The Ohio Independent Baptist, November 1972
Northfield Church Hosts Conference ·1he -.)rtl1field Bapt1 t hurch wa hl t to the orth An1er1can Field <.. (~t1nctl t:\\IOns of Bapti t tvtid-Mi - ll)n, ..\ t1gt1 t 1 2- 1 6. According to Pas- ... t(,r l.. , no Roger . approxima tely 200 ,, ere reg1 tered. fed and hou ed. ..... ~t 1 1onar1e came from Al a ka aliforn1a. Arizona. ew Engl and , Qt1ebec. Florida and tate in between, along \\ ith fou r appointees to Hawaii . 1~teen d1tferent type of mini tries in lorth America were repre ented. The Northfield church prepared a n1i ionary " tore,' ' tocked with thou– sand of useful items for the mission– arie clothing, linens, food house– hold uppJie and teaching materials. Everything was lovel y well organized and attractively di played. Many of the i terns were expensive and well chosen. The mi ssionaries were delighted and grateful for the fine selection of prac– tical items. SATISFIED WITH YOUR MUSIC MINISTRY? If not, for just $8.00 you can receive three units of study which are TRIED and PROVEN methods for greater SUCCESS in your CHURCH MUSIC PRO– GRAM. Unit one is to be sent out in October. Send your checks to - Paul H. Matthews 3488 Fairmont Blvd. Cleveland Heights, Ohio - 44118 (Be sure to include your name, address and z ip code) THE CLEVELAND HEBREW MISSION P. 0. lox 11056, Clevelancl, Ohio 44111 Founded 1904 FUNDAMENTAL - BAPTISTIC - EVANGELISTIC Evangelizing the "kinsmen" of our Lord in Cleveland, Ohio Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, Brazil OFFICERS :- ~1 r. George B Dunn, Pres1de11t Rev. Ro} Clark, Vice President Re1v . Gerald V. Smelser, Superintendent Rev. A Paul T1dball, Asst. Supt. Mr. Earl Helfrick , Sec'>·. -Treas. REFE RENC ES :- Dr. 1 ohn G . Balvo, C leveland, Ohio D r. Paul Yan Gorder, Atlanta.. Ga. Dr. Vaughn Sprunger, South Bend, Ind . Rev. Lloyd Morris, Flint, Mich . Dr. Robert Ketcham, C hicago, Ill. Dr. Ralph Stoll , Lancaster, Pa. Dr. Melvin Y. Efaw, Huntington, W. Va. Dr. F rank C. Torrey, Boca Raton, Fla . Dr. Kenneth Masteller, Haddon Hts., N .J. Write fot you, FR!E copy of ' 'The Trumpeter fo, 1,,.. 1" our qu1rte,ly ~zfne devoted to the wo,k of Jewish eveft9elllffl. 12 NOVEMBER, 1972 Women's Missionary Societies from the following churches contributed generously to the missionary "store," helping to make it the success that it certainly was: Northfield B a p t i s t Church , Madison Avenue Baptist Church, Berea Baptist Church, and North Royalton Baptist Church. A ht1ge "thank you" to them from all of the North American missionaries. Ordained to Baptist Ministry The Bethel Baptist Church of Elyria, Ohio (Rev. Walter Spieth, Pastor) called for an Ordination Council to convene on September 15th to ex– amine for ordination Mr. Russell Baker. After a thorough examination, the Council recommended unanimous– ly that the church proceed with the ordination. At a later date a special Ordination Service was held. Rev. Elton Hukill delivered the main address. Others having part in the program were Rev. Howard Reinhold of Avon, Ohio and Rev. Joseph Fritz of Oberlin, Ohio. Brother Baker's father, a trustee in the ordaining church, presented his on with the certificate of ordination. Rev. Baker has accepted a call to serve as Assistant Pastor of the West Asheville Bapti t Church in Asheville, North Carolina. The Bethel Baptist Church of Elyria i only two years old and is under the Cht1rch Development Program of Bnptists Mid-Missions. AVAILABLE FOR . . . Pulp it Supply and or Sermons in Song REV. GEORGE P. ZINN Route 3, Huber Road I Norwalk, Ohio - 44857 Tel. (419) 668-8072 THE OHIO INDEPENDENT BAPTIST
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