The Ohio Independent Baptist, August/September 1973

So, You Work In Christian Education by Chas. F. Alber The sign on the wall of the supply room was designed to give the sales– men that came in a hard time. It had a picture that could hardly be called a human profile, and the caption read, "Yesterday I couldn't even spel salze– man, and now I are one!" Among the several obvious inferences, none of which would be considered compli– mentary, is the erroneous thought that the position of salesman is not very important, for a "nobody" could fill it. Any good salesman knows that this is not true. They know their work is vital to their company and to the total economy, and that its successful fulfill– ment takes the total resources a person has available. The key is to realize the importance of the position. This is also true of a Christian Education worker. Success in this great enterprise of teaching the Bible is for fruitful results, like success in any other undertaking must be purchased at the price of effort. There is nothing easy about Christian Education. It demands everything we have. It is a labor of prayer. It is a labor of intelli– gence. It is a labor of muscle, and a labor of perspiration. However, not all people working in Christian Education give it this kind · of effort. Perhaps one reason is that they do not consider the job worthy of the price. How important is this work? The following are quotes from Dr. Henrietta C. Mears. While they are specifically about Sunday ·School teachers, they can be readily applied te the total Christian Education pro– gram. "What is a teacher? God's man, in God's place, doing God's work, in God's way, for God's glory. "Don't ever say, 'I'm just a Sunday School teacher.' If you were a profes– sor at Harvard or Oxford, you would be proud of it-proud of the great responsibility. Teacher, you are a pro– fessor in Christ's college. As a Sunday School teacher, you can be equally proud- not the sort of pride that ex– alts self, but the warm joyful glow of humble satisfaction that comes to those who serve the Saviour in His strength, not theirs. "What a responsibility you have to teach an immortal soul to have fellow– ship with God! To fulfill this respon– sibility you must be wholly dedicated to the Lord and the task He has for you to do. Christ was a teacher. He told you and me that our commission is to teach (Matt . 28: 19, 20) . Don't ever say, 'I•m just a Sunday School teacher!' You are a teacher in Christ's THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST New Christian High School SOMB OF EMMANUEL BAPTIST'S tilGH SCHOOLERS . Toledo's first Evangelical Christian High School - The Emmanuel Baptist High School meets in the Emmanuel Baptist Church ( Rev. Donald Sewell , Pastor), 4207 Laskey Road, Toledo, Ohio - 43623. The sc?ool is designed to serve Greater Toledo's Christian Community with ( 1) a B1b~e-centered. education in a warm Christian environment. (2) an excellence 1n academic standards and (3) a developing of high spiritual and moral standards by relating the whole truth to the whole person - mental physical and spi ritual . ' Those desiring further information, please write or call: Emmanuel Baptist Christian School 4207 Laskey Road Toledo, Ohio - 43623 Phone: (419) 478-0985 college. Know your subject matter. Be proud that you teach! " The importance of the work of Christian Education is further empha– sized by the true story of Mr. Leon Ty, who lives in the Philippines. Mr. Ty was the editor and publisher of a weekly political magazine. Political ambitions were first in his life. Then one day God spoke to his heart through the preaching of the Word , and he yielded his life to the Lordship of Christ. He took a Sunday School class and taught it enthusiastically and with authority that comes from a per– sonal experience with Christ. The class was growing and many were saved. Then came a phone call from the president of the country, Ramon Mag– saysay. He was a close friend of Mr. Ty. Wo,1ld Mr. Ty accompany him on a trip as an advisor? The trip would have included a Sunday. AVAILABLE FOR ... Pulp it Supply and or Sermons 1n Song REV GEORGE P ZINN Route 3, Huber Road NorVv·alk , Oh,o - 44857 Te l (4 19) 668 8072 "I'm sorry, Mr. President!" Leon Ty,s voice was firm. "I appreciate your confidence, but I am afraid I cannot accompany you on this trip. You see, the Sunday School class which I teach meets during the time we would be away. I cannot leave my class." Is teaching a Sunday School class more important than an opportunity to serve the President of his country? Yes! For he was serving the King of Kings, and Lord of Lords. He rightly saw the importance of his ministry. The sequel to the story is that on the trip on March 17, 1959, an air– plane struggled in vain to clear Mt. Pinatcho during take-off, just after midnight . All but one died in the crash, including Ramon Magsaysay, the man who had asked Ty to take the trip . What is your responsibility in the Christian Education program? How important is it to you? We need to grasp the concept that God has given us a work to do. There is no higher authority. We are administrating to eternal needs. There is no greater purpose. Hl et a man so account of tis, as the ministers of Christ, and stewards of the n1ysteries of God Moreover, it is required 1n stewards, that a man be found faithful' ' (l Cor. 4: l , 2). AUGUST • SEPTEMBER, 1973 11