The Ohio Independent Baptist, April 1972
by Ruth Hege ("I u ill still be yo1tr 11iissionctry. 1~,cr, ,ersc t)f Psal111 138 •~ 111ean- ~ ingft1l and pre i tt .. t n1e. hut t da in I 1 ~1ng ha k in retr pect from th ,,antagc p int f the pa t f rty \'ear ,. , ,er.. e tand out clearly. "The ord ,, ill \\ rk out Hi plan for my life - f r ) our lov1ngkindne Lord, ontinue fore\·er .., and P alm 57: 2 ··11 1 od \l ho performeth all thing for n1e. ·· I can now under tand how C\'er) experience (even the bittere t) ha in lo, 'e been prepared by Him to trip me of elf-reliance and make me lean on Him more heavi ly and depend upon Him more completely - to under core the ble sed truth of H1 teaching in the parable of the \ ine and the branches: "Without Me ) 'OU can do notl1ing." I know that any fruitbearing has been possible only becau e of the faithful pruning and trimming of the divine Husbandman. So then, the branch has naught of \\ hich to boast, except it be of such a ~·i e and patient Gardner Who was determined to have some fruit at any co t . for His own glory. Another truth which comes clearly into focus in recounting the memories of Hi goodness is this: Friends and loved ones have not even as much as mentioned the faults and failures of which there have been many for "love covereth ." lsn 't this just what our Lord does for us? He takes away the filthy rags of our own righteousness and clothes us with the garments of Salvation and covers us with the robe of His Righteousness and adorns us \.\-'ith the ornaments of His grace. We can exult with the prophet, "Who is a God unto Thee, that pardoneth in- . iquity and passeth by the transgress– ion of His heritage?" And is it not true that the bitterest experiences, washed by tears, have been forgotten and there remains only the sweet ness and comfort of walking with Him, to rejoice our hearts and encourage us to journey on. "For this God is our God forever and ever. He will be our Guide even unto death." Ps. 48: 14. In uttering the memory of His 8 APRIL, 1972 goodne · I gladly and gratefully pay tribute to the n1any who in God' love plan have contributed towards the working out of Hi will in my life. I prai e Him for Christian, God– f earing parent who gave their child– ren to the Lord and asked Him to use them how and where He chose - and meant it. I am grateful that the Lord directed my Mennonite father to the Baptist Church of Wellington when he was seeking a church-home for his family . It was this little church that commissioned me in 1931 by the laying on of hands to send me forth, and this same church by gifts and prayers has supported me throughout the years. Then there have been many, many individual faith– ful ones who have given at a sacri– fice and prayer-warriors who have stood by and held over me the shield of faith by prevailing prayer in the weakest, darkest and most dangerous hours. In that day when the books are opened and rewards are given many shall share in the recompense. Then together we will cast our crowns at our dear Saviour's feet Who alone is worthy and sing praises unto Him Who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood." At ter 21 years of missionary ser– vice James Chalmers of Burma wrote: "Recall the 21 years, give me back all of its experience, give me its ship– wrecks, give me its standing in the face of death, give it me surrounded by savages with spears and clubs, give it me back again with spears flying about me, with clubs knocking Miss Ruth Hege me to the ground, give it me back and I will still be your missionary." May I take the liberty to para– phrase? "Recall the 40 years of mis– sionary service, give me back all of its experience, give me back its lone– liness, give me back its dangers of wild animals, of wild men, of rob– beries and material losses, give me back its standing in the face of death surrounded by frenzied guerillas with arrows flying - give it me back and I will still be your missionary." ) Why can I say this? Because of God's abounding, unchanging faith– fulness - because of the joys of . walking with Him all the way - because Romans 8: 28 and Phil. 1: 12 are blessedly true - because every experience, even the failures have brougl1t me further along the way of fulfilling my life verse: "That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of · His sufferings, being made conform– able unto His death." Phil. 3: 10. As I review in memory the past forty years in God's service in foreign lands - Congo and Venezuela - I stand amazed at His great goodness and faithfulness to me and my heart . overflows with adoration, praise and thanksgiving to Him Who alone is worthy of all glory. What a great salvation is ours! What a loving, kind understanding Master we serve! THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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