The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1973

Missionary Conference I "Ye Are My Witnesses' was the theme for the 9th Annual Mission– ary Conference held at the Emmanuel Baptist Church, Toledo, Ohio - Rev. Don Sewell, Pastor. The conference, which ran April 29 through May 2nd, was a blessing to all who attended. Missionaries participating in the conference were a part of the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism. In the above picture (top row - left to right) are missionaries Dr. Stagg, Mrs. Stagg (Bangladesh), Dr. Olsen (Bangladesh) and Rev. Nicklas (Brazil). In the front row are the pastors of the Emmanuel Baptist Church. ( left to right) Don Krueger, Pete Mothershead, Don Sewell and Dave Carder. THE CHILDREN'S GOSPEL HOUR, INC. Henry C. Geiger, Executive Director-Livingston, Tenn. 38570 Presenting Jesus Christ to Youth by Radio and TV PRAY FOR THE SALVATION OF BOYS AND GIRLS The Children' s Gospel Hour is now on 90 radio and 30 TV stations each week. Pray that more stations will take the program. The youth of America need to hear the Gospel now. Write for future information. Radio: WCOL-FM, Columbus - Saturdays, 11 :30 a.m. WTTO, Toledo - Saturdays, 7:15 a.m. THE CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION f. O. lo1r 1I056, Clevelencl, Ohio 44111 Founded 1904 FUNDAMENTAl - BAPTISTIC - EVANGELISTIC Evangelizing the "kinsmen" of our Lord in Cleveland, Ohio Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil OFFICERS :- REFERENCES:- Mr. George B. Dunn, President Dr. James T. Jeremiah, Cedarville, Ohio Dr. Paul Van Gorder , Ailanta, Ga. Rev Roy Clark. Vice President Dr. Vaughn Sprunger, South Bend, Ind . Rev. Lloyd Morrts, Flint, Mich. Rev. Gerald V. Smelser, Superintendent Dr. Robert Ketcham, C hi cago, Ill. Dr. Ra]ph Sto ll, Lancaster, Pa. Rev. A. Paul Tidball, Asst. Supt . Dr. Melvin V. Efaw, Huntington, W . Va . Dr. Frank C. Torrey , Boca Raton. Fla. Mr. Earl Helfri ck, Sec'y.-Treas. Dr. Warren Y. Bibighaus, Haddon Hts., 12 New Jersey Write fot yov, ,.!! copy of '1'he Trumc,ete, f0t 111.. 1" o.,, quar,e,ly nwi111lne devoted to the w0tk of Jewish ev,noeUlffl. JULY, 1973 A Great Men's Retreat! eventy-three men gathered at Sk} View Ranch in late May for ou M N'S RETREAT. Hearts were blessed through the ministry of Dr Hugh Hall of Jackson, Michigan. The men participated in horse shoes and "Dutch" Wolff had to sho\\ off. There was canoeing and Pasto1 Don Loomis was the great "getter wetter' '. When pastors see Pasto1 Don Bennett of New Lyme, the) should ask him - "What happened?' He was a bit down in the mouth The men's trap shoot was won b) Pastor Tom Hughes (Cuyahog, Falls). Deacon Howard Corather< (Cuyahoga Falls) was only ont pigeon behind. "Vi' Wolff outdid herself in the: kitchen. The men had 85 lbs. ot turkey, 60 lbs. of ham, 20 lbs. of lunch meat and "hot dogs' ' , 15 lbs of ground beef, 20 dozen eggs, 35 lbs. of sausage, 33 doz. sweet rolls and donuts, 29 loaves of bread, 38 gallons of milk and used 13 lbs. of coffee! WHAT A FELLOWSHIP! WHAl A FEAST!! We regret that more were not in attendance. Prepare you1 calendars for next year's MEN'S ROUND-UP. - May 23-25 at Sky View Ranch. Available For Meetings Rev. Fred Krueger Recently Rev. Fred Krueger, pastor of the Sharon Baptist Church, Sharon, Pennsylvania held a special meeting for Rev. Roy Plank, Calvary Baptist Church, M e a d v i I I e, Pennsylvania. There were many decisions with a real spirit of enthusiasm among the folks. Brother Krueger is permitted by his people to hold several crusades each year. Pastors interested in hav– ing him for special meetings should write - Rev. F. A. Krueger, Sharon Baptist Church, Corner George Street and Knapp Avenue, Sharon, Pennsyl– vani a 16146. Phone. (412) 347-5314. THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST