The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1973

(Concluded from page 8) 11 aftcrn ('n se . ion began at one • "' I ck , •itl1 a ong scr, 1 icc and prayer ti111c . f rs. Dn, 1d H11ntcr, pre ided at tl1c btt inc e ion. . The afternoon peaker , as M1 llcrr c la) poole. appointee to Brazil tinder Bapti "' t lid-Mi ion . ~er u.b– jcct ,, a.. "Changing Trends in Mts– i n ". A graduate of Baptist Bible allege, Mi Claypoole spent o~e un1mer in the Dominican Republic a a Mi ionary apprent ice and taught two year in the Pen acola, Florida Chri tian Day School. She currently i engaged in deputation work. She gave her personal testimony and to!d how Satanic forces are at work 10 foreign countries and also right he!e in the United States. Thus, as Chris– tians we should be missionaries wherever we are and use the ap– portunities we have to speak for Him. The Fall meetii1g will be September 25th at the Independent Baptist Church of North Jackson, Ohio at 1 :00 p .m. -MRS. THOS. McCLISH, Reporter A Very Special Occasion Thursday, May 24, 1973 was a date that will long be remembered in the First Baptist Church of Well– ington, Ohio. It was a time when the Bethel Baptist Church choir, from Savannah, Ohio, under the direction of their pastor Rev. Ron Merrill, presented a musical concert, singing praises unto our wonderful Lord and Savior. Many were in attendance from other churches in the community and sur– rounding area. During a brief intermission, the church took the opportunity to honor Rev. & Mrs. Charles W. Rugg and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wiles who were celebrating their 25th wedding anni– versary and their 50th wedding anni– versary, respectively. A beautiful floral arrangement was presented to each couple in commemoration of the • occasion. When the concert was over, those in attendance retired to the basement for an hour of fellowship. Save 35% B.A.S.F. RECORDING TAPES Blank Cassettes, 8-Track Cartridges, Open Reel Types Even greater savings on taping supplies and accessories. Wessian Distributing Box 20015-B Cleveland, Ohio 44120 14 JULY, 1973 Pastor Ordained On May 29, the Lakeview Baptis t hurch of Du11dce, Ohio extended an invitation to sister churches in the anton area to it with them to con- ider the etting apart of Mr. Robert L. Veenhuis for the work of the gospel ministry. Brother Veenhuis is a member of the Lakeview Baptist Church and a graduate of Grand Rapids Baptist College. He is pres– ently pastoring the Lakeview church. After presenting his testimony per– taining to his salvation and call to the ministry, he then presented a well– prepared statement concerning his doctrinal c o n v i c t i o n s. After a thorough examination, the candidate was dismissed from the room. It was then moved, seconded and voted unanimously to recommend that the church proceed with Brother Veen– huis' ordination. AVAl LABLE FOR ... Pu lpit Supply-Speci al Meet ings– Weekend Meetings Rev . Elton C. Hukill We llington Mobile Home Park Wellington , Ohio 44090 Phone: (216) 647-4378 Favorite Recipes CARROT CAKE Ingredients 2 Cups Sugar 2 Cups Flour 1 Tsp. Salt 2 tsp. Cinnamon 2 T sp. Soda 4 lg. or 6 sm. Eggs 1 th Cup Salad Oil 2 Cups Grated Carrots Grease 9x13 oblong pan. Preheat oven to 350° . Mix all dry ingredients and sift well. Beat eggs and oil together. Add to dry ingredients and mix well. Add carrots last and mix. Bake at 350° for 30 minutes or until brown. Let cool before icing. Icing 1 sm. pkg. Cream Cheese I cube Butter or Margarine 1 box Powdered Sugar 1 tsp. Vanilla-I Cup sliced Wal– nuts. Cream together cream cheese and butter. . Add remaining ingredients and mix until smooth and creamy. Frost cooled cake. Called As Youth Pastor Rev. Robert Teis The Grace Baptist Church of Can ton, Ohio has called Mr. Robert Vv Teis, Jr. to serve as their Yout1 Pastor. Brother Teis began this mini5 try on April 8. Pastor Teis is a graduate of Calvar Bible College in Kansas City wher he received a B.A. degree. Prior t( coming to Grace in Canton, h taught school at Muncie Bapti~ School in Kansas City. Also, he serve, as the Minister of Education an, Youth at the Wheelersburg Bapti~ Church in Wheelersburg, Ohio. Our brother and his wife, Barbari have one son - Robert John who r 18 months old. We are confident th Lord will bless his ministry amon the young people at the Grace Bap tist Church, Canton. REGULAR BAPTIST CHILDREN'S HOME 2 14 N. Mill Street St. Louis , Michigan - 48880 • Fir e, i,., Serv.ce o C~ ldren and he Un wed Mothers S nee 1952 Pray for U, Brethren Approved bv Na iona' A ssn. GARBC Wa n More lnforma i ion? Wri e THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIS