The Ohio Independent Baptist, August/September 1973

R gular Baptist Pre s Patmos Conference G eatly Appreciated , l,11r C(ltll)t fl'ccnt1,, , 1~1tcci the nn I l ()t1nl hcadq,.1artcrs of ottr C,cncral '\\)~ 1.. 1 tion o f Rcgu 1 ar Bapti t l ht1rcl1c in De Plaines, lllino1 . \\' hile thl'fC \\' C \\ere shO\\-n a heaf ( lf letters recei, cd f ron1 pa tor and t1nda cl1 ol leader \\- ho had at- t nded their Leader hip Seminar. Thi en1inar had been held under the direction of the Regular Baptist Pre at Camp Patmos, Kelleys Island - l\,fa} 21-23. We were impre sed with the reac– tion on the part of those who had attc11dcli. 1-Icrc arc jt1st a few cx- crr>t.. - ., [~\'cryt hing w a~ J U5l grca t. 11,e spc'" kcr~ were extraordin aril y fine.· - "... tl1c 1nos t hcl pful , mo'; t cl141Ilcngi11g and mo~t enjoyab le con- tcrcncc I 'vc ever a tt ended ." - " t1perlatives would fail me in my n1cager attempts to expres my per– onal fee lings toward the Regul ar Bapti t Press Leadership Seminar at c--amp Patmos." - ul have been to everal Leadership Training Seminars. This was one of the best!' ' We repeat, these are but a "few'· excerpts. There were many, many more. All of them complimenting the Regular Baptist Press for a job - "well done' '! Many who wrote expressed the hope that more such conferences be held in the future. THE CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION , • 0. lex 1I056, Clevefan4, Ohle 44111 Founded 1904 FUNDAMENTAL - BAPTISTIC - EVANGELISTIC Evangelizing the "kinsme11" of our Lord in Cleveland, Ohio Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil OFFICERS :- M r . George B. Dunn, President Rev. Roy Clark. Vice President Rev . Gerald Y. Smelser, Super111te11dent Rev. A. Paul Tadball, Asst . Supt . Mr . Earl Helfrick , Sec'y .-Treas. Write fot you, Pl!! copy of QUltterly m.a1a1tne devoted to REFERENCES :- Dr. James T. Jeremiah, Cedarville, Ohio Dr. Paul Yan Gorder, A1lanta, Ga. Dr. Vaughn Sprunger. South Bend, Ind. Re v. Lloyd Morris, Flint , Mi ch . Dr. Robert Ketcham, C hicago. Ill. Dr. Ra! ph Stoll. Lancaster, Pa . Dr. Melvin V. Efaw. Hu ntingto n, W. Va . Dr . Frank C. Torrey. Boca Rat o n. Fla . Dr. Warren Y. Bibighaus, Haddon Hts., New Jersey ''The Trumpeter f0t larNI" OU# the wo,lc of Jewiah evenoelillft. not ord inary person net but m issionaries expertly trai ned to win souls to Chr ist through mass evangelism. not ordi nary trucks, but " talking trucks" equipped electronically to give a resounding voice to the Gospel. not ordinary literature by people, but the living Word of God in the lan– guage of the people. PTL is penetrating the Iron Curtain ... getting behind the Bamboo Curta in . .. breaking down barriers in America, as well as in Southeast Asia, Latin America and Europe. Your mission dollars go furthest when effectively and efficientl y invested in PTL's far-flung ministry of Gospel distribution and evangelism. Write for your free copy of World-Wide News and a positive plan to make your own persona l evangelism more effective. J . Edward Smith, International Director POCKET TESTAJ.\,fENT LEAGUE, INC. Dept. 0, 49 Honeck St., Englewood, N.J. 07631 • ,-------------------------------------------------------------------------1 I I I I I I I I I I Please send World-Wide News and informa tion about your ministry. Name___________ ~ Address______ _ _____ City JState___ _ ___ _____________Zip______ I I I I I I I I I I L-------------------------------------------------------------------------J 12 AUGUST • SEPTEMBER, 1973 A Faithful Witness "A beautiful incident in the ex· pcricncc o f Queen Victorja is worth rcn1embering. It has been published a11d JS unquestionably authentic. The Queen had a tte nded a ser vice in St. Paul's Cathedr al and had listened to a sermon that interested her greatly, then she asked her chaplain if one could be absolutely sure in this life of et ernal safety. Hi s answer wa that he knew of no way that one could be absolutely sure. "This was published in the Court Ncws and fell under the eye of an humble minister of the Gospel, John Townsend , an intimate friend of George Mueller, whose life of faith led to the founding of his ~11-known orphanages. Thi s John Townsend was the father of the famous 'Sister Abigail ,' another Christian of extra– ordinary faith and service. After reading of Queen Victoria's question and the answer she received~ John Townsend thought and prayed much about the matter, then sent the following note to the Queen." " 'To her gracious Majesty, our be– loved Queen Victoria, from one of her most humble subjects: With trembling hands, but heart-filled love, and because I know that we can be a b s o 1u t e I y sure of our eternal life in the Home that Jesus went to prepare, may I ask your Most Gracious Majesty to read the follow· ing passages of Scripture: John 3 : 16; Romans 10: 9, 1O? These passages prove there is full assurance of sal– vation by faith in our Lord Jesus Christ for those who believe and accept His finished work. I sign my– self, your servant for Jesus' sake, John Townsend.' "John Townsend was not alone in praying about his letter to the Queen. He took others into his confidence, and much prayer from many hearts ,:vent up to God. In about a fortnight he received a modest-looking envel– ope containing the following letter" ' ' 'To John Townsend: Your letter of recent date received and in reply would state that I have carefully and pray– erfully read the portions of Scripture referred to. I believe in the finished work of Christ for me, and trust by God's grace to meet you in that Home of which He said, 'I go to prepare a place for you.' (Signed) Victoria Guelph." AVAl LABLE FOR ... Pulpit Supply-Special Meetings– Weekend Meetings Rev. Ernest G. Riley · Box 62 Berlin Heights, Ohio-44814 Phone (4 19) 588-2212 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST