The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1973
Youth Rally A Great Success May 19 was a big day for the "teens" in our church. That was the day of the Annual State Youth Rally. Over 2000 "teens" and their advisors gathered in the Veterans' Memorial Auditorium in Columbus for this year's great rally. The theme of the rally was - THE JUDGE IS COM– ING. The program included several musical numbers by the Emmanuel Youth Singers from Emmanuel Bap– tist Church in Toledo as well as some of the winners of the State Talents for Christ Contests. Two professors from Cedarville College presented workshops. Professor James Grier's workshop was entitled "The Judge and Justice". It covered the fact that God is truly just in all of the judg– ments He decrees. Professor Lawrence Killian's workshop was entitled "The Age of Aquarius" and it covered the signs of the last days including the occult and the drug scene. The main speaker was Dr. Jack Wyrtzen, the founder and co-director of Word of Life Fellowship ~f Sch– roon Lake, New York. As Dr. Wyrt– zen preached his very challenging message, the Holy Spirit worked in the hearts of the "teens". When the invitation was given, 35 young people stepped out and made their way to the counseling area to be counseled by members of the Cedarville College Swordbearers. Twenty-five of these accepted Christ as their personal Saviour and the others came with various needs. Praise the Lord for His goodness in all of this! Plan now for next year's rally. The date is May 18, 1974. The place will be, once again, the Veterans' Me– morial Auditorium in Columbus. REMEMBER TO PRAY for the CAN OF COINS PROJECT BANGUI BAPTIST HIGH SCHOOL Central African Republic BAPTIST MID-MISSIONS 4205 Chester Avenue Cleveland, Ohio - 44103 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Cedarville College Pastors Conference Dr. Lehman Strauss, pastor, evan– gelist, teacher and writer has been invited as the conference speaker for the Pastors Conference held annually by Cedarville College. The conference this year is scheduled for September 10-13, 1973. Dr. Strauss began in the preaching ministry twenty-five years ago in Bris– tol, Pennsylvania and continued until 1963 when he left the pastorate in answer to numerous calls for a Bible teaching ministry in churches through– out America and on mission fields in other countries. Dr. Strauss travels an average of 40,000 miles in a year and delivers over 400 spoken messages. Although his ministry keeps him traveling, Dr. Strauss continues to write. Fourteen volumes of his writ– ing have been published and these include commentaries on Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, James, The Epistles of John , Revelation and Daniel. Dr. Strauss has spoken in such lo– cations as the Moody Church in Chi– cago, Torrey Memorial Conference at Biola, Winona Lake in Indiana , Maranatha and Gull Lake Confer– ences in Michigan and others. At the invitation of several mission boards, he has spoken to groups of mission– aries and nationals in Korea, Japan, Hong Kong, Europe, South Africa and Viet Nam. All pastors are urged to attend this Sixth Annual Pastors Conference. You will be the "guest" of Cedarville Col– lege. Meals and lodging will be pro– vided by the ColJege. Pl an now to share in this time of instruction , in– spiration and fellowship. These con– ferences always prove to be a time of refreshing. Remember the dates - September 10-13. Send in your reser– vation to the College - NOW! AVAILABLE FOR . . . Pu lpit Supply and or Sermons in Song REV GEORGE P. ZINN Route 3, Huber Road Norwalk , Oh,o - 44857 Tel (4 19) 668-8072 VOL. 45, NO. 10 JULY, 1973 New Pastor At Wheelersburg Rev. Richard Sumner The new pastor of the Wheelers– burg Baptist Church is Rev. Richard Sumner. He began his ministry there several months ago. Brother Sumner is a graduate of Tennessee Bible School with a Bache– Jor of Bible Degree. He also had ad– ditional work at the Grand Rapids Baptist Bible College. His wife, Donna, received her B.A. degree from Tennessee Temple College. Prior to hi s ministry in Wheelers– burg, he pastored the Charlotte In– dependent Baptist Church, Punta Gorda, Florida and the Broadway Baptist Church of Muskegon, Mich. Rev. and Mrs. Sumner have two children. These are Randy, age six ( now in Kindergarten) and Robin, age two. We are confident the Lord will cause their ministry to be one of blessing to the Wheelersburg church. JULY, 1973 3
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