The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1973

~ Modern ~ed Riding Hood Once upon a time, in a far-away ·ountry, there lived a little girl called led Riding Hood. One day her mother 1sked her to take a basket of fruit to 1er grandmother, who had been ill and ived alone in a cottage in the forest. It happened that a wolf was lurking n the bushes and overheard the con- 1ersation. He decided to take a short– ·ut to the grandmother's house and get he goodies for himself. The wolf tilled the grandmother, then dressed in 1er nightgown and jumped into bed to 1wait the little girl. When she arrived, he made several 1asty suggestions and then tried to a-ab her. But by this time, the child vas very frightened and ran scream– ng from the cottage. A woodcutter, working nearby, 1eard her cries and rushed to the res– ·ue. He killed the wolf with his ax, hereby saving Red Riding Hood's ife. All the townspeople hurried to he scene and proclaimed the wood– ·utter a hero. But at the inquest, several facts ·merged: ( 1) The wolf had never been ad– ·ised of his rights. (2) The woodcuter had made no varning swings before striking the atal blow. (3) The Civil Liberties Union tressed the point that, although the tCt of eating Grandma may have been n bad taste, the wolf was only "doing 1is thing" and thus didn't deserve the leath penalty. (4) The SDS contended that the :illing of the grandmother should be onsidered a self-defense since she was 1ver 30 and, therefore, couldn't be aken seriously because the wolf was rying to make love, not war. On the basis of these considera– ions, it was no valid basis for charges Lgainst the wolf. Moreover, the wood– utter was indicted for unaggravated .ssault with a deadly weapon. Several nights later, the woodcutter's ottage was burned to the ground. One year from the date of "The ncident at Grandma's," her cottage vas made a shrine for the wolf who 1ad bled and died there. All the village 1fficials spoke at the dedication, but it vas Red Riding Hood who gave the nost touching tribute. She said that, while she had been elfishly grateful for the woodcutter's ntervention, she realized in retrospect hat he had overreacted. As she knelt nd placed a wreath in honor of the ~rave wolf, there wasn' t a dry eye in he whole forest. Author Unknown HE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Groundbreaking The Faith Baptist Church of Defiance, Ohio engaged in a ground– breaking service on April 29 following the Sunday morning service. There were 98 present for this service which was held at the five acre site just south of Defiance on State Route 111. Pictured above, participating in the groundbreaking service are (1 to r) ... Richard Ward, Secretary of the Building Committee; Larry Bauer, Chairman of the Building Committee; Pastor Merlyn E. Jones; Gale Yenser, Building Committee member and Melvin Retcher, Chairman of the Board of Deacons. In the foreground (shovel in hand) is Mrs. Hugh Marcellus, an honorary participant, from whom the land was purchased. Not pictured but also taking part in the service was Rev. Gerald Gratton, pastor of the Emmanuel Baptist Church in Pauling. As a momento of the occasion, each one present received a souvenir model shovel. GIVING Don't give till it hurts - God's people should Be giving until it makes 'em feel good, And after you've given, you'll want to give more For you will have blessings as never before. Don't hoard it, or waste it, why not instead, Since you can't take it with you, just send it ahead. When you give to the Lord you are going to fiind More treasure up there than you're leaving behind! . .. L. J. MANNES EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH 4681 EAST TRINDLE ROAD CAMP HILL, PENNA. On Harrisburg's West Shore A growing church with ministries and opportunities for the whole family. Home of Tr i-County High School. Mus ic, children's and youth ministries, deaf, radio, rescue mission, bus and special classes for exceptional children. MOVING OR TRAVELING THROUGH? Honor us with • visit. Just 5 minutes off Exit 17, Pennsylvania Turnpike - Nestled in beautiful Cumberland Valley - 1he ' 'Heart of Democracy". Rev. T. Wesley Bliss, Pastor JULY, 1973 13