The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1972

(Conclud d frorn page 9) ,,11 11 I srn I ,,.1s 111 n1tlst itl< J,lltc)lls 11atit)tl 011 tl1t.~ ~arth, l t1t sitllt' th, ll,1l I" nian aJ ti\ it • i(ll)ls l1a\' l' l1ccn co11- • SJ I ll llS ft)) tl1cir ,ll s '(lt;' in JC\,\ isl1 ll()lllCS. . J l,1, tl1c l1ilcl1e11 "'t lsrat'I al (1clt' 111a1l ' lla\'~ \V1tl1< ut a k111g . l l1c\ 11,1,e. , \ nti \\ ithl)llt a 11r111 c' 'Tl1c\ ha\C n~I ,, itl1" tit a sa rit1 ·c' 'l l1c) ha,c. 1\ 11ll ,, 1tf1ot1l an 1r11agc> }1c, ha,' , 1\ 11<.f ,, 1tl1c,ut a11 c1 l1ol1 ·> 1 he have - ii~,1,,e,, /1ist l rv . If ,cr,l' 4 t"1untl l1tcr,1l ft1lfill111c11t. fro111 ~l,cncc conics t}l(.' at1th,..1rtt\ ft r ,,1, 111g tl1at \crc;;c 'i 1, \p1ritt1al - " ftcr– ,, arl1 ,11.111 tl1l cl11lc..irc11 ()t I r,1cl rctt1r11. a11ll seek the l orc.J tl1ci (.,l1ll. ~111c..l l),1\1<.i tl1c1r king: and ,l,all fear the I ord an<.i h1, !!(.1l1tinc,, 1n tl1c latter <.ia\c;"? l ct tt, look again at J~aiah 11: 11. 12 : "And it shall c 111 t pac;;s 1n that da 1 , that the Lord shall set. hi hand ag,1111 tl1l ~cconli tir11e to recover the ren1nant of h1 people, ,,:1,ich ~hall he left. f ro111 A ·s, r1a, and from Egypt, and fron1 Pathro . and f ron1 Cu h, and from lam, and from htnar. and f ro111 Han1ath, and fron1 the island of the sea. nd he hall .. et up an en ign for the nation , and shall a ·emble the ot1tca t of I rael, and gather together the di per ed of Judah from the four corner of the earth." Again let ti ee Jeremiah 23: 5-8: "Behold, the days ..... con1e. aith the Lord. that I will raise unto D avid a righteous Branch. and a King hall reign and prosper, and shall exe– cute judgment and ju tice in the earth. In his days Judah hall be aved. and I rael shall dwell safely: and this is hi name \\ hereby he shall be called, THE LO~D OUR RIGHTEOUS ESS." ..Therefore, behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that they shall no more say. The Lord liveth, which brought up the children of I rael out of the land of Egypt; But, The Lord li\'eth. which brought up and which led the seed of the house of I rael out of the north country, and from a ll countries whither I had driven them; and they shall dwell in their own land." Jeremiah 32:37, 38, 40, 41: "Behold, I will gather them out of all countries, whither I have driven them in mine anger, and in my fury, and in great wrath; and I will bring them again unto this place, and I will cause them to dwell safel)': And they shall be my people, and I will be their God.... And I wil l make an everlasting covenant with them. that I will not turn away from them, to do them good: but I will put my fear in their hearts, that they shall not depart from me. Yea, I will rejoice over them to do them good and I will plant them in this land assuredly with my whole heart and with my whole soul. " Surely these Scriptures will not submit to 'spiritualizing ." Many passages from the Old and New Testament, in– cluding Paul's Epistle to the Romans, could be cited to prove I srael's eternal and unconditional election, as well as the future literal restoration to glory. But the foil owing tatements and facts will suffice. First, God regards the people of Israel with changeless • mercies. Confirmatory Scripture- I saiah 54: l 0, "For the moun– tains shall depart, and the hills be removed; but my kind- 16 OCTOBER, 1972 rll'ss sl, a 11 1101 llcr1a rt f r<)n1 I hcc, nci t her shed I the covenan o f 111 y r>cacc l1c rc111ovctL sa i t t, l he I o rcl t hn I ha th rncrc c) n tl1 'c:· I lcrcin \VC nrc tol<.I I hat tl1 c rnou nt ains anti hill \Vi ii 11c n,ovcll soo ner than ,ocl's n1crcy anti covena nt fo Israel f, ii. • ec<Jll<I, the cha~tise111cn t of Israel, thougt1 prolonged a nc :,,cvcrc. is l1ut lcn1porary. ( "'c) nfir111a tory cri r>ture- Isaiah 54: 7-9, "For a smal n10111e11t have I forc;aken thee; l1ut with great mercies wi l I gather thee . In a littl e wrath I hid 1ny fa ce from thee fo1 a n1on1cnt; but wi th everl asting kindness will I have mere} on thee, saith the Lord thy Redeemer . For this is as the wa ter~ of Noah unto me: for as I have sworn that the waters of Noah should no more go over the earth~ c;o have J sworn that l would not be wroth with thee nor rebuke thee." Th at is to say that the temporary rej ection of Israel by Jehovah is likened unto the temporary deluge of the fl ood , and th at a truly as the waters of Noah 's flood sub– sided, so surely will God's rejection of Israel pass over. Tl1ird, God will never cast off H is people forever. Confirmatory Scripture- }eremiah 31 :37, "Thtts sa ith the Lord : If heaven above can be meas ured, and the foun– dat ion of the earth be searched ou-t beneath, I will also cast off a11 the seed of Israel for all that they have done. saith the Lord ." When the amillennialists have measured the immeasur able heavens and penetrated the impenetrable foundations of the earth, then , sa ith the Lord, they can talk with some degree of confident assurance about there being " no future for r~rael. " Fourth , the covenant made with David, by which a rul ing posterity was assured to him, is irrefutable. Confirmatory Scripture-I eremiah 33: 20, 21, "Thus saith the Lord; if ye can break my covenant of the day, and my covenant of the night, and that there should not be day and night in their season ; Then may also my coven ant be broken with David my servant , that he should not have a son to reign upon his throne; and with the Levites the priests, my ministers." When the amillennialists can say to the night, "Be stayed and light shall continue," and can say to the rising sun, "Remain seated and darkness h all cover the land," thus breaking the covenant of day and night, then , and not until then, can they start in to break the Davidic covenant. Fif th , God will magnify and dignify th~ posterity of David and the tribe of Levi . Confirmatory Scripture-Jeremiah 33: 22, "As the host of heaven cannot be numbered, neither the sand of the sea measured: so wi ll I multiply the seed of David my servant, and the Levites that minister unto me." The innumerable stars and- the immeasurable sand are cer tainly void of all susceptibility to spiritualizing. Sixth, the promise concerning the land and the people of Israel will be literally fulfilled. Confirmatory Scripture-This fact is confirmed by the literalne$s of the judgments which have fallen upon the land and 1 the people. No "spiritualizer" will deny the literal– ness of the judgments which have fallen and are falling upon I rael. Therefore, why seek to rob them of the bless- Distinctively Baptistic ...that's the character of our literaturel Pre1enti"9 the great fundamental doctr inea of Scripture to the pupil in language that he can understand. Thia Bibi• centered, pupil-related literature that has the proper approach to the Scriptures con be ordered today from Regular Baptist Press. Send for free sample pocket. Regular Baptist Press 1800 Oakton Boulevard e Des Plaines, Ill. 60018 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST