The Ohio Independent Baptist, August/September 1973
Pioneering In oh·o pril _ J. 1 , \\ ~l" the first n1cct- ir1g of a lie Ii atcll grl>tlJJ of pcc)plc '"' i 11 a 111c.1l l , i II age Br{)\\ 11"' i I le. 0 h10 1"l1erc ,, er' 12 I coplc prc~cnl anli ior fi , c ) cars tl1c persc, crc(i. h e y ,, 'fC rccngnizcd in October of 1969 ,, ith nn a,,cragc attc11dancc of 25. In 1ar h <.1f 197.... Re,. Un1baugh be– gan correspondence ,,·ith a young n1an. Re,,. harlcs Alexander, who later 1 e ponded to do pioneer mis– '" ionar, ,,·ork. and an wered the call of the e dear people in Brownsville. The folio,, ing 1 Mrs. Alexander,s hon1e)' ,, 1 ay of telling of God's leading. "B11t nt)' God sl1all sc1pply all yoc,r 11eed according to His riches in glory h)· Clzrist Jesi,s." ( Philippians 5:19) THE LORD PROVIDES THE CONVICTION TO GO WHERE HE CALLS. When the Lord called us to the little village of Brownsville, ju t out ide of New Matamora, Ohio, we went. There was no available housing so we lived in the unfinished church - no plumbing facilities, no water, no heat salary $20.00 a week and no job. The nearest stores are 8 miles and it is 40 miles to the nearest shopping plaza. Things just aren't convenient. THE LORD PROVIDES FOR THE NEEDS. The Lord provided my husband with a job about two weeks after arriving here and you'll never believe where! It is right next door to the church, building a house for a Christian couple from Barber– ton, Ohio. The next step in His pro– vision was a place to live and He pro– vided a mobile home 12' by 68' within reach of our finances. We were able to place it on the church property. Water came shortly after by means of a hand pump installed by the couple from Barberton in their well. We can walk out our back door and with a little exercise we are able to get good cold water. Two cisterns a11 I ar1 clcclric pt1n1p were i11stallc(l 11 , tl1 cht1rcl1 so we soon had run– ning ,vatcr into tl1c tr,1 iJcr and church. .- he l ord stJ ()plicd abu ndant rain for ot1r ci'itcrns during the summer of 197 . Tl1c trailer i l1 eatcc.l electrically and so in no time ~ e were very con1fortable. A wonderft1l experience 1 ~ to watch how the Lord works and hov.- He provides our every need. We <;oon had ome support from out- 5ide individual and churches and we are thankful for the $90.00 a month that this brings in . The church people were wonderful to us and helped with our first trailer payment as well as gifts of money to help with car expense, postage and food. The Lord is still providing funds from people and churches who are in– terested in reaching our own home– land for Christ and we never cease to be amazed who He uses and how He goes about it. Our God ls A Great God!" THE LORD PROVIDES SOCIAL– LY. Our rural area stil l does things that the "good ole" days bring back to memory. Gardening is a popular spring affair and the people are ready to share their garden produce with each other. Quilting bees are really popular in the fall and winter. Oh, what fun it is gathering with a group of ladies around the quilting frames. They had to teach me just how to put the quilt in and how to make tiny stitches. Quilting and visiting to– gether helps establish good neighbor relationships with those in our com– munity. We are thankful for this op– portunity that gets us better acquaint– ed with our area. Making friends is necessary in reaching people for Christ and in establishing a new Bap– tist Church. Are YOU willing to go where He calls no matter what the cost? His word is true and He n e v e r fails! "Faithful is H e that ca/Leth you , who also will do it." (I Thess. 5: 24) . . . MYRNA KAY ALEXANDER HOLY LAND CRUISE 5 Countries - Departing Oct. 22 FROM CLEVELAND 6 AUGUST· SEPTEMBER, 1973 $799.00 ATTENTION· PASTORS: Co-Host with us and earn your tour Write or Call: For Brochure - (all inclusive) REV. & MRS. CHARLES TEAGLE 3016 Sunside Drive Akron, Ohio 44321 (216) 666-3402 or (216) 666-8208 God's Formula For A Good Song Service In Fir5t Corinthians 14:15 we arc told how a song service should be conducted. " I will sing with the spirit, and I will sing with the un– derstanding also." Three things stand out 1n this staten1ent : I . "I i,,vill sing." There are usually some in a congregation who cannot sing. However, this is only true of a few. Therefore, if we are going to have a good song service everyone who can sing must sing. 2. I will sing "with the spirit." The spirit is that part of us that puts us in touch with God. Therefore, we must keep our mind upon the Lord and mag– nify Him in our singing. 3. I will sing ''with the under– standing." We must follow the line of thinking in the words of the song and transmit the message of the song to our own heart and the hearts of others. ''Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, sing– ing and making melody in your heart to the Lord.' ' (Ephesians 5: 19) . .. B. F. CATE Brother Ted Wimer Called Home On June 24th, following a heart attack, Rev. Ted Wimer (BMM - Republic of Chad) was called Home suddenly. He had preached on Sun– day morning at the Worthington Bap– tist Church, Worthington, Pennsyl– vania. Later in the afternoon he bad a tightness in his chest and an am– bulance was called to take him to Butler. He was unconscious when the ambulance reached the hospital and went to be with the 1 ord at 6: 30. • We trust that our O.I.B. readers will remember to pray for his wife Lila and the rest of the family. Their son, Gordon, is serving in Sarh, Re– public of Chad (BMM). Another son, Arthur, is at Ippy, Central Afri– can Republic (BMM). A third son, Donald, is living here in the States. Brother Ted Wimer was a gradu– ate of Practical Training Bible In– stitute and was accepted as a mission– ary under Baptist Mid-Missions in 1922. He and his wife recently cele– brated their 50th anniversary. Most of their years were spent in the Lord's service in Africa. What a glorious experience for Brother Ted . . . "absent from the body - present with the Lord!" THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST •
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