The Ohio Independent Baptist, October 1972

by the prophet, saying, I will open 111y n1outl1 i11 parables: I will utter things which have been kept sec ret fro1n the foundation of the world.' ' Matthew 26:54, 56: "But how then sha ll the scriptt1res be fu lfill ed, that thus it n1ust l1e? But all thi s was done, 1!1at tl1e scriptt,res of th e prop/1ets 111ig/1t l>e f11lfil!e(I." Matthew 27: 9: "T/1en li 'OS /11!(,l!e(/ that which was spoken by Jeren1y the prophet, say ing, And they took the thirty piece of ilver, the price of hin1 that wa valued, whom they of the chi ldren of Israel did va]tae; And gave them for the potter' field, a the Lord appointed me. " Matthew 27: 35: "And they crucified hin1 , and parted his garments ca ting lots: t/1at it 111ig/1 t he /11 lfi!lee/ which wa <; spoken by the prophet, They parted n1y ga rn1cnts among them , and upon my vesture did they cast lots.,, Al o in John 19: 32-37: "Then came the so ldiers, and brake the leg of the fir t, ancl of the other \Vhich wa~ crucified with him. But when they ca n1 e to Jesus, and saw that he was dead alreac/) 1 they brake not hi leg : But one of the soldiers with a spear pierced his side, and forthwith ' came there out blood and water.. . For these thing were done, that tl1e scriptt1re sl1oi1/c/ be /L1lfillecl, A bone of hin1 shall not be broken. And again another sc ripture sai th , They hall look on him whon1 they pierced ." Thus we establi h the fact that literali m and the advent of our Lord as the Prophet of God cannot be denied. Second, we might a k the same question in regard to His ministry as Priest. PRIEST Is His intercess ion literal or spiritual? Yea , is the Inter– cessor Himself literal or spiritual? Surely no one cares to deny the literalness of Hi s int er– cession, and as to the Interces or we read: "For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, tl, e ,nan [ not the spirit] Christ Jesus." If literalism, then , attends the person and work of Christ as Prophet and Priest, should we not be led to up– pose that literalism should attend Him as King? KING He came the first time according to prophecy. Why not the second time accordi ng to prophecy? If prophecy was correct and infallible the first time , and was fulfilled to the most minute detail , why not the second time? If prophecy was worthy of literal construct ion and absolu te belief when it spoke of the first advent of J esus Christ, why is it not now to be literally construed, and why is it not worthy of absolute belief when it speaks of the second advent? I appeal to you, if the evidence and the witness are unin1- peached in the first two parts of the case, how are you go– ing to impeach the same witnesses in the third and last part of the case? When you have accepted their credibilit y and adm itted their infallibility, and when both have been proved to be true in the first t,1vo part how are yoL1 goi ng to discredit them when they speak of the third event in the ]ife of the same person about whon1 the)' arc testifying? All these prophecies foretelling the fir st comi ng of hrist were fulfiJJed to the letter . Why not be] ieve it when it tells of H is second advent? In connection with literali sm and the second con1ing: I would like to ask how my amillenni a l friends get around such Scriptures as those dealing, for instance, with J rael'\ restoration. Look for a 1noment at 2 Samuel 7, ver~es 10, J 3- J (1: .. Moreover J will appoint a place for n, y people Israel, and will plant them, tha t they n1ay dwell in a place of their own, and move no more: nei ther ~hall the chiltlren of wickedness afflict tl1em any more, a<; beforeti111e. He sl1all build an hotase for my nan1e, and I will stab]t<;h the throne THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST of hi s kingdon, for ever. I will be h,c; father, ancl he shall he n1y son . Jf he con1n1it iniquity, I will cha5len him with the rod of rncn, and with the stri JJcc; of the children of 11,cn: BL1t n1y n1ercy shall not depart away from him... And thine house and thy kingclom shall he e~tahli shec.l for ever bcfore thee : thy throne shall be established for ever. " Here in we have the sa li ent points of the Dav1d1c covcn– an t, na111cly , th at Davie.I shou lcJ l1ave a po\teri ly, a throne, and a kingdon1, all three of which were to be forever. rn Psa ln1 89: 28-3 7 we have the renewa l of this covenant, only n1ade more l1inding by the addit ion of an oat h, "My mcrcv will I keep for hin1 for cvern1ore, and my covenant ~hall sta nd fast with hi1n . l Iis seed also wil l I 1nake to enc.lurr' for ever. and hi s throne as the days o f heaven. If hi s child – ren forsake n1y Jaw, and walk not in n1y judgments; ff they break my sta tutes, and keep no t my commanc.lments; Then will I visit their tranc;gress ion wi th the rod, and their j n– iquity with stripes. Nevertheless my loving kinclncss wil l I not utterl y take from him, nor suffer my faithfulness to fail. M)' covena11t ivill I not break, nc;r alter th e 1/1i11q tlzc1t is R011e 011 t o / 111 y 1 i ps. 0 nee /1a ve I sivorn IJ)' 111y /1cJl i ne.\'\ tl1at I 1v il1 not 1 ie 11 n to David. His seecl sl,al I encl Lt re / or ever anc/ !,is t/1rone as t/1 e si,n hej ore 1ne. I t s/1all he estc1/~– lisl1ed for ever as tl1e 111oont ancl as a /aith/111 i,vi tness in /1 eaven ." You 'vvill note in the above Scripture that God does not say that H c wi ll revoke the covenant if Israel bccon1e dis– obedient. He says that he will not even c1lter the covenant . Moreover, He takes an oath, in view of Hi s own holine s, tha t that z, nalterecl covenant calling for a throne, a king– do,m, and a posterity shall be forever. When a man utters a falsehood, he is a liar. When a man utter a falsehood and sivears to it he becomes a perjurer. The n1 an who has been proved guilty of perjury i incapaci– tated for offering testimony on any ca e in any cot1rt in all the land . H e is no ted in the records as a man who cannot be believed under oath. It not on ly invalidate his testimony in connec ti on with the thing to which he swore, but puts any statement of his in regard to anything in the realm of doubt. Tho e who say that there is no future for Israel a nd th at Chr1 t Who i of the eed of D avid and the last legal heir ' . to David's throne, shall never sit upon th at throne, virtu- ally. although I believe unconsciously, charge God with perj1tr)' , for if Israel has no future and the only throne that Ch ri t will ever have i the throne in the hearts of people. the n most assu red ly perjtLr)' is the word. If perjury i<; the \.\'Ord for this case, then there can be no re li ance placed in uch Scriptures a , "Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you re t,, (Matt. 11 : 28), " ... Him that con1eth to me I will in no wi c cast out' ' (Jo hn 6: 37), "He th at heare th my word. and believeth. o~ hin1 that . ent n1e . . . i pa ed fron1 death unto life (Jo hn 5: 24), etc., for they were uttered by a perj Ltrer. Let us look agai n a t H o ea 3 :4, 5, which read a fol– low . ' 'For the chi ldren of I rae l sha ll abide many day without a king, and without a prince, a nd without a . acri– fice, a nd without a n in1age, and wit hout an ephod, a nd without teraphin1: Afterwa rd ~ha IJ the children o.f l<ira~l return, a nd eek the Lord thei r God , ancl David their king: and ha ll fear the Lord and hi goodne. in the latter day ." In connec tion with verse 4, n1y amill ennial brethren are hard pre , ed for hi tory cannot be con troverted . The fact iii, since the day of Babylonia n captivit y. the childre n of Israe l have been wi thout king or prince. ince A .O . 7() the) have been without a sacrifice, at least legal sacrifice, for God had ~aid that the on ly place tor the oITering of Je\\t\h sacrifices was on the altar in the Ten1ple at JcrtP.,alen1. ,vhich wa'> c.J c~t roycd a t the tir11e n1entioncd . The in~p,rccl prophet <;ay~ al"o tl1ey \Viii be withot1l an in1age. 1 in1e \\ a (Continued on page 16) OCTOBER, 1972 9 •