The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1972
eart omen - Mrs. Earl Umbaugh - Women's Editor- PRIO RITIES " JI u·,, !,, (. i11 1/1t.' pirit. tl1 en let 11s also lvalk in tl1e Spirit." (~a la tian~ 5 · 25 ) our f a111it,,. \ 'Our cht1rch, your • "ho I. , our countr)'. your neighbor- • h d a nd , our friend . ye , and even " ~ our elf all ]a)' c laim to your time and ~ 011r talent . How do you know how t proper!}· di tribute the hours of ) our da)' ? The telephone rings! Flat– tering con1pliment are given for a job \\ell done and then-a request follows \Vith a new opportunity to serve. In accepting. } 'OU forget the spare mo– n1ent . (hour ) that are spent in prepa– ra tion a nd planning r ather than in relaxed time with your family. Vance H a\'ner a;: in hi book, Pleasant Patl1s. "I am convinced that if the Devil can't make us lazy, he'll make u o bu y· here and there that the best i acrificed for the good .., There i a fine line of judgment here. We dare not sacrifice our horr1e re pon ibilities to take up church re- pon ibilities. On the other hand we dare not u e our family responsibi lities a an excuse for not serving our Lord in H i church. West Moriah Fellowship The Women' s West Moriah Mission– a ry F ellowship met on Tuesday, Sep– tember 19th a t the Pine Hil1s Bapti st Church. Columbus. The theme for the day \>.,as - "God 's Precious Jewels." There were 139 ladies present and 17 churches represented. A hor t devotional was centered on Mark IO: 46 by Mrs. Gar y Hohma n of the F aith Baptist Church in Commer – cial Poi nt. T he Su nda}· following Va len tine's Day \l, as et aside by the member West Moriah Project D ay. Th~ proJect having previously been decided to be missionaries P at Barkle)' and N anc}' T owle. The m1ss1onary speaker, Mrs. Bettv ~ yer (FBHM) from We5t Browns– \' tlle. Penns}·Jvan1a expanded the theme 10 NOVEMBER, 1972 C. R. Erdman says, " P a siona te de– votion to things which are vital deliv– ered the Apostle Paul from bitterness of soul from anger and ill will. Dis– appointments m ay be used for perfect– ing character a nd for the glory of Christ." El la Mae Miller in her book, A Woman in Her Ho,ne sets forth a few idea to help in setting Priorities. Each day, in your time with the Lord sched– ule your jobs for the day. Write them down. List them according to priority. If the call comes to add a responsi– bi lity a k for time to pray over the matter for a day or two. Two days' time for reflection , for discussing with your husband and family, for ta1king it over with God a nd waiting His an– swer wi ll give clear discernment in the matter. Then accept or decline know– ing Galation 5: 25 has been at work in your life. "If we live in the spirit, then let us also walk in the Spirit." and gave a challenging and heart- tir- • ring message. This was a day well spent in C hri s– ti a n fe llowsh ip a nd one long to be remembered. . .. . Mrs. Leona rd McCa lli ter , Sec . Cedarville College Women's Fellowship The GAMMA CHAPTE R of Ce– darvi lle C ollege's Women Fellowship will meet on November 14 (Tuesday) at the Ca lvary Baptist C hurch , 5851 East Wallings Road , C leveland Ohio. !ake Route 77 to exit ma rked "Wall- 1ngs Road " or Route 21 to Walling Road. Mr . Henry D. Phillips from the col– lege wi ll be our speaker. Hi s theme ,.v iii be .. . "Whe re thcrc~s a WJI.. J there ' ' a way." Me n arc invited to a ttcncl. Rrir1g a "cac;c;crolc,, ( hot or co)c.l) and yotir own table crvice. offec, tea anti rol ls wi ll be ftirnic;;hed. We pl an on eating at 6:45 p.m. Women's Retreat At Skyview Ranch Our Skyview Women's Retreat was a uccess! There were 147 ladies pres– e11 t who had previously registered plus a few folk who drove in each day. The C hristian fellowship was great! The offerings were very good. After paying a ll expenses, there was enough left to leave $ 150 toward the mortgage on the camp. The Calvary Trio from Mogadore ( Lois Keeling, Ruth Harris and Sandy Jones), the Ladies Trio from the Me– morial Baptist Church in Columbus ( Liz Pennington, Virginia Ponzani and Linda Yankovich ), as well as, Mrs. Harry Ramsey and Mrs. Frank Odor were our guest musicians. Mrs. C harles Moore mini stered at the piano for the retreat. Dates have been set for next year . They are September 21 , 22 and 23. Hope to see you then! Quotes From Women's Retreats " It's such a relaxed time. ,. "O, the beautiful night sounds!" " Isn't the moon lovely reflected o n the lake. " "So different being out here than in · the city." "The water was great! So refresh - ' ing!" "Look at the fish flop! " "You've no idea how much I look forward to thi s every year." "Prai se the Lord, He met my need today. It was a verse I knew well but · He cleared it all up with Galatians 2: 20." "I want to go one more time around the Jake in the paddle boat before go– ing home." "Tl1e food was great! " " May I have that reci e?·' THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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