The Ohio Independent Baptist, June/July 1972

South Bethel Group The South Bethel Women' Mi sion– ary Fellowship meeti ng wa held March 2 1, 1972, at the Newton vi lle Bapti t Church . Newton ville, Ohio. There were 100 women 27 children and 3 vi itors pre ent from 12 di ffer– ent cht1rche . The Theme fo r the day was "L~t The Redeemed of The Lord Say So' ' . The devo tional peaker wa Mrs. Howard Street, the State presi– dent, who brought a chall enging mess– age. Two workshop were conducted , one on child evangeli sm led by Miss Norma Nulph and the other on adult evangeli m led by Mrs. Judy Ruegseg– ger of Dayton . These were a real help and blessing. Miss Norma Nulph , Baptist Mid– Missions missionary was the mis ion– ary peaker. She gave a heart stirring message about her work among the Negro children in the Cleveland area. The goal of $ 1,000 for the Jone Ranch Bible Camp , Ga llup, N.M. was met. The new project for 1972-73 is $800 for a Van for the F airview Bapti t Bi ble College in J amaica. A Blessed day of fellowship was enjoyed by all. - Mrs. Wm. Broughton Meeting At Sharon Miss G lady Baines, Director Wo– men 's Department Baptist Mid-Mis– sions, spoke on "Willing Hearts - Wise Hearts", (Exodus 35 : 5, 10), at the 10 a .m. and 1 p.m. sess ions, in the beautiful new sanctuary of the Sharon Baptist Church, Sharon, Pa., Tuesday, April 25th. She related how mission– a ries' personal needs h ave been met through women's groups and indi- viduals. She displayed useless gifts that have been sent to missionari es by willing but u nwise hearts, contrasted by samples of useful gifts sent by wi ll ing, wise-hear ted women. Flash card stories and puppets are in par– ticu lar demand . She also offered prac– tical suggestions concerning offerings and hospitality for visiting mission- • ar1es. Miss Bai nes spent 17 years as a missionary in Kentucky, raised three adopted daughters and for the last 16 years has traveled across the U.S. and Canada for Bapt ist Mid-Missions. Mrs. Thomas Mc Jish, Secretary– Treasurer, Sharon, Pa. repor ted the J 971 project of $300 for the high school dormitory for B.M.M. and vange)ical Bapli5t Missions mission– ary children at Bouake, Ivory oast, Africa, was met at the January meet– ing. The 1972 proJect providing $200 for mattresses and plastic covers for Shalom Lake an1p has already ex– ceeded with a total of $240.25 re– ceived at the April meeting. Mrs. David Hunter, pre5ident, THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Vienna Bapti t Church, presided ; Mr . Paul Barrett Calvary Baptist, ong leader : Mrs. Richard Sparling, Nil e F ir t Baptist, soloist · Mrs. Charles Moore, Boardman Baptist, pi ani t ; Mrs. Robert Domokos, Po– land Village, organist ; Mrs. F red Krueger , Sharon Bapti st, devotional 5pea ker ; (all pastor 's wive ) ; and Mrs. Robert Robertson, host church mis– sionary society president gave the wel– come. Vice president , Mrs. Wm . G il– mour, Nil es First Baptist, introduced the speaker ; and Mrs. Kenneth Ro– mig, Bethel Baptist, Warren, advisor clo ed the mee ting with praye r . There were 85 women and J 2 children pres– ent from 15 churches . The next meet– ing will be at the First Baptist Church, Nil es, on September 26th. - Mrs. Frank Odor A Different Program! Featured speakers at the April mee ting of the Women's Missionary Union of Gr ace Bapti st Church, Cedarvill e, Ohio were four mi ssionary daughters who are currently Cedar– vi lle Coll ege tudent and whose par– ents G race Baptist hurch supports or has assisted in some defin ite way. Each girl was asked to give her per- ona l testimony her reaction to the ,natter of being an M. K ., and her outl ook as to the future. A time for questions was provided after all four presentations had been given . Miss Karen Wimer reported from the field of Chad, Africa· Miss La– Verne Kirby from Ketchican, Al aska · Mi ss Debbie Durham from the Philip– pine Islands· and Miss Sharon Gazdik from Quebec , Canada. Although their fi elds and circumstances va ried widely, the girls expressed some defi– ni tely simil ar attitudes and experi– ences . They are agreed that being a part of a mi ssionary famil y is both normal and rewa rding. For each of the girl s it was a youth camp ex- pcri encc th at crystaJizcd a vita l com– mitment to the Lord and established a close relationshi p with Him. Like every other Chris tian young person, the M. K . faces the problem of know– ing and obeying the Lord's will for life and ser vice. Because of impendi ng tests two of the girl s had to slip away early. The two who remained for fel lowship and refreshments sat in on the business meeting and prayer session. Each one sa id she never before had attended a missionary meeting. They expressed appreciati on fo r the fac t that mission– ary letters are read and specific needs are remembered in prayer . The women in attendance, thirty four in number , were blessed and challenged . We feel that we know these missionary families a lit tle more int imately. Al so we received some po inters and ideas as to how we can be of practica l help to M. K . 's as we]l as to their parents. - Mrs. Mead Armstrong, Pres. Shalom lngathering The second annual SHALOM IN– GATHERING will be held at Shalom Lake, Huntsburg, Ohio, September 12th beginning at 10 a .m. These fa– ci liti es are owned and oper ated by Baptist Mid-Missions. Our mission– aries laboring in METROPOLITAN MISSIONS will provide the program of the day. By popular demand , we will again fea ture an Ox Roast ; and the Huntsburg Baptist hurch, Rev. Ben Garlich pastor , has volunteered to be responsible for the preparat ion of another delicious meal. Reserva– tion will close at 400 to the first in– terested men and women who sign up with Miss Gladys Bai nes, Baptist Mi d-Mi ions, 4205 Chester Ave. Cleveland by September 1st. Because of our limited fac ilitie , there wil l be no nur ery provided. - Mi s G lady Bai ne THE CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION ,. 0. lox 11056, Clevel•nd, Ohio 44111 Founded 1904 FUNDAMENTAl - BAPTISTIC - EVANGELISTIC Evangelizing the "kinsmen" of our Lord in Cleveland, Ohio Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil OFFICERS:- Mr. George 8 . Dunn, Pre idenl Rev . Roy lark, Vi ce Presi,lent l{ev. Gera ld V. me lser, S11per1nt£ 1 11cle111 Rev . A. Pau l T idba ll. AJJt. Supt . Mr. arl Helfric k, Sec'v . T,eaJ . REFEREN . • Dr. John G. Ba Iyo, level and. Ohio Dr. Paul Van order, Atlanta. Ga . Dr. Vaughn prunger. outh Bend, Ind. Rev. Lloyd Morr1 . Flinl , M1 h. Dr. Robert Ketcham. h1cago. 111. Dr. Ralph toll, l ~an aster, Pa . Dr. Melvin . faw. Huntington, \V:. a . Dr. rank . rorre} . Boca Ralon. FI ,\ Dr. Kenneth Ma\teller, ll ,\u<lon Ht ~, NJ . Write for your FREE copy of ''The Trumpete, for l1r1el" tNt querterlv magazine devoted to the work of Jewiah ev1ngellam JUNE-JULY, 1972 13