The Ohio Independent Baptist, March 1972
Cedarville tudents Honored r nt r \\ : ( L. to R .) haun1~ all) t iller. 1eda and Kath\ Endre . l ary ( 'hamber , Sue delblute, Sue Moore cott arol Bier– Carolyn Stubrick • Back ro\\: (L. to R .) Lyle Mill er , Mike Wilhite Tom Strong, David GI big, Da e Je,vell, Pau l Hubble and Jeff Woodcock. E-x.hibit1ng e cellence in the area of academic . e tra-curricular activi– tie . cholar hip and Jeader hip, eigh– teen Cedar,·ille College tudent have been elected for mention in the 1971-72 J,J/ /1o's W/10 A111ong Stt1dents i11 A111erican Universities and Colleges. ominated from their academic disci– pline, by the faculty of that di cipline, the final deci ion wa made by the Student Affair Committee. Tho e junior and seniors chosen for the 1971 -1972 honor are the fol– lov. ing: Carol BierbaL1111, '73, Speech and English: Mary Clza,nbers. '72, P ycholog)': Meda Edelbli,te, '72, Ele– mentary Education: Kath)' Endres, '73, Elementary Education: Dave Glo– big, '72, Bible and Bu iness: Paul Hiibble. '72, Social Science: Dave }el-i·ell. 72, Social Science · L }'le M iller, '72. H istor,·: Sally Miller . '72, Physi– cal Education: SLte Moore . '73, Social Science; Ralp/1 Perkins. '72, Speech and Bible : Si1e Scott , ·72 P ychology; PJ1il Stine. '73, Engli h: T o111 Strong. '72, Bible: Carol)'n Stubrich, '72, Ele- 4 MARCH, 1972 ment ary Education; Vicki T obias, 72 E ngli sh· Mik e Wil/1ite, '72, Bible· Jeff Woodcock, '72, P ychology. Growing into a national program from beginnings in 1934, W/1 o's Wh o A,nong Sti,dents seeks to fulfill four ma in purposes in its structure. To in– spire and to motivate students to achieve to the best of their ability is the primary focus of the award pro– gram. Also by recognizing students who have invested their col lege time intelligently, other students can profit from their example. The third purpose for the program is to e tablish a means of compensation for outstanding achievement. The fin al aim i to form a sta ndard of measurement for stu– dents compar ab le to ot he r recogni zed schol astic and ervice organization . Each honored student receive a certificate of recogniti on, listing in the a nnual Who' Who pu blication and free student placement ervice. A key emblem and a copy of the publication are optional. Good Rules For Singing 1·wo hundred yea rs ago, John Wes– ley gave some good rul e for this spiritual cxcrci ·c, and they can be as helpful today as in the eighteenth century. Among thcn1 were these: 1 ,5 ,n.fJ all. See that you join with the congregat ion as f requentJ y as you can . Let not a slight degree of weak– ness or wcarincs5 hinder you. If it is a cross to you, take it up , and you will find it a blessing. 2. Sing l,, stily and lvit/1 a go<>cl cour– atfe. Beware of singing as if you were half dead , or half asleep; but lift up your voice with strength . Be no more I a fraid of your voice now, or more ashamed of its being heard , than when you sang the songs of Satan. 3. Sing n1odestly. Do not bawl, so as to be heard above, or distinct from the re t of the congregation, that you may not destroy the harmony. Strive to unite your voices together, so as to make one clear melodious sound. 4. Sing in tirt1e. Whatever is sung, be sure to keep with it. Do not run before nor stay behind it. Attend close to the leading voices, and move there– with as exactly as you can ; and take care not to sing too slowl y. This draw l– ing way naturally steals on all who are lazy. It is high time to drive it out from us, and sing all our tunes just as quick as we did at fi rst. 5. Above all, sing spiritually. Have an eye to God, in every word you sing. Aim at pleasing Him more than yourself, or any other creature. In or– der to do this, attend strictly to the sense of what you sing, and see that your hear t is not carried away with the sound but offered to God continu– ally. So shall your singing be such as the Lord will approve here, and re– ward you when He cometh in the clouds of heaven . ... CLIPPED EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH of West Shore Rev. Wesley Bliss, Pastor Moving or Traveling through the Harrisburg, Pa. area? Stop and._ visit Emmanuel Baptist Church aJ 4681 E. Trindle Road, Mechanics– burg, Pa., just five minutes off the Pa. Tpk. Exit 17. New Building under construction . l o- cated in the center of Harrisburg h's West Shore. MOV ING or TRAVEL ING PLAN A V ISITI Phones: (717) 737-1131 (71 n 131.6s29 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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