The Ohio Independent Baptist, August/September 1973

Returns To Home Missionary Work Rev. Thomas Loper has served effectively as D e a n of Men at Cedarville College for the past six years. Of late, the Lord has been burdening his heart and the heart of his wife to engage in Home Mission– ary work. Prior to serving at Cedarville Col– lege, "the Lopers" were missionaries under the Galilean Baptist Mission. This was from 1958 to 1967. They believe He is directing them to labor once again under this same Board . Brother Loper's work at Cedarville College will be terminated on Sep– tember 1st. This is a step of faith on their part! They must raise a minimum of $340 monthly support . The Lord willing, they will soon be going to Chesaning, Michigan, a village located near Flint, Saginaw and Owosso where a small group of believers (five famili es) have been meeting together. These believers first met on April 22nd. They have already purchased a small church building and took occupancy the first time in early June. Brother and Sister L o p e r covet the prayers of God's children. They are now seeking to raise their neces– sary missionary support by engaging in a deputation ministry. Interested pastors may contact Brother Loper by calling (513) 766-5618 or writing - Rev. Thomas Loper, Cedarville College, Cedarville, Ohio - 45314. After September 1st, please direct all correspondence to Rev. Thomas Loper, The Village Baptist Church, -Box 27, Chesaning, Michiga11 4861 6. 2601 LINCOLN ROAD SOU TH h n • •fen , ,,i,p , t 1 I , " "d • r••,. 1 Ir, ~ 11 h lu Ak UC Crusaders For Christ A VERY ACTIVE GROUP This past summer eight young people and four helpers gave up sum– mer jobs and the usual summer fun to do volunteer work as "Crusaders for Christ". These Crusaders directed a special five-week program which was geared to reach young people from the first grade through gracle nine. This entire effort was sponsored by the First Bapti st Church of Niles, Ohio and directed by its pastor, Rev. Richard Sparling. The eight Crusaders were Cheryl Barker, Debbie Cook, Patti Clay, Hope Marburger, Debbie Cross, Sharon Hale, Tom and Rich Sparling. Rich Sparling was hired by the church to co-direct this program. H e I p e r s included Kathy Sizemore, Lorraine Carr, Pan1 Clay and Kenny Marburger. Miss Cindy Bennett did the art work for the staff which in– cluded the making of many posters used to advertise the program. Weeks were spent, under the di– rection of Rev. Sparling, studying unique ways of teaching Christ through object lessons, singing, dem– onstrations, flannelgraph, puppets, gospel magic, Chalk talks and others. The various "Spiritual a n d weeks included a Physical Fitness Week", a "Day Camp Week", a "Sports and Crafts Clinic Week" and a uBoys and Girls in Action Week". All the programs were held at "The Center" which is adjacent to the First Bapti st Church in Niles. This place– "The Center' ' - had only recently been acquired by the church. The yot1ng people spent hours cleaning, scrubbing floors and walls and doing carpentry work to prepare it for their summer program. The Crusaders and their helpers first became interested in this pro– gram last October - 1972. During that month, Rev. Sparling had been holding a weekly Bible Club every Thursday at the Parsonage study where he discussed the Bible with High School and College age stu– dents. They became so intense in their Bible studies that they became burdened to do something for the Lord. It was out of this that this summer program became a reality. In looking back, there is much for which to praise the Lord. Hearts were blessed! After the last session of the summer program had become a part of history, the Crusaders met for a full week and analyzed that which had been accomplished. THE CHILDREN'S GOSPEL HOUR, INC. Henry C. Geiger, Executive Director-Livingston, Tenn. 38570 Presenting Jesus Christ to Youth by Radio and TV PRAY FOR THE SALVATION OF BOYS AND GIRLS The Children's Gospel Hour i.a now on 90 radio and 30 TV stations each week Pray that more stations will take the program. The you th of America need to hear the Gospel now Write for future information . R•dio : WCOl-FM, Columbu1 - S•turd•ys, 11 :30 a.m. WTTO, Toledo - Saturd•ys, 7 :15 •.m. AUGUST • SEPTEMBER, 1973 5