The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1972
Cedarville College News Day School Conference "Sense and Sen ibility in Christian Education wa the theme of edar– ville College' annua l Chri tia n Day School conference, held on February 25-26. Guest speaker for the weekend wor hip was Dr. John Blanchard executive director of the Nationa l A sociation of Chri tian Schools, lo– cated in Wheaton, Illinoi . A wide range of topics added di– ver ified interest to the conference. Exploring such areas as "Maladjusted Behavior and the Teacher's Role," HFinancing Chri tian Education" a nd "A Christian View of Sc ience ." peakers included members of Ceda r– ville's education depa rtment . Dr . Blanchard presented "A Biblical View of Education ," "Problem of C hri - tian Day Schools," and ' 'Establi hing a Christian Day School ." The conference attracted over 65 Christian Day School arlministrator from a five state region. New Study Program Seeking to expand the student' academic experience and compre– hension of t h e interrelationship among various disciplines and Chris– tian theism is the main objective of the Interdisciplinary Studies Program. The new program will begin with the start of spring quarter in M a rch . The course is designed to combine _ depth of knowledge in one particul ar field with a spec ific study of the re– Jat ionships found in the libera l arts. • Among the requirements, the Inter- disciplinary major will approach three new courses, Ame rica 11 Minorities, Man and Reli ab le Knowledge and Man and His E nvironment . Three thousa nd dollars and three thousand books is the goal of the student missionary project now un– derway at Cedarville Col lege. Missionary Proiect The projec t, which officially began February l, has a two phase pro– gram. Phase I , to collect three thous– and dollars, began with the collec tion of money from stt1dents during winte r quarter registration. The money re– ceived will be distributed three ways. Phase I I of the proJect is to collect t hrec thousand book~ for the Fel Jow– st1ip Bapti st Acaden1y, Kabongka– long, Philippine~. The school, now 1urnishing a new library, 1 a Ch ris– tian academy working with the r: ilipino people. THE OH10 INDEPENDENT BAPTIST • According to the princ ipal of the Academy, any book can be used from literature to chemistry , bu incs , or C hri tian education . Devotiona l l1ook and Bible are a lso needed . The literature books needed for the school include uch authors a Whitman ' Cooper, Hutchins, Stevenson, Swift, Dicken , Shakespeare, Alcott, An– derson, H awthorne to sight a few. Anyone intere ted in contributing to either phase of the missionary pro– jec t can do o by contac ting Mr . T erry Iapp, SMP hairman, Cedar– ville Coll ege, Cedarville, Ohio. Author Presented Dr . Kenneth Hardy Cooper , au tho r of Aerobics and direc tor of the Cooper C linic and Re ea rch Founda– tion appeared on the edarville Col– lege campus on February 18. A part o t the schooJ·s Arti st Lecture Series, Dr. Cooper began hi 5 lecture at 8 :00 p .m. in Alford Auditorium . Dr. ooper has developed an exer– ci e system called aerobics which is concerned with the amount of work done by muscles in relation to the a ,nount o f oxygen con5umed. The suppl y and utili zation of oxygen i5 promoted through vigorous exercises performed at least four or five Jays a week. Upon entering the Air Force in 1960, he continued hi s resea rch us– ing thousands of ai r men for h is ex– perimen ts. Dr. Cooper is now retired from the Air Force and is work ing at hi s 8 lh acre Research Foundation in D a ll a , Texas . Beside Aerobics, Dr. ooper ha wri tten severa l ot her publica tions whi ch include, The New A erohics a nd A erobics for Won1en. Student Speakers Available Pastors or churches interested in securing the se rvices of GARBC Grace Seminary students, should contact either Rev. Gordon L. Fin I ey, Chairman of Christi an Service or Rev . Bill Slocum, President Route 8, Warsaw , Ind. 46580. Phone: Finley {219) 269-2 194 Slocum {219) 267-7765 THE CHILDREN'S GOSPEL HOUR, INC. Henry C. Geiger, Executive Director-Livingston, Tenn. 38570 Presenting Jesus Christ to Youth by Radio and TV PRAY FOR THE SALVATION OF BOYS AND GIRLS The Children's Gospel Hour is now on 81 radio and 43 TV stations each week. Pray that more stat ions will take the program. The youth of America need to hear the Gospel now. Write for further information. OHIOANS TAKE NOTE - Radio: Wl<TH-FM, Kenton - Saturdays, 2: 15 p.m. Thr Word Of Life WCOL-FM, Columbus - Saturdays, 11 :30 a.m. WTTO, Toledo - Saturday, 8 :00 a .m. WRWR·TV, Port Clinton - See listing. ' ~~·· , ESTABLI HING BAPTIST CHURCHES WHERE THERE WERE NONE APRIL, 1972 13 I I
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