The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1973

(Conclud d fr m pag 7) U L B PTIST CHURCH, TOL DO - ur I di h Id th ir Fir~t Annual Wontcn' s e tr t June 8·9. Thi.s \'\' a held at the Pinc Hill C n,p. Re • Gene To'4. 1 nes (BMM - f ri ca) po e at one of our prayer n1ceting • r IC , BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH, WARREN - e , Richard Spar li ng (first Baptist Church - le~) spoke at our Church Fellowshi p Suppe· The Lord gave us a good Vaca tion Bible School Other guest speakers include Re" Clifton Miller (BMM - Campus Bible Fello,, ship) and Rev. and Mrs. Charles An– derson (BMM - France). GRACE BAPT IST CHURCH, WESTlAKE - We had the privilege of rev iewing the film - " The Ret urn". Th is was regarding Israel and the Land. It w as most informative. Miss Barbara Cooper, a miss ionary to the Ind ians, spoke here recently. WH ELERSBURO BAPTIST CHURCH - Mis ion ry Howard W yl'nt (BMM - Mar· tiniquc) was our guest missionary speaker during our Vaca tion Bible School . As a church, wo vott'd to buy add itional property for $1 7,000 f rom the local school boord. This will be used for future expansion. This new propert y is ad1acent to our present fac ili ties. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, WILLOWICK - Both our Mother/ Daughter and Fathe r/ Son banque ts were a time of blessing. The lad ies he ld their affa ir at the church. The men, however, ga the red at t he Stoney Glenn Camp. Brother B. F. Cate (Tallmadge, Ohio) led us in a Bible Conference which p roved t o be a bless ing to many. EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH, XENIA - We held our Vacation Bible Schoo l June 18 through 22. Our theme this yea r w as - "J esus, Son of God" . The lad ies had a de· lightful Mot he r/ Daughter banquet . OHIO 10 JULY, 1973 BIRTH PLACE AND HOME OF THE FELLOWSHIP OF BAPTISTS FOR HOME MISSIONS Reach ing Amer ica at this Strateg ic Time P.O. BOX 455 ElYRIA, OHIO 44035 Phone: (216) 365-7308 DR. KENNETH A . MUCK, President Students Serve In Foreign Lands Approximately fi fty edarvi ll e ol– lcgc stti dent are traveling to foreign fields tl1 i ummcr as pa rt of the school' Mis ionary J nternship Service Program. In its third year , Cedarvi lle tudcnts will be covering the globe in ome area of mis ionary service. The primary obj ective of the M.J.S. program is to give mi ssion-minded young adults a short term exposure to the life and responsibilities of mis- - sionary service. The program is in- tended to provide students fo r aid in the missionary outreach of foreign countries as well as to give them the benefit of visiting a foreign mission field. Under the sponsorship of M.I .S., seventeen students are working as a gospel team in Brazil . Their itinerary includes Sao Paulo, Rio de J aniero, Belem, and Manaos. Eight present and past members of the Cedarville basketball squad are in the Orient for a portion of the summer months and other individuals are spending this summer in Peru, Australia, Portugal, France and the Philippine Islands, and several coun– tries in Africa. As part of the responsibility of the M.I.S. program, each missionary in– tern raised the needed finances for their transportation, sustenance, and · travel insurance. ------ How To Get Rid Of Your Pastor Want a sure-fire formula to get rid of an inefficient pastor? Here's one, developed by the late Fred Trotter, a California district super– intendent which won the approval of his bishop. 1. Look him straight in the eye when be is preaching, and say "Amen!" once in awhile. He'll preach himself to death within a few weeks. 2. Pat him on the back and brag on his good points. He'll work himself to death. 3. Start paying him a living wage. He's probably been on starva– tion wages so long he'll eat him– self to death. 4. Rededicate your own life to Christ and ask the preacher to give you a job. He'll die of heart failure. 5. Get the church to pray for the preacher. He'll become so effec– tive some larger church will take him off your hands. •.. COPIED THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST