The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1973

FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH, DEFIANCE - At one of our b usine ss mee tings re cently we voted to send our pastor to Bill Gothard 's " Institute in Bas ic Youth Conflicts" seminar. Our choir presented the cantata - 'Our Risen lord" . Vacation Bible School was held June 4-8 and the lord blessed. ABBE ROAD BAPTIST CHURCH, ELYRIA - Or. Kenneth Muck was guest speaker at the f irst Men ' s Fellowship meeting held re– cently in our church. A Senior banquet was given by our Crusader Youth Group honor– ing f ive High School graduates. The ladies of our church prepared a delicious meal which was served in an Haw a iian setting. Brother Dave Muck brought a challe nging message. The evening concluded with the showing of a Christian film. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, ELYRIA - On May 20th, Rev. George Zinn presented a special concert. This was greatly enjoyed. We praise the lord for the increase in our missionary giving. This past year we in– creased our giving by $7,000. Or. Merle Hull and Rev. Don Drake (GARBC - Home Office) spoke he re recently. "The Musical Murk Family" were with us on June 3rd and pre– sented a sacred concert. CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH, FINDLAY - We held our Vacation Bible School June ·11-15. We had a good attendance. Some of our people attended the " Institute in Basic Youth Conflict' ' seminar held at Cobo Hall in Detroit. We are praying much concerning the coming of Jack Van lmpe meetings to be held here in Findlay July 8-15. FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH, GALLIPOLIS - On April 22nd, we set a new church at– tendance record. There were 275 present! Too, our " Re duce The Indebtedness" offering went over the top! $5,322.47 was received in the month of April. We thank the lord for His cont inued bl essing on this work. FIRST BAPTISIT CHURCH, GALLIPOLIS - Mrs . J ack Finlay was gue st speaker fo r our Mothe r I Daughte r Salad Buffe t. " The Finlays" are s uppo rte d by th is church in thei r missionary work in Brazil, South Ame r ica. Rev Finl ay spoke to differe nt g roups in our church. Mike Trowbridge to ld o f h is ex– pected summe r missiona ry work in Al aska. An " Awards and Hono r" banque t w as he ld for all of our Teens. We had a ve ry g ood Vacat ion Bib le School J une 4-13. FAITH BAPTIST CHURCH, LANCASTER - Sund ay, May 27th was our Buil d ing Fund Sunday On tha t d ay we had 49 a t our fHE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST morning servi ce and 31 in the even ing. The offering fo r the d ay w as $777.28. These d ear fo lk ask fo r p raye r regard ing their d es ire to purchase avai lable property on wh ich to build. Mo re money is neede d - God is a bl e ! LITCHFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH - O ur Spring Eva nge list ic mee t ings w ith Bro the r Me l St adt w e re we ll atte nded . Re– ce nt sp ea ke rs include Dr. Kenne th Muck (Pres ide nt - FBHM) a nd Mi ss Be th Odo r (EBM - Afri ca). We a re hav ing two Vaca ti on Bi b le School s th is summe r. Our buildi ng im– provement fund cont inues to g row and our next project is to b rick t he en tire exte r io r o f the b u ilding. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH, LONDON - Recently we sent a specia l offe r ing to the '"'ichiga n Chr istian Home (GARBC approved). We had a special JOY CLUB presentat ion a t o ur church. Severa l, of late, we re obed ien t to the lord's command pe rt ain ing to bapt ism. He is blessing! EMMANUEL BAPTIST CHURCH, LORAIN - Our church cho ir p re se nte d the cantata - " Sing Praise!". Miss ionary Pau l Marg raff told of their work in Ishpeming, Mi ch igan. The ladies had a delightful t ime at thei r Mo the r/ Daughter banquet. Our young people he ld a spring Formal b anq ue t on June 9th. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, MEDINA We rece ntly he ard Rev. Guy McClai n (BMM - Brazil) and Mr. John Gosney who is a re pre sentative of rad io station HCJB - Qu ito, Ecuador. Mr. Will iam Stevenhagen, Preside nt of the Akron Camp for Gideons to ld of the work of the "Gideons" . GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH, MINFORD - We praise the lord for a st ead y increase in our Sunday School attenda nce. We are now pl ann ing on purchasing ano the r b us. O ur pre se nt one is beg inn ing to show its age ! Our " newsl e tter" goes in to 230 d ifferen t homes. We pra ise the l ord, too, for the outre ach that is ours through our radio ministry. FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH, NILES - Mrs . Babs Ande rson, (BMM - France) was the specia l speake r fo r our Mo the r/ Daug hte r banquet . We he ld a banque t honoring our g rad ua tes (Hig h School and College) in late May. Rev. Norman Nicklas (ABWE - Brazil) spoke he re on May 20th. The l ord gave us a good Vaca t ion Bib le School J une 25-29. CAlVARY BAPTIST CHURCH, SALEM - The cha ll enge o f Africa was presented by Missionary Pau l Bever ly. We took a special love offe r ing to he lp our pastor. (Rev Fred Robb) meet some of his personal medical expenses. BLESSED HOPE BAPTIST CHURCH, SPRINGFIELD - We recently purchased a 66 passenger Interna t iona l bus (like new). Since Pastor Chapman has been at our church, we have seen our Sunday School grow from 163 10 353. We hope to reach 500 by the end o f 1973. SOUTHGATE BAPTIST CHURCH, SPRINGFIELD - We he ld a Church picnic on J une 9th. Th is was great ly enjoyed. Miss Jane Eberling a nd Miss Theresa Hen riques shared thei r test imonies with us recentl y. They are t ravel– ing 10 t he Philippine Islands and to Portugal unde r Ced a rville Co ll ege's Missions Internship Program. GRACE BAPTIST CHURCH, SUNBURY - We had t he privilege o f hearing Rev. Paul Ma rg raff (HB/"' - Is hpemi ng, Michigan) tell o f t he work to which the Lo rd has ca lled h im and his f amily. BETHEL BAPTIST CHURCH, TOLEDO - Missiona ry Don Love {ABWE - Phi lippine Islands) spoke he re in late May. The Lord gave us a ve ry successful Vacation Bible School. A musical group f rom Baptist Bib le College in Clarks Summit, Pennsylvania min– iste red here on J une 24th. We a re looking forwa rd to purchasing another bus . (Continued on page 10) ~ca~ 'Ba,lttid 2601 LINCOLN ROAD , SOUTH ~ .1Jt~ 49K29 JULY, 1973 7