The Ohio Independent Baptist, August/September 1973

Heart to eart New State WMU President mong t e omen -Mrs. Earl Umbaugh - Women' s Editor- ''Blessed Are The Meek II • • • I 11 P a1111 7: 11 \\ c read "The n1eek ,l1~1ll 1nh r1t the earth and shall de– light the111 cl\e in the abundance of - peace .. The Hebre\\ ,vord here n1ean Hto be molded". In thi beati– tt1de the Greel \\Ord means "to be controlled·• . . . that is "submissive". 1 et u think of it in this way - the \\'Orld 1 round. the sky is blue, water i \\et. the ea on are set - these cannot change - they are controlled b, God. The farmer learns the laws ., and i go,,erned by them. To rebel \\ ould only mean failure of crops. Yielding to these laws is "meekness' '. \~'e ubmit to the higher power or there i rebellion. '"Delight thyself also in the Lord: and He shall give thee the desires of thine heart.' ' (Psalm 37: 4) . To fail to do this means frustration and inner conflict. D ante said, "In His \\ 1 ill is our peace." This kind of yield– ing takes the dread out of tomorrow. (Proverbs 3: 6). Each of the beatitudes has a logical connection \\ ith the other. They fol– low the one and proceed to the next as do the notes in the octave. The basic "power in spirit" leads to the "mourning" as we are aware of our sin and this in turn to the ' 'meek ' ' submissive will. The one builds upon the other and increasingly requires more from us in a yieldedness and realization of our helplessness in and of ourselves. "Not by might nor by power but by my spirit." (Zechariah 4: 6 ) . Beatitudes 1 and 2 are both introspective but now number 3 shows our reaction to what others may say or feel about us. The examples in the Bible of meek men were actually men of great strength yet they were so submissive to God that they were truly meek. These claim nothing for themselves as all was a loan from the Lord. Abra– ham allowed Lot to choose the best land. Moses said blot my name out but save the people. David said he (Continued On Page 14) 10 AUGUST • SEPTEMBER, 1973 WMU State Meeting The Fall meeting of the Ohio Women's Missionary Union will be held Tues– day, October 16th at the Maranatha Baptist Church in Columbus, Ohio. Your new president, Mrs. Claude (Bar– bara) Williams, would like to suggest that all regional and local presidents encourage the ladies of our State to be there at 1:30 for a program that will prove a blessing. Missionary Don Hare (ABWE - Brazi l) will be telling us of the work of the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Bro– ther Hare is a most interesting speak- er. LADIES - DON'T FORGET TO BRING YOUR DIME BANKS! Our project this year is to raise sufficient funds in order that we might purchase a new car for our State Missionary, Rev. Earl Umbaugh. · REMEMBER TO PRAY for the ·CAN OF COINS PROJECT BANGUI BAPTIST HIGH SCHOOL Central African_Republic BAPTIST MID-MISSIONS 4205 Chester Avenue Cleveland, Ohio - 44103 MRS . CLAUDE WILLIAMS Mrs. Claude (Barbara) Williams of the Reynoldsburg Baptist Church and past Vice-President of our Ohio Wom– en's Missionary Union is now its new President. She takes the place of past President, Mrs. Milton (Dorothy) Barkley, First Baptist Church, Lancas– ter, Ohio. Mrs. Barkley resigned her position in order that she and her hus– band, Rev. Milton Barkley, might serve as missionaries under the Fellowship of Baptists for Home Missions. Their work will be to establish new churches in the state of Florida. Mrs. Williams is the President of the Women's Missionary Union in the Reynoldsburg church. She is a gradu– ate of Houghton College with a major in Christian Education. Along with her husband and their five children, she makes her home at 1140 Waggoner Road in Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068. We believe she is capable of doing an excellent job in leading our State Wo– men's Missionary Union group. ----- RETREATS! RETREATS!! Ladies - Be sure to attend at least one of our RETREATS! We suggest that one lady in each church handle reservations and promotion. Each church should bring a cake for snack time. Mi ss Jean Fisher of Cedarville College will be guest speaker at the Scioto Hills Retreat. Sky View Retreat missionary speaker is Miss Loie Knight, Central African Republic. The Bible Teacher is Mrs. James Jeremiah, Cedarville. Plan now to attend. Send reservation with five dollars ( $5 .00) to: SCIOTO HILLS RETREAT - September 13, 14, 15 Regi strar - Mrs. Phyllis Kammeyer 32 Second Avenue Pataskala, Ohio - 43062 SKY VIEW RANCH RETREAT- September 20, 21, 22 · Registrar - Mrs. Helen O'Neal 1121 Manning Road Hartville, Ohio - 44632 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST