The Ohio Independent Baptist, June/July 1972

art to eart mong t e omen -Mrs. Inez Miiner - Women'l Editor- The Promise - A Fre e Gift " \ l1cr~b, "1rc g1,cn tint t1s exceeding great and preciou promi e ." -(2 Peter 1:4) . ·· h er, c that \\ ord "gi \ en.. . Peter ay . "Whereby are given unto us c~ t: ding great a nd preciou promi e ,, . W e are beholden for everything to th gitt f G d. V\' e Ii e upon divine charit)' . All that we have we have r e1, ed a a gift, and all we are to have, mu t come in the ame way. "The ,, age f 1n 1 dea th, but the G IFT of God i eternal life". We are unable .... t earn an) thing. but od i able to give all things. Salvation must be all a gift. a free gift. an unde erved gift, a pontaneous gift of divine love. The pro111i e f al\ ation i of the ame nature. "It i more ble ed to give than to receive' ' ; and he that is mos t blest of al). the e, er-ble ed od, delight to give. It i as much His na ture to give as 1t 1 the na ture of the un to hine or of a river to flow. How blessed we are in being receiver !··. Copied from ' According to Promise". State Meeting A Great Blessing "HI LAST COMMA D' ' (M ark 16: 15)- ·ouR FIRST co CERN' ' (M ark 5 .19) wa the Theme for the day. The Theme Choru , "Our Fir t Concern' ' written by Alice Kroner wa ung often throughout the day. Over 500 women from across the tate gathered in the Immanuel Baptist Church Columbus, Tuesday, April 18th, at 10 a.m. The song service led by Mrs. Virginia Grandstaff; with Mr . Mildred Coontz at the piano ; Mi s Anette Clark, organist , all from Immanuel ; and Mrs . Rene Street pre- id ing: the meeting was off to a good start. Mrs. Shirley Abernathy pastor's wife extended the Welcome with many ladies assisting in various ways at the registration desk etc. Special music ~ as furnished by Mrs. Frank Euler Jr. of Pine Hill s Baptist, Co– lumbus. Mrs. Milton Barkley, First Baptist, Lancaster was in charge of Prayer Time based on Jeremiah 33: 3, with prayer sheets distributed to ever)'one, listing all the prayer re– quests of our five M ission Agencies . The man)' real needs challenged all of us to give much time to prayer, daily. There was the introduction of Re– gional Presidents, Roll Call at both sessions. by the Secretary, Mrs. Al- 12 JUNE-JULY, 1972 . . . by Charle H. Spurgeon dene Graham Calvary Baptist , Nor– walk announcements and offering then the business session was opened by our pres ident, Mrs . Street. The Nominating Committee's report was presented by Mrs. L. Thompson, the results of the election are: Mrs. Milton Barkley president; Mrs. Claud Wil– liams vice pres ident ; Mrs. Paul Wil– liams, secretary; Mrs. David Elmore, treasurer. Rev. Clyde Prince, repre– senting the Regular Baptist Children's Home, St. Louis, Michigan gave a heart challenging report based on the Scriptures, (Prov. 22: 6). It was estab– lished in 1952 and the Lord has blessed the home in caring for and placing children in good christian homes for adoption. One program which has been used is "Adopt a child at Christmas" . Miss Ruth Hege gave a short testi– mony of God's faithfulness during her 40 year s in the Congo , Venezuela, back to Congo, then to Venezuela and now on furlough, sh aring her ex– periences, hoping to return in God's time. Some of her Scriptures were ( Ps. 13:6, Ps. 78, Rom. 8.28-29, Lam. 3 :21-25, 1 Cor. 6 : 19-20, Ps . 4 5 : 10, Isa . 9:20-21.) There was more in the afternoon. After prayer for God's blessing we went to the dining room for food and fellowship about the tables . At one o clock we reconvened with a song service, and presentation of our state projects, one of them being " [ . I:;-.< .' ' ,r cl)t f; rcc an1JJS, 1,y frs. I J111orc . J{csun1ing the l1u si11c s sess ior1 there was int rollt1ct ion of the nc\.V ofliccrs anti JJrayer of tleclication. t thi s ti1ne there was expression of clccp apJ)reciation for the work of the 11 a~ t y car, c;o abI y don c, by the o tl t– go t ng officers an,1 c5pcciaJ ly to Mrs. H oward trect otir prc\ic.lcnt . he i not only leaving her oll1cc but she and her httsband are returning to Florida where he will be a ottthern Representative for Baptist M1d-M 15- . ion . We hall miss them greatly and there was a c;tanding ovation to ex– pres our Jove, a nd to wish them God' be t. May God ble5s our 1972 officers and our entire women's ac– tivity in our state. There were reports on the Wo- J men's Retreat , introduction of mis- ionaries present in charge of Mrs. Barkley· Special solo by Mrs. Euler, Jr. ' 'So Little Time and So Much To Do" . The Missionary Message by Ruth Hege based on ( Ruth 3: 11 ) was centered on " Priority" in God's eyes, in our lives; Prayer, Reconciliation between families and friends (Matt. 5 :23-24, 9: 36); the beam and the mote (Matt. 7: 3-5), beam of reac– tion of pride ; of jealousy, bitterness, self-righteousness. The fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5: 22, Zeph. 3: 17 Living Letters) , the priority of giving (Matt. 6:33, 2 Tim. 6: 10, Col. 3: 1, Luke 6: 38, Matt. 6: 19) ; not to give of that . which costs us nothing (I Sam. 24:- 24). She stated that David Livingston ,¥ent everywhere on hi s field , preach– ing consistently, and dying on his knees praying for the lost. God bless you Ruth. Our president expressed a sincere thank you to the ladies and others at the church for their labor of love in caring for such a large group of people. Our Fall Rally will be held in con- j unction with the O.A.R.B.C. Annual Meeting, October 17, 1972 at the Temple Baptist Church, Portsmouth, ~ Ohio. Our Spring Rally will be at the Calvary Baptist Church, Findlay, Ohio, April 17, 1973. How good it is to have this information so far in advance. Coming Activities SEPT. 12th - 10 a.m. - Shalom Lake Camp Day - all men and women invited. SEPT. 21st - 10 a.m. Berean Womens Missionary Fel– lowship Fall Rally. SEPT. 21st - 23rd Sky View Women's Retreat. (Details in next issues, as we re– ceive information. ) THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST