The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1972
g \\ hich is theirs hy "s1)iritualizing" their c ripturc and ~·ing the booty to the cl1urch? Jcren1iah 3 l : 28 sayc.;, "And . hall con1e to pac;s, that like a~ I have watched over thcn1, , pluck up, and lo break down, and to throw down, and tie troy, and to afll ict ; so wi 11 I watch over then, , to 1ild, and to olant. sa ith the lJord." Jercn1iah 32:42 say , "For thu saith the l ... ord; L.ikc as have brought all thi great evi l upon thi s people , so wiJI I -ing upon then1 all tl1e good I have promi sed them." Seve11t/1, the continua l existence of the peop le of Israel is vincly guaranteed and n1aintained . Confirn,atory Scripture- Jercn1iah 31: 35, 36, HThu iith the Lord, which giveth the . un for a light by day, and ,e ordinances of the moon and of the tars for a I ight by ght, which divideth the ea when the waves thereof roar . .. If those ordinances depart fron1 before me, sa ith the ord, then the seed of I rael al so shall cease from be ing nation before me for ever." God says that the regul arity of the planetary and tidal otion of the material univer e are on ly equaled by the >ntinuity of the national exi tence of Israel. Let us turn to Luke 1: 31-33 and ee where this "spiritu– izing" theory would naturally lead us. This Scripture ·ads as follows, 4(And, behold, thou halt conceive in thy omb, and bring forth a son, and halt call hi name ESUS. He shall be great, and hall be called the Son of 1e Highest: and the Lord God shall give unto him the 1rone of his father David : And he shall reign over the ouse of Jacob for ever, and of his kingdom there hall be o end." Now the pre's and the a,s agree ( providing they are or- 1odox) as to the literalness of the first five items. The la t 1ree items, however, the amillenniali t tel ls u mu t be spiritualized." They interpret the entire pas age as fol- :edarville College News ... lowc.;: ..Thou shalt conceive in thy W<.)mh" - literal - "and hri11g forth a son,, lit eral u anc.J sha lt call h1\ narnc J1 .:su "- lit era l. UH c \ l1a ll l1e great"- Jitcra l Hand shall be ca ll e<.J the on of the Hj ghc\ t" lit eral. ' 'And the l... orc.l (,oc.l sha ll give unt o hin1 th e throne of hi\ father David"– spiritu al. "And o f his kingdoin there c;ha ll be no end"– spiritual kingdom. I would like to a\k my an1ill cnni al brethren where they got thei r authori ty to switch fron1 the lit eral to the spiritual. ither the entire pac;c;age is literal or the en tire passage 1c; sp iritua l. Jf the amillennialistc; insis t th at from the colon on thi s pac;sagc is spiritt1al , the n I insic;t th at to l1e honest in their interprc tat ion they n1 ust revert to ~piri tu alizi ng al I th a t goes hcfore the colon. However, I am ~urc th at they will not care to do this, becat1se then they woulc.J be f orccd to put upon this Scripture the c;a n,c interpretation that Mr<i. Mary Bakcr-G Jover-Pa ttcrc;on- -ddy puts upon it when she says, HThe Virgi n Mother conceived the clivin e iclea of God and gave to her ideal the name JesLts." ~rhc litera li c; rn of this passage i~ conc lusively proven to open n1inds by the litcraJne s of the thing promised . If the ' ' throne of Dav id ' ' in the centuri cc; pac; t wac; a ~piritual hon1e in the heart of the Isr ael ites, then we must accept the theory that the throne of David given to Ch ri st ic; like– wise a spiriual throne in the heart s of the people : but if, on the other hand , the throne of David was a literal throne in a Jiteral city on a literal earth , then when Jehovah says th at thi i what i to be given to hri st, why fly in the face of hi story with a perverted ~p iritu alized interpretation? It een1 s to us that the literal interpretation of Scripture, except where it i purposely symbol ica l, i the onl y means whereby we ca n ex trica te ourse lves from the serious po– ition of having much Scripture on ou r hands with whi ch we know not what to do . AVAi LAB LE FOR ... · The addition of three new f acuity .embers for the coming 1972-73 ·hool year has been announced by edarville Coll ege President, J arnes T . !remiah. Filling one of two positions in the 1usic department of the college is as– >ci ate professor of music, Dr. Robert [onroe. Dr. Monroe comp1eted re– uirements for hi s Master's degree in pplied Music at the University of [i ami, and received his Ph.D. from lori<la State University in Tallahas– ;e, Florida in J 970. Before coming to edarville he has served on the facul– es of the Junior College of Broward ounty ( Fl a.), Florida State Univer– ty and Bridgewater College in Vir- Baptist Bible College in C lark Sum– mit has been appointed to the educa– tion department as assistant professor of education. Mrs. Seaman received her Ma ter's in elementary education from the Sta te Univer ity of New York in 1968. She is continuing grad– uate studies currently at The Ohio State University in Columbus. Pulpit Supply-Special Meetings– Weekend Meetings Rev. Elton C. Hukill Wellington Mobile Home Park Wellington, Ohio 44090 Phone: (216) 647-4378 REGULAR BAPTIST CHILDREN'S HOME . 1n1 a. A native of Hong Kong, Lawrence ,aa i-Lei Lo comes to the music de– artment as assistant professor of 1usic and piano in5tructor . Mr . Naai– ci Lo received the Licenti a te Diploma I piano f ron1 the Univer si ty of To– )nto 1n 1968 and earned the Mas ter 's egree in piano from Indiana Univer– ty in J 971. He has instructed pi ano rivatefy 1n Ho ng Kong, at Mund inger chool of Mu~ic rn Toronto, J ahn 1 usical Academy in oronto, and at 1e Indiana Universi ty School o f 1usic. Mr . J arne~ Seaman, a graduate of Hl OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST The weekend of October 20th and 21st has been se t for the annual Home– coming celebration at Cedarvill e Col– lege. The theme for the f.all weekend event is taken from Psa lm 78: 6-7: "That the Generation To Corne Might Know- That They Might Set Their Hope In God." Friday evening, reunion for the c lasses of 1957, 1962 and 1967 arc being scheduled. Among the many activit ies pl anned for Saturday is a Hon1 ecomi ng parade to kick-off morning festi vities. The parade will involve cla s floats, the Wri ght-Pa tterson Air Force Marching Band , o ngrcssman Clarence J . Brown a nc.J the Hon1econ1ing qt1ccn and her float. The afternoon activi ties wi ll be hi gh- • ligh ted wirh the \Occer gan1e aga1n1., t 131 u ff ton ( 'ollcgc on the ( 'o llege·~ new \OCCCf field . 2 14 N. Mill Street St. Louis, Michigan - 48880 First in Servi ce to Children and the Unwed M o thers Since 1952 " Pray f or Us, Brethren " Approved by National A':J ,n. GARBC Want M ore Information? \/vrire OCTOBER, 1972 17
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