The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1972
r I· dit · , \ 1 <> fe: 'J ' / 11, <1rtic le llf'fJt'<Jrc<I i11 " 1,/i c A 111!1t1,\'S<1- I< r. ' ' a H' ( t A v p11l,/ic<1tic> 11 <)/ t/1,· / 111111<11111c l lltJ/Jlt\l /11,r(' /1 ;,, /111111 (\ 0 1,i<). .1l CC<)lllp(lll\' IIIJ.: tl1c nrtic·l c }\ ' ( IS t /1 (' /c II :> H i11,f! H I'll/( 11 l>.V Re,·. 11 1 111 . /:.. . A /Jcr11<1tl1J'. p<l \ l c>r <>/ t/1e /111111,11111el ll ,1pt1 ,·r /111rc-.J1 ... ..7 1 !1is t .\· rite ,t,>I')' <>/ a ) 1 <>11 11g 111a11 H-•11<,, ar <1 c·l1iltl atte11tl c<I a /c> r111c' I' c /111r(·/1 lVl1er e I /1c1cl past ,,re<I . lie l1t1<l 1>r<>/e \sccl l ei11,l! a /1ri \ tia11 . /11 /1i.\ t ee11s, /1e t!<>l tlH'<l) / r c>111 t/1 <1 c /111 r c /1 a11<l f e l I in I<> d r11g addiction a11<l <1ta11 l, ·,,rsl1ip. He lvas led le> salvatic) rz h}' tl1 e 11c.r t pastc>r <>/ t l,e cl111rc·l1 .' ' I ,, a a drt1g ti er for about two and ... one half }'car . I tarted off experi- 11enting \\ ith \ ariou, type of pill \\ hich \\ ere av·ailable. I began to tead– il}' u e ' 'up " ( amphetamine ) , and in n1)' ophon1ore :year of high chool I ,, eighed 117 pound , parti ally due to n1y u e of thi drug. About th i time, I \,·a introduced to Mari juana and H a h. I till favored "up ' but gradu– ally I tu rned toward hallucinogenic drug . I began to use h allucinogens quite heavily. Most commonly avail– able and most frequently used was acid (LSD) and then mescaline . I ometimes did these drugs in chool. I often tripped fou r or five times dur– ing a school week ( usually not in chool) . I used these drugs mainl y for about a year but at one peri od of time I began "shooting up. ' ' I shot up a little peed here and there but main– ly I liked to shoot up red-devils. Then I got back to the hal lucinogens aga in . This time, however it was d ifferent. I began listening more closely to a id– rock. H ow I loved to listen to this music when I was high . I would ry to figure ou t its message. It seemed so beautiful . I was sure I 'd found my head with acid. This was al l I wanted to do. I thought all my problems were solved. I had good friends. They seemed so concerned about me . They took me to strange r ituals, but I couldn't figure out what was going on. People would dance to the music ' scream, and shake rattles. A few peo- ple seemed to be in charge of the ·'ceremonies. ' There were many people there. Everybody was high . Every– body was friends. Everybody had a vacant stare and an eerie glass to their e,es. Everybody obeyed the unspoken commands. I had bad trips sometimes. On one, I felt my teeth dissolve and lumps of skin grow in my mouth . I felt my 12 OCTOBER, 1972 (fl e h melt and my eyes fa ll out. I felt my finge r become tub . I aw my- elf floating through pace and tand– ing over my grave . But the mo t hor– rible trip foll owed the e ritu al (men– tioned above) . I felt controlled by another force. It was if someone were moving in and taking over. Some– thing was wrong and I knew it. Eve rything seemed to fit into a set pattern. I began to command a new type of authority, new popul arity. I seemed to have acquired strange pow– ers. But I had to attend those ritual . What were they I thought . What is this music? Wha t's happened to me. Why does everybody h ave thi s same look in the ir eyes. It was a new and mysterious world. I knew something was wrong. I was frightened . But I couldn ' t stop. I had tried to read the Bible. But why? After a certain ritual, the truth dawned on me. Now I knew what was going on- Satan worship. I was a vic– tim. No, it couldn t be. I had heard all this God and Devil stuff before ' but I knew it wasn ' t true. Nobody be- lieves that anymore. But yet, it was true . I h ad, under the influence of acid, seen people transformed into demoni ac shapes before my eyes. This was too much for me. I panicked . What could I do? A shor t time later , I came home after a ritual was held . I was high , and almost ou t of my mind . A song introduced me to the devil . It was all clear now. H e was behind everything, the who le thing that I had for so Jono . 0 enJoyed. What about the others? H e had cla imed them long ago. Now it was time for me. When I went home that night I couldn't think. I don't recall every– th ing, but soon after I got home, I (Conti nued on page 19} Rules For Daily Living ' ' llcgin the (lay ,vit l1 C,oll, Knccl (lclwn lo J-Ji,11 in praye r : I ift llJ1 the heart tc1 f{ is ,1hodc. Anti seek H is love to share. •'0 1 c n tl1c Rook of 10(1, A n(I rca(J a port ion the re; ·1-ha t it 111a y ha ll ow all th y thought Anti sweeten a ll thy care . ·· ~o throl1gh the day with od, WI.a te 'er th y \,\, ork n1ay he ~ Whe re'e r thou a r t- at home , abroa<.J He c., till ic., near to thee. .. onvcr<ic in mind with C1od. Thy spi rit heavenwa rd rai ~c : Acknowledge every good bestowed. And offer g rateful praic;e . 1 "Conc lude the day with God, Thy ins to Him confec; s: TrL1st in the Lord 's a toning blood And pl ead Hi s ri ghteousness . ' ' Li e down at ni ght with God. Who gives Hi servants sleep : And when thou tread' st the vale of dea th , He will thee guard and keep. Sleeping Accommodations For Conference Guests At Scioto Hills Camp The Trustees of Sc ioto Hill s Camp ,. at a recent meet ing voted to open the camp leeping faciliti es for any who pl an on attend ing the OARBC 45th Annua l Conference in Port mouth– October 16 17 and 18. Those desiring to tay there should bring their own bedding . Mattre s covers and mat– tre ses will be provided . There will be no charge made. Word was a lso received th at a seven ton truck wa recentl y given to the camp. Praise the Lo rd ! To Speak In Ohio Churches Dr. Joseph M . Stowe ll , N ational Representa tive of our GARBC will be peaking at the Southgate Baptist Church, Springfi eld, Ohio on Oc tober 22nd. His on Rev. Joseph Stowell III i pa tor of the Southga te Bapt i t hurch. Dr . Stowell will a lso be speak– ing at Cedarville College October 23 -24. Dr. Reginald L . Matthews, Field Represent ative . for our GARBC will be ministering a t the Fir t Bapti t Church, Bowling G reen, Oc tober 27- 29. Rev. John E. Greening i pa to r of tl1e Bowling Green church . THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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