subscription: $2.00 per year; $5.00 for three years; EVERY ACTIVE FAMILY PLAN, $1 .1 S per subscription; BUNDLE LOT PLAN {mailed directly to the church), $1 .00 per subscript ion. Minimum bundle order - 15 copies; single issue 20 cents. Your Editorial Office should have all news and advertis· ing copy in hand no later than 30 days prior to printing . Advertising rates will be sent on request. STAFF Editor . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Donald Moffat Box No. 160, Xenia, Ohio 45385 Circulation !Yfanager . . . . Stuart L. Cbaffe Box No. 160, Xenia, Ohio 45385 W omen's Editor . . . . . . . Mrs. Inez Milner 2195 Brockway Road University Hts., Ohio 44118 State lvf issionary . . . . . . . Earl D. Umbaugh 2150 Marhofer Ave., Sto,v, Ohio 44224 State Youtli Director Wilbur Parrish Gallia St. at \Valler, Portsmouth, 0. 45662 COUNCIL OF TEN Chazrnian . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lynn E. Rogers State Rt. 82 & N. Boyden Rd., Northfield, Ohio 44067 l '1ce-Clia1rn1a11 . . John R. Woo<l 1140 Rush A,·e., B( llcfontaine, Ohio 43-311 Secretary . . . . . . . . . Kenneth L. Andrus 3 15 S. Kensington Pl., Springfield 45503 Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . \Villiam A. Brock 4659 Trabue Rd., Colurnbus, Ohio 43228 Progra1n Chrrn. . . . . W. Dean Henr} 54 r Brov,n St., Akron, Ohio 4431 I Missionary Chrn1. . ... George A. Bates 5325 Clcarvic,v Dr., Blanchester, 0. 451 07 Education Clzrm. . . . . Raymond F. Hamil ton Gallia St. at \Valie r, Portsmouth 45662 Young People's ii' ork Cl1rrn ., Norman Bos,vorh, tllc College, Cedar,·11le, Ohio 453 1-1 Kenneth R. Sn1clser . . 123 \V. Liberty St. Medina, Ohio 44256 Earl V. \V1lletts . . . . . . I I Adam St. Berea, Ohio 440 17 •