The Ohio Independent Baptist, July 1973

earl to .eart mong t e omen -Mrs. Earl Umbaugh - Women's Editor- No Camp For Her To Go To IT IS NOT too early for mothers everywhere to begin to search for a good Summer camp. There are camps for children geared toward tennis, basketball, baseball and football. There are camps for fat kids, maladjusted kids, hungry-for food kids and militaristic kids. I am looking for a camp where there are no organized activities, the food is fattening and there are no kids! I AM SPEAKING, of course, of a Camp for Tired Mothers. I visualize it as a little cottage in a clearing where there are no rainy days, no ironing board in the middle of the living room and eight sets of car keys on a nail by the front door. I don~t ask for much in this world. I never have. I 'd just like a few weeks where I could sleep in a bed where the alarm clock is on the opposite side. Where I could go to the bathroom, lock the door and know that when I looked through the keyhole I will not encounter another eye. I want the phone to ring and have it be for me. I want to waJk into a room and see all the drawers closed. Sometimes when I halucinate, I wonder what it would be like to walk across a kitchen floor and not have your shoe stick to it. Or to sit by and watch someone else replace the toilet tissue spindle. Or to leave a roll of adhesive tape on a table for five minutes, return and still have it there! Or to drive a car and not have to worry about sudden stops. Or cut up my meat and eat it without blowing on it and sharing. WOULDN'T IT BE wild to have a recording of a child whining and saying "There's nothing to do" and being able to say, "So why don't you run away from home like all the other kids." But mostly, wouldn't it be wonderful to be able to read and not be so exhausted that you fall asleep. . Who am I kidding? There aren't any camps for mothers. I am stuck with another Summer in Never-Never Land with three kids and my husband, Peter Pan. -Used with permission, Courtesy Erma Bombeck; Hall Syndicate, Akron Beacon Journal But ... There IS A Camp! YES, VIRGINIA, THERE IS A ' 'CAMP FOR MOMS" TO GO TO. The Ohio Women's Missionary Union sponsors two Women's Retreats in Septem– ber and we urge you to begin NOW to make plans to attend one or both of these. We do .n~t promise everything mentioned in the above article by Edith Bornbeck but 1t 1s your opportunity to get away for two days. The total registration fee for each is $10.00, $5 of which is to be sent with ~our .reservation the otbe~ $5 to be paid upon arriyal. The deadline for registra– tion is September 5. Registration and Room assignments begin at 2 o'clock on Th~rsday. No meal will be served before Friday morning. The first service will begin at 7 o'clock Thursday evening. Recreation facilities are available for early corners but any coming early will need to bring a sack lunch or a picnic. 8 SCIOTO HILLS RETREAT - September 13, 14, 15 Registrar - Mrs. Phyllis Kammeyer 32 Second Ave. Pataskala, Ohio 43062 SKYVIEW RANCH RETREAT - September 20, 21, 22 Registrar - Mrs. Helen O'Neal JULY, 1973 1121 Manning Road Hartville, Ohio 44632 Canton Area W.M.F. Spring Rally A beautiful Spring Rally was en· joyed on April 24th as the Canto11 Area Women's Missionary Fellowship gathered at the lovely new Millers· burg Baptist Church. The theme - "At Least One Church" - was presented by the de, votional message, "God's U nchang· able Purpose". This was given by Mrs Earl Umbaugh. Mrs. Ellen Horn· brook, missionary to Mexico unde1 Baptist Mid-Missions showed Slide~ and presented a message showing tha1 this generation in Mexico needs thi~ chance to bear and be ~ ved. The Quarter Banks ering is tc go toward helping comp1ete the build· ing of the Independent Baptist In· stitute in Poza Rica, Vera Cruz where the Hornbrooks serve. The goal i~ $600 by the Fall meeting. Miss Beth Odor (Evangelical Bap· tist Mission) serving in Niger, West Africa for the past 26 years presented her work in Doso showing many. many villages still have not had that ' 'One Chance". Young men are need· ed to go there and minister the Word of God. Officers for the coming year were elected. President - Nancy Dering Whipple Ave. Baptist Church; VicE President - Blanch Muckley, Lake· view Baptist Church; Secretary - . Virginia Thompson, Whipple Ave Baptist Church and Treasurer - Elaine Veenhuis, Lakeview Baptist Church. Bethany Area W.M.F. The Spring meeting was an all da} meeting at the Calvary Baptist Church, Hubbard, Ohio. Mrs. Fram Odor of Vienna was the song leader Mrs. Mike Boyer, the pianist and Mrs. Roy Ainsworth the Organist both were from the host church. Mr~ Ainsworth welcomed the ladies and Mrs. Kathy Barkley was in charge of the devotions. Mrs. Marvin Wer· beach of North Jackson favored the group with a solo. The progran1 for the morning ses· sion was a panel discussion entitled "How These Changing Times Effect Our Living in our Home, Church and Community, and in our Missional) Endeavor and our Personal lives.'· Panel members were: Mrs. Paul Bar· rett, Hubbard; Mrs. Richard Sparling Niles; Mrs. Emily McDaniels, Evans· ville. The Moderator was Mrs. John Evans of Evansville. The discussior was a real blessing to all who attended (Continued on page 14) THE OHIO INDEPENDENT IAPTIS1