The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1972

(Concluded from page 12) was on n1y way to tl1c hospital. The police wot1ld be waiting for n1e. I-Tow <lid thic; happen? I thot1ght I had com– plete control over n1y trip . I wa5 ex– perienced. I knew how to hand le n1y dope. People flipping out on acid was something yot1 only read abot1t hap– pening to teeny-boppers 1n the news– papers. I knew where 111y head wa<;. Yet here I wa . I said very Jitt]e at the hospital I was treated. arre ted , and later given a court hearing. l was c;e ntenced to a drug correction program. 1 told them nothing about the rituals. They would never believe me. Who would? Yet, I knew it was true. I was s till u ing drugs. I sti ll did not control my life. I was frigh tened. I knew, then the reality of God. I'd seen too much of Satan's work to deny the fact that either of them existed. I ren1embered hearing in Sunday School about Jesu. d 1 1 1ng and bleeding for n1y sins-about salvation. I tried to pray, but I was only saying words. I knew they were meaningless. I really didn ·1 know how to be saved. I needed a preacher. I didn't know any, but I knew where I could find one. The little church across from my house always preached the Go pel I would go and talk to the new preacher they had there. I set out to do so, but changed my n1ind . . That week things got worse. I knew time was running out. I walked by the church. and then I changed n1y mind again. But as I walked back, there 1 ou were, Pastor, right in my path on the sidewalk. God made · su re I didn't get by that time. You know the rest: how we went inside, I told you my story , and you told me the one about Jesus. This time it meant some– thing to me. I knew it was real. 1 ac– cepted Jesus as Lord and Savior. I be li eve(i He died for my sins. I was 'iavcd. I quit drugs. I pt1t as1tle my o Id I i f c. I cotll ti not havc tione t hi s on 111y own. Only through the power of God ha<l Satan been cJcfcated. My standards changed. II ( 'orinth,anc; 5: 17 becan1e a reality 1n my life. When I was saved I witncsc;ed to the p~ycholo– gis t. He t hotight then I was really p'iychot1c. He told me not to come back. 'Blessed be the l Jord C,otl of Israel from everlasting and to ever– lasting. Amen and A111en. ' ' Concerning the f orego1ng article, Pastor Abernathy n1akes the follow1ng con1n1ents. "Al though this article packs a pow– erftd punch itself, I feel that there ,1rc several things in 1t which <;hould be emphasized. "1. Thi young man grew tip at– tending a fundamental church. He heard the Gospel from early year - a nd yet he was not really saved. That is how he got into us1 ng drug~ and into satan worship. He made at least one profe ion of faith in Chr1~t as a ch ild- but it was not real. I am afraid that we have at lmn1anuel and in other fundamental churches, son1e who are in the same condition. Reader, are you saved-truly saved') u2. It was during hi~ teens that he began to stray . This is so often true! This is a time of life when young peo– ple need Christ. need the church, need help from Christian ·grown-ups' more than at any other time. May we as a church not neglect ot1r teen-agers! "3. Rock music assisted in the down– fa ll of this lad. Yet I know that there are such records 1n the homes of some of our young people. What are parents thinking of? "4. He knew where to look for the truth because he knew that the church THE CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION ,. 0. lox 11056, Cleveland, Ohio 44111 Founded 1904 FUNDAMENTAL - BAPTISTIC - EVANGELISTIC Evangelizing the "kinsmen" of our Lord in Cleveland, Ohio Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil OFFICERS:- Mr George B Dunn, President Rev. Roy lark, V,ce President Rev Gerald V. Smel~er , Superintendent Rev A Paul Tidball, Asst. Sup t . Mr. arl Hel fr1 ck, Sec'y .-1 reas. REFERENCES:- Dr John G . Balvo, C levela nd , Ohio Dr. Pa ul Van Gorder, Atlanta, Ga. Dr. Vaughn Sprunger, ou th Bend, lnd. Rev. Lloyd Morri s, Flint , Mich . Dr. Robert Ketcham, Ch icago, Ill. Dr. Ralph Stoll , Lanca ter, Pa . Dr. Mel vin V. Efaw, Huntingto n, W. Va . Dr. Fra nk C'. Torrey. Boca Ra ton, F la. Dr. Kenneth Maste ll er , H addon Hts., N .J . Write fo, yOAJr fl!E copy of ''The Trumpeter fo, 1,,.. 1" ov, QU1rte,lv magazine devoted to the work of Jewlah evangellam. Cedarvilfe, OJ io 5 near hi~ home prcachcc.J the (iospel. 1-low 11nportant ii is for the local cht1rch to contint1e to preach tl1c Worcl in 5Cac.;on and out of season! "5. When he really came to know ("hric.;t, he tountl victory over (l rugs– hccarnc a new creature. l ~his y<)t1ng n1an i~ now a church 1ncmbcr, a col– legc st u tic n t, a nc.1 engagecl t o a hris– t i a 11 girl One of the first things he clid after getting savctl was to have his long hair cut- because he read I Cor. 11 : J 4, ·ooth not even nature teach you that, if a man have long hair, it is a sha111e unto him." "6. I have pt1t this article in the ~ An1 basc;ador' in the hope that it w1 II help so1ne reac.ler ~ce the horror of any kind ot drugCj and stay away from then1 . Perhap1:, someone who is al ready a drttg U5er rnay read thi s. If so– ( hr1<;t can ,1nd will cicl1ver you.,, New Pastor In Gallipolis Rev. Morrison The Lord 1 richly blec; 1ng the n11 n– ist ry of Pastor Orbin Morri son, the new pastor at Faith Baptist 1n Gall1- p0Jis. He began his n1inistry there on At1gust 6th, and during the first n1onth there were pt1bl ic dcci ion of va r1- ou kinds. Brother Morrison i a graduate ot Tennessee Tcn1ple chool , where he earned the B.A. and Th. 1 . degrees. Hi s pastorates include churche in C' hatt anooga, Ten nessee: Hu ntingbt1rg, Indiana: lkhart, lndiana ; and Maine, New York. The Pa tor's f an1ily cons, t~ of hi<; wife, Louise, anc.J two on~, Mark and Scott. Pl ease pray for the Lord 's direction in regard to the erection of the pcr- 111ancn t aud i tori Lt n1 at .. a i th , " hich jus t celebra ted tt ccond ,tnn1vcr arv on c1)ten1ber 13th, at whicl1 t1n1c tl near capacity crowd wac; on hantl.