The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1973

(Concluded from page 11) of Paul and Timothy - right on through all the centuries to the preachers of this present generation. "Able" is a separate word in the Greek text (hikanoi), and describes the kind of men those must be who come after Paul and Timothy down through the generations of men. The servants of the Lord who are ordained to the Gospel ministry as the result of their call of God in our day, and during the time left before the Lord returns, must be men who are suffici– ent in ability, competent, worthy, and ready to take up the task by the grace of God. Their duty is "to teach others also" ( kai heteros didaxai), the aorist in– finitive denoting the particular, defi– nite, and compelling work of teach– ing. This is the way the strength of true and faithful doctrine has been given and received: from one faith– ful servant to another, and so on. ,Here we have set forth in clear statement the great inestimable value of the teaching ministry, and the need for sound theological institutions, and training centers. Here also is encour– agement for the faithful teaching pastor who, patiently, faithfully, lov– ingly, and painstakingly teaches the Word to his people. There is no doubt that church history abounds with evi– dence of departure from the basic, fundamental doctrines of the faith, foremost of which is the doctrine of Christ. This doctrinal deficiency and efection continues to increase at an alarming rate in our day. The current heological situation is in– eed. All kinds of suggestions for a "return to Biblical theology" have oeen set forth by various church eaders and theologians, but II Tim. :2 is the course which God has de– reed that we shall follow. There is o option, no alternative. This is the nly way in which a succession of true octrinal strength can be maintained. t means that the greatest care will ave to be exercised in the screening f teachers for our Theological chools. Departmental heads and aculty-members must give themselves o holding fast the pattern of sound words and the administration of cor– rect theology in the classroom. We mu~t be cautious and circumspect in laying hands upon young men for the Gospel ministry, and pastors must e.ngage in a ministry of teaching, and t1ght~n the lines of reception of mem– bers 1nto the churches. Every possible safeguard for the purity of the church and the maintenance of sound doc– trine will have to be maintained. Fr~m this . passage of Holy Scrip– ture 1n II Tim. 2: 2 arise two parti– cular and essential qualifications for the true servants of the Lord Jesus Christ. Obviously the transmission of Ch~istian doctrine is not something which we merely hope will be carried out, but it is something which must be done. Moreover, this doctrinal strength is not deposited fortuitously to all believers, but only to faithful men able to teach others. Hence true servants of the Lord: 1) Must be proven loyal to the truth, 2) Must be able to teach other faithful men. Think long and earnestly up– on these things! EVANGELIZE! Give us a watchword for the hour, A thrilling word, a word of power, A battle-cry, a flaming breath That calls to conquest or to death. A word to rouse the church from rest, To heed the Master's high behest. The call is given: Ye hosts arise, Our watchword is, EVANGELIZE. The glad Evangel now proclaim, Through all the earth, in Jesus' Name, This word is ranging through the skies; EVANGELIZE! EVANGELIZE! To dying men, a fallen race, Make known the gift of Gospel grace; The word that now in darkness lies, EVANGELIZE! EVANGELIZE AUTHOR UNKNOWN Capsules of Life The great living lessons taught by Christ in His parables used the common , everyday experiences of life. His Illustrations and aptness ~f application came from the heart that sought only good for the. listener and you the reader of today. The accounts of missionary bravery and true incidents in the lives of experienced Christians characterize the literature we publish for you. Our take-home papers are planned to cover a broad area of Christian experience. Your church can only benef it from the reading of these fine papers: FOR MOMMY AND ME, PR!"1ARY PA~ COURAGE, CHALLENGE, CONQUEST. Order your free R I B • p samptefrom egu ar apt1st ress 1800 Oakton Boulevard • DesPlalnet, Ill. 60018 Receive AWANA Award : e I I Qt • Brother Ray Williams, Minister of Youth and Music, Temple Baptist Church, Portsmouth, Ohio informs us that the AWANA program has been one of the most successful youth pro– gram additions to their church for some time. They have just completed their second full year in the program and have seen the work move for– ward. This year they saw their Club at– tendance double, they competed in the AWANA Ohio Olympics which was held in Akron. They had 180 of their people attend their AWANA Award Banquet, including several un– saved parents. A good number of their young people completed their handbooks for the year and two Club members - Dawn Autel and Jeff Brown (see above picture) won Timothy Awards. To receive the Timothy Award, these young people had to complete three handbooks, memorize a large amount of Scripture, do much Bible reading and study meaningful crafts. These two young folk worked very, very hard to complete the required work. They are worthy of being re– cognized. We congratulate them on a job - "well done". Geared toward re· vival and edification of the saints, with an emphasis on evan· gel ism. MIKE COYLE Musical Ministries Utiliz ing a tenor voice and playing the French ho rn - Mike Coyle uses power· ful sound equipment with taped accom– paniment to minister the word of God, through the medium of music A Chris• cent ered and God honoring ministry God has used for His glory. 2731 Central Ave., St. Petersburg, Fla. Phone: (813) 828-7911 NOW AVAILABLE