The Ohio Independent Baptist, August/September 1973
''With The Lord'' One of the difficulties in editing a monthly n1agazine i that so often we cannot inform our readers of something that has happened until a month or so has slipped by. We especially regret it has taken so long to inform our readers concerning the death of our dear friend Mr. Lou Obitts. Brother Obitts was a long-time member of the First Baptist Church in Elyria, Ohio ( since 1915). During his years, he had a spiritual impact upon hundreds of people in Elyria, across the state of Ohio and even unto the ends of the earth. He was always a friend to any true child of God. He shared the love and zeal of the Saviour down through the years. There were many who w e I c o m e d him "Home" who had been led there through his witi ness. Many more will follow! He was a blessing to every pastor that minis– tered at First Baptist in Elyria. He was a blessing to many pastors throughout our OARBC Fellowship. To know him was to be blessed! Though limited in recent years by blindness and deafness, he was ac– tive in church attendance until six months ago. He was ninety-one years of age. "Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord ... they may rest from their labors; and their works do .follow them." (Rev. 14: 13) Takes New Name Word was received recently inform– ing us that the Northside Baptist Church of Lima, Ohio (Rev. John Lawhead, pastor) has changed its name to the Berean Baptist Church. It is located at 633 West Ashton Ave, Lima, Ohio - 45801. Phone: ( 419) 223-4556. Improving In Health Dr. Raymond F. Hamilton of Port– smouth, Ohio continues to improve in health. He underwent very serious surgery this early summer and was hospitalized for over two months. His condition is much better and is back once ag~in to a full work program. He greatly appreciates the many who prayed for him. AVAILABLE FOR ... Pulpit Supply-Special Meetings– Weekend Meetings Rev . Clayton J . Bates 2246 Fourth Street Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio 44221 Phone : (216) 928-6231 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST Poco - a - Poco by paul matthews Do you love music, but can't sing a note? Would you like a job helping your choir that needs absolutely no mu~ica l talent? Be a choir Librarian. The main purpose, of course, is to handle the music - to see that each choir member is supplied for rehearsals - and to be sure that the appropriate music is available for all performances. The music must be stored conveniently so any particular piece can be reached quickly. Probably storing 1t alphabetically is the best solution. As to the music that is currently being used by the choir, 1t has worked well for each member to have a sturdy folder which can be kept in numerical order. If the music is also numbered , each choir member can constantly use the same piece of music, marking it (in pencil) when necessary. Much of this work can - and should - be done ahead of time. Your choir Director will be glad to let you know what music he wants available. After each performance the music must be stored and put away. A. list. of all music performed is kept by the Librarian for future reference. The L1brar1~n should also keep an up-to-date inventory of the music on hand - sheet music and selections in books which are most frequently used. If you work closely with your Choir Director, there are many littl.e j~bs you can do that will give him more free time - running errands - del1ver1ng messages - anything that does not require technical knowledge. S~ you see, there's only one ability needed to be a Choir .Librarian - and that 1s depend- ability. . If you do not have anyone this job for your c.ho1r, 1 perhaps it is something for you to do. For you, 1t can be a happy experience. OHIO BIRTHPLACE AND HOME OF THE FELLOWSHIP OF BAPTISTS FOR HOME MISSIONS Reaching America at this Strategic Time P.O. BOX 455 El YRIA, OHIO 44035 Phone: (216) 365-7308 DR. KENNETH A. MUCK, President AUGUST • SEPTEMBER, 1973 13
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